Any of you guys into the MBTI?


INTJ wouldnt look to deep into this anyway 2bh since you can flipflop between different types overtime as your world experience changes


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
I’m INTJ, the autistic recluse type
Makes sense.
Have You Ever Had A Dream Wtf GIF
Alright people I'll explain the first basic part of your types: the dichotomies.

I vs E: relationship with the outer and inner world

Introversion isn't necessarily being socially reserved, but it usually manifests this way because you're focused more on your inner world and reflecting on events than adapting and focusing on experiences in the external world.

Extroversion is a focus on the external world and the happenings in it. You embrace the objective and adapt to it. As a result, these types are considered more relaxed than their introverted counterparts, but can also be viewed as a little more shallow. They tend to experience more in life than introverts however.

S vs N: how you gather information

Sensation focuses on the physical world and trusts their senses to figure out information. They prefer details and facts. They're more focused on the material than the abstract and are usually a lot more practical than intuitive types because of this. Experiential, even if they are introverted, they can still somewhat seem social due to their embrace of the external world.

Intuition focuses on connected information processed from your unconscious. This comes in the form of hunches you have. They're less focused on the physical and more interested in the conceptual and abstract. They tend to be less practical than sensing types, but they are usually more insightful with their conclusions.

T vs F: how you make decisions

Thinking types prefer to focus on things than on people. It's usually considered masculine archetypically. Decisions are made in a systematic and impersonal level. The focus is on understanding things and how they work. They prefer to work in environments where they don't have to think too much about the human factor.

Feeling types prefer to focus on harmony and emotional expression. It's usually considered feminine archetypically. Decisions are made with valuations and ethics in mind. They tend to excel in areas involving their own feelings and authenticity or on the social dynamics of life and dealing with problems in that regard. They are rational and generally consistent with their ethical views and tend to adapt usually to ensure social harmony.

J vs P: one's lifestyle in the external world

Judging types tend to focus on being more decisive when acting on the external world. They want things organized, settled and planned out. They are usually deemed more put together and structured, even the introverted ones (since they only see this side of them). Not usually a fan of surprises, these types prefer to ensure things involving them are under control.

Perceiving types tend to focus more on opportunities and less on decided on plans. Explorative by nature, they don't like to be bound or stuck in their ways. They prefer to be adaptive to situations and like to take things day by day. Although less structured, they can be somewhat more risk taking in comparison to their judging counterparts, taking on more opportunities in the external world.


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