Any ex Muslim Somalis?

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Seek knowledge young bro stop using emotional reasoning and don't follow suugo intellectual scientist cults.

Indeed, the doctrines of Heliocentrism, Big Bang and Darwinian Evolution have been proven to be dogma used to control the masses. All of which are propagated by the occult elite through their various institutions.
1. God is apparently all powerful and yet wants praise in the form of prayer. It’s fair to say that a powerful being wouldn’t value being praised or blasphemed against.
2. God predetermined everything that will ever happen and yet punishes people. What kind of god is taken aback or upset by something he predetermined?
3. Islam is directly from god and yet Quran verses contradict one another and scholars resort to the pisspoor explanation that “this was revealed at a later time or things were abrogated”
4. God lowered Jesus’s standing in heaven because people took him as god rather than Allah, even though Jesus himself never claimed to be god according to Islam. In other words, god is mad because Jesus unintentionally stole the limelight.
5. The prophet of Islam literally flew riding a unicorn. Unicorns don’t exist.
6. God ordered people to pray facing a rock in Saudi Arabia, completely failing to account for the fact that the earth isn’t flat and you can’t “face” the Kaaba.
7. If Islam were the truth, the most Islamic nations would be the most successful in terms of human development and general welfare. It’s a fair test: if you worship god, it will be reflected in your standing in the world. Instead we see that Muslim nations are plagued by corruption, bribery, poverty and crime (with some exceptions).

Some will claim that the non-Muslim world is successful ‘only in this world’ and not in the hereafter, without realizing the irony that you made the point that worship doesn’t work. How pathetic is it to say that ‘we’ll be better than you in the hereafter’? Either put up or shut up. If god exists, Saudi Arabia would be a desirable place to live. It’s so not desirable that their leadership is trying to change.

And for those of you who will try to twist the definition of success, why didn’t your family move to Pakistan to leach off that government instead of a European or American government?
You went to western countries because Muslim countries are shitholes. Either that or you were drawn to the ‘filthy’ lifestyle of the west. Your call.

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All my religious patients are always content with their suffering. Just an observation. I can’t say much for the non believers.


Bonnie & Clyde <3
All my religious patients are always content with their suffering. Just an observation. I can’t say much for the non believers.

It because they have something to lean, but when you're a godless person you don't have zilch to lean on.
Indeed, the doctrines of Heliocentrism, Big Bang and Darwinian Evolution have been proven to be dogma used to control the masses. All of which are propagated by the occult elite through their various institutions.


Many Muslims on this board believe that you and I (as an atheist) will be roasted in “hell” as non-believers. Moreover, they consider that you christians demean God by calling Issa, ‘the son of god’. What’s your take on that?

Many Muslims on this board believe that you and I (as an atheist) will be roasted in “hell” as non-believers. Moreover, they consider that you christians demean God by calling Issa, ‘the son of god’. What’s your take on that?

Look, obviously as a Christian I believe Muslims are dead wrong in their theology, similarly they think we followers of Jesus are mistaken, and you as an Athiest think we are all mentally ill, kkkkkkkkkk.
Look, obviously as a Christian I believe Muslims are dead wrong in their theology, similarly they think we followers of Jesus are mistaken, and you as an Athiest think we are all mentally ill, kkkkkkkkkk.


You got it right and particularly the last sentence. As an adult, if I always speak to an imaginary friend, I will be diagnosed with a mental illness but make it an institution to not only have conversations with an imaginary boss, but beg him for mercy and curse your enemies by invoking him, it’s called religion. No pun intended.
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