Are Shiites kuffar?


Milf hunter
Now I don't want to do takfir, that is up for the culamaa', however, I'd like to share with you these interesting videos made by the YouTube channels "Anti Majos" and "Sunni Defence", who specialize in exposing Shia clerics and their fraudulent beliefs



Certified Liin Distributor
They still do the 5 Pillars they're just misguided I guess. Embarrassing self flagellators though, Imagine putting Ali on a pedestal and focusing on him more than even other prophets.
They still do the 5 Pillars they're just misguided I guess. Embarrassing self flagellators though, Imagine putting Ali on a pedestal and focusing on him more than even other prophets.
they lie about Aisha RA that means they don't believe in surah nur and if you deny a ayah in the quran kafir billahi caletyk baa tahay. But that's is the rawafida I don't know about the others.


Male Male Male Male
Now I don't want to do takfir, that is up for the culamaa', however, I'd like to share with you these interesting videos made by the YouTube channels "Anti Majos" and "Sunni Defence", who specialize in exposing Shia clerics and their fraudulent beliefs


The laymen are deviants whilst the scholars are kuffar.




Certified Liin Distributor
they lie about Aisha RA that means they don't believe in surah nur and if you deny a ayah in the quran kafir billahi caletyk baa tahay. But that's is the rawafida I don't know about the others.
Tbh I don't put too much emphasis on the sahaba or ahl-bayt im just trying to get the fundamentals strong and Ill worry about that after.


Milf hunter
Tbh I don't put too much emphasis on the sahaba or ahl-bayt im just trying to get the fundamentals strong and Ill worry about that after.
They elevate their 12 imams to the same status as Prophets

They pray to their imams

Check the videos fam they're pure mushrikeen


Certified Liin Distributor
"SaYiNg Ya ALi Is EqUiVaLeNt tO tHe PrOpHeT ReAdInG tHe ENtiReTy oF tHe QuRaN 18,000 TiMeS"


Male Male Male Male
Now I don't want to do takfir, that is up for the culamaa', however, I'd like to share with you these interesting videos made by the YouTube channels "Anti Majos" and "Sunni Defence", who specialize in exposing Shia clerics and their fraudulent beliefs


Have you seen this video by sunni defence on azhar nassar? The guy got exposed badly :icon lol::icon lol:

