Arab media reports Ahmed Gurey was an Ethnic Somali


Have you heard of Awbube, he was Dir and he was mentioned in Futuh Al Habasha. Funny thing is, he came from one of the Dir subclans that have become somewhat Oromised. The Gurgura Dir.

Futuh Al Habasha

His pyramid grave

The town of Halua also known as Awbube, named after him where he is buried:


Even Richard Burton visited it:
Arab media reports Ahmed Gurey, the famous leader of the Adal Sultanate, was a Gadabursi/Samaroon Dir from Zayla.

It looks like the Ahmed Gurey debate is over. He was a Gadabursi/Samaroon Dir from Zayla and his dynasty Walashma was ethnically Dir Somali.
Holy shit he was Samaroon???!!?

Replace Mewtwo with Gadauursi, that's how I'm feeling right now.
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We should all be proud that Ahmed Gurey was Somali but relax with the false claims. There’s absolutely no evidence of Ahmed Gurey being Dir or any Somali clan. We should just be happy that he’s Somali and let’s just leave it at that.

Let’s talk more about his achievements, his battles and character! What he did and who was his family. Let’s talk more about the Adal state and it’s political system. What clan he belonged to is unnecessary and a waste of time.

