Anyone else here an antinatalist?

Learn to spell "More" you dyslexic shelf stacker. "Your country" as if she isn't Somali herself or your just larper who knows few Somali word - I doubt the westerners you prostrate too see you any different or one of them. You wish for us to become multicultural, lol. Somalis marrying out more then ever is pure myth and fantasy for you Murtad Femcels and funniest thing is unlike you from statistic point of view it is the men who breed out the most in Europe and western communities.

We are the only people on the continent of Africa who have the largest landmass for a single ethnic group and have a nation named after our ethnic identity and language - Tribalism sometimes is good from leading us away from how the west and white mans world is about to be destroyed by Jewish led multiculturalism.
It's a vintage meme tard
You're a walking meme lmao, kullaha kill da jews, you really are antisemitic yikes
I'm speaking generally. Most anti-natalists are considered losers. He should definitely not be talking about this subject at all. This thread is quite long, so I may have missed some of his posts. Apologies if you are right.

Lol, you are going to achieve nothing, man.
Brain fart. Meant to say she & her. @The alchemist :mjkkk:
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I put Books to the Test of Life
It's a vintage meme tard
You're a walking meme lmao, kullaha kill da jews, you really are antisemitic yikes
I doubt you even work in corporate with that reading comprehension who said "Kill da Jews"? Well am not surprised the Liberal Cuck is Yahud worshipper too lol makes sense since they created that degeneracy fed to you lot including Marxism, let me guess being Anti-Israel is also antisemitic and pointing out the obvious that Jews consider non jews goyim(cattle) and inferior that where made to serve the chosen people? or maybe the plain and simple statistical fact that American media and Hollywood is Jewish owned and dominated? etc. I guess then Pointing out Blacks make up majority of crime and prison inmates is also Anti- Black and talking on Somali Piracy is Anti-Somali, you see how we can all make up our own terms to hide the obvious facts.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
It's a vintage meme tard
You're a walking meme lmao, kullaha kill da jews, you really are antisemitic yikes
says the 4channer
I doubt you even work in corporate with that reading comprehension who said "Kill da Jews"? Well am not surprised the Liberal Cuck is Yahud worshipper too lol makes sense since they created that degeneracy fed to you lot including Marxism, let me guess being Anti-Israel is also antisemitic and pointing out the obvious that Jews consider non jews goyim(cattle) and inferior that where made to serve the chosen people? or maybe the plain and simple statistical fact that American media and Hollywood is Jewish owned and dominated? etc. I guess then Pointing out Blacks make up majority of crime and prison inmates is also Anti- Black and talking on Somali Piracy is Anti-Somali, you see how we can all make up our own terms to hide the obvious facts.
I don't give a shit about that, you really thought you ate haha
This was a troll thread btw, thanks for the free entertainment guys :)
“This was a troll thread btw, thanks for the free entertainment guys :)
This thread really helped the forum become fully natalist, one of the goals I have always wanted when I joined
Yeah, in retrospect it’s good to expose the extreme end of people who delay having children/getting married or don’t care for having family/kids are really like.

Hopefully some people on this site recognize the miserable root they’re going down now. These kinds of ideologies should be a wake up call to the Muslim community in the west and our Somali community who are lacking in getting involved in our children’s family planning.
Yeah, in retrospect it’s good to expose the extreme end of people who delay having children/getting married or don’t care for having family/kids are really like.

Hopefully some people on this site recognize the miserable root they’re going down now. These kinds of ideologies should be a wake up call to the Muslim community in the west and our Somali community who are lacking in getting involved in our children’s family planning.
In all honesty having kids is a waste of time, who tf wants to raise children? Shits a hassle


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