Andrew Tate received thousands of letters from Muslim supporters whilst in prison, but his brother didn’t receive any letters from Christians

This is a revert who after converting Islam compared himself to Allah and said he is a lord and everyone should submit to him.

Not even gaals have that level of pharaonic arrogance.

He was corrected. He then deleted the tweet. What happened to giving people of the doubt. He is a new revert and is in the process of learning Islam.

What do you stand for Horta? You even claimed that he still needs to make near blasphemous and sexual remarks so that he doesn’t become ‘poor’ lol.

Seek help.

The one who believes in another idol call "Feminist" is you here. You pretend to be a Muslim, yet can't afford the benefit to a new Muslim revert. As it is clear in our faith, forgiveness is always available to those want to take it. That means Andrew Tate being a new Muslim revert has a clean stake. I am making dua for him that he beats the charges and he continues his journey. I am sure that will reform many of his past deeds.
He was corrected. He then deleted the tweet. What happened to giving people of the doubt. He is a new revert and is in the process of learning Islam.

The one who believes in another idol call "Feminist" is you here.
Projection, I’ve never called myself a feminist, yet you most definitely said a man with a net worth of at least 100 mill will be ‘poor’ for not saying shameless sexual stuff.

Therefore, what do you stand for? Like seriously
You pretend to be a Muslim, yet can't afford the benefit to a new Muslim revert.
@World, @Periplus @jemappelle @Keep it a boqol 💯 @Qeelbax

Look at this Takfir because I dared to criticize Tate. This is a mental health crisis at this point.

‘Pretend’ he is calling his Muslim Somali sister from a Muslim family a gaal in order to support a pimp who compared himself to Allah.

I’ve never said anything that is shirk, yet Tate did but you condemn me for what?
As it is clear in our faith, forgiveness is always available to those want to take it.
You’re a hypocrite. You just takfired me. So only Tate gets the benefit of the doubt and us Muslim women get takfir thrown on us.
That means Andrew Tate being a new Muslim revert has a clean stake. I am making dua for him that he beats the charges and he continues his journey. I am sure that will reform many of his past deeds.
Nope, everything I’ve mentioned he did after converting to Islam. When you sin after you convert, you no longer have a clean slate. You cannot take part in shirk and still have a clean slate.
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Man, nobody is looking upto him. We wish him well since he is a Muslim revert. We have gheera for fellow Muslims, especially a brother who just reverted to Islam.
Loool.. No disrespect to you bro, but I don't take Tate's conversion serious.. Why is still pimping women? :mjlol:
Exactly, he hasnt even been found guilty yet majority of Sspot seem to have labelled him guilty. Did they forget innocent until proven guilty habeas corpus !
Have you seen the video of him self snitching? The police don't even need to look for evidence :snoop: :drakewtf:
You know there is a clear problem in the Ummah when this Islamic teacher tweeted a basic fact and a lot of Tate supporters are getting defensive:

Projection, I’ve never called myself a feminist, yet you most definitely said a man with a net worth of at least 100 mill will be ‘poor’ for not saying shameless sexual stuff.

I never stated he should continue making anything statements that contradict Islam. But he is free to continue everything else he does in order to make a living. I stated he shouldn't stop making a living because some Somali men-hating, old feminist, sitting somewhere in the Gulf who has a gaal name aka @Angelina wants him to stop. I'm pretty sure many would agree with me.

Therefore, what do you stand for? Like seriously

I stand for giving the benefit of the doubt to a new Muslim revert. He is starting with a clean slate, he shared tweets that showed him performing the required 5 daily prayers. Therefore, I am making duas that he will insha'Allah beat the charges and continues his journey to Islam. Most reverts turned out the best Muslims that you can find after they reverted to Islam.

@World, @Periplus @jemappelle @Keep it a boqol 💯 @Qeelbax

Look at this Takfir because I dared to criticize Tate. This is a mental health crisis at this point.

‘Pretend’ he is calling his Muslim Somali sister from a Muslim family a gaal in order to support a pimp who compared himself to Allah.

I’ve never said anything that is shirk, yet Tate did but you condemn me for what?

You’re a hypocrite. You just takfired me. So only Tate gets the benefit of the doubt and us Muslim women get takfir thrown on us.

Yada yada. Looks like she is calling for a backup from others. :dead:

Hey weirdo, I didn't call you kuffar as I am in no position to do that. However, seeing your behavior in this forum, you clearly show you have other diety that you hold him in high regard. That idol is called "feminism". And if you were a genuine Muslim, you would've gotten yourself to give this new Muslim revert the benefit of the doubt since he is a new Muslim revert who is going through the process of reforming and learning.

But your problem is you can't because the other "feminist" idol is holding you back. You can't go past through it.

Look at us (the rest of Muslims). Because we aren't held back by this idol, we can make dua to Allah (swt) that he makes this new Muslim's journey to Islam a smooth one.

Nope, everything I’ve mentioned he did after converting to Islam. When you sin after you convert, you no longer have a clean slate. You cannot take part in shirk and still have a clean slate.

People can make mistakes. He was not born into Muslim household, where Islam was part of family life. He didn't understand the gravity of that tweet. A Muslim scholar reached out to him and told him it is wrong to make that statement. He then deleted it. What else did you want him to do?

But then you're the woman that I've asked if her ajnabi husband is a Muslim, and she refused to answer. She laughed about it. Audubillahi mina shaydaani Rajiim. You have an audacity to judge others. First fix up before you judge others.
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Where is he pimping them? The charges are old, some of them decades ago.
Two of his female helpers (one is an ex sex worker and the other assistant/helper) were arrested at his premise. They would help him watch and detain the girls apparently.

Why were they still in his house? More evidence wil come out. We will see.
Two of his female helpers (one is an ex sex worker and the other assistant/helper) were arrested at his premise. They would help him watch and detain the girls apparently.

Why were they still in his house? More evidence wil come out. We will see.

He was living most of his life in UK and US. Why didn't the authorities arrest if there are any merits to what you're claiming?
Two of his female helpers (one is an ex sex worker and the other assistant/helper) were arrested at his premise. They would help him watch and detain the girls apparently.

Why were they still in his house? More evidence wil come out. We will see.
@Roorigeg is turning all Tate's bad deeds to the blind eye, I don't if he's a true supporter or just a bit naive about Tate's character.
@Roorigeg is turning all Tate's bad deeds to the blind eye, I don't if he's a true supporter or just a bit naive about Tate's character.

When it comes to Muslim reverts, I've seen them going through stages in order to beat old habits. So the guy just reverted to Islam. As Muslims, we have a responsibility of making their journey smooth. I am going past of his past deeds. If he is convicted, I pray to Alah (swt) that he makes it easy for him in the prison. And if he is innocent, he also continues his journey to Islam.

That being said, some in this forum, like our old feminista that goes by @Angelina, are settling scores with him. Their idol is not allowing them to past through their obsession of women and men-hating doctrine, so she and others would do anything to settle score with the guy. His new conversion to Islam is not relevant to them even if he turns out the best Muslim that he can be. They don't care none of that. It is all about settling scores with the guy because he did something to gaalo women while he was non-Muslim.

This idol called "feminist" has a full control on them. It is like the "sixir" that some do on others. Not sure if you know but feminism is sickness. Once people are afflicted with it, they're into another universe. Their beliefs revolve around on what this new idol wants them to do. And that is what we need to understand about their obsession.
I never stated he should continue making anything statements that contradict Islam. But he is free to continue everything else he does in order to make a living. I stated he shouldn't stop making a living because some Somali men-hating, old feminist, sitting somewhere in the Gulf who has a gaal name aka @Angelina wants him to stop. I'm pretty sure many would agree with me.

I stand for giving the benefit of the doubt to a new Muslim revert. He is starting with a clean slate, he shared tweets that showed him performing the required 5 daily prayers. Therefore, I am making duas that he will insha'Allah beat the charges and continues his journey to Islam. Most reverts turned out the best Muslims that you can find after they reverted to Islam.
Do not make me show you a screenshot. What a liar.
Yada yada. Looks like she is calling for a backup from others. :dead:
I don't need back up. I'm merely using you as a case study of how mentally unhinged Tate fans are.
Hey weirdo, I didn't call you kuffar as I am in no position to do that. However, seeing your behavior in this forum, you clearly show you have other diety that you hold him in high regard. That idol is called "feminism".
More lies. What does it mean when you say someone is a 'pretend Muslim'? It means a fake Muslim, hence a gaal. Even I don't say that about Tate.

That is what makes you mentally unstable. You get angry when someone calls Tate a fake Muslim, but will call a Somali Muslim sister 'pretend'.
And if you were a genuine Muslim, you would've gotten yourself to give this new Muslim revert the benefit of the doubt since he is a new Muslim revert who is going through the process of reforming and learning.
Again, more takfir.
But your problem is you can't because the other "feminist" idol is holding you back. You can't go past through it.
Having morals means being against vile displays of Pharonic arrogance, violent sexual comments and pimping. It isn't called feminism, it's called being a good human. Try it sometimes.
Look at us (the rest of Muslims). Because we aren't held back by this idol, we can make dua to Allah (swt) that he makes this new Muslim's journey to Islam a smooth one.
The vast majority apart from low-IQ teens and arrogant Dawah bros who don't want to admit they made a mistake, aren't putting him on a pedestal and are concerned by his ill manners.
People can make mistakes. He was not born into Muslim household, where Islam was part of family life. He didn't understand the gravity of that tweet. A Muslim scholar reached out to him and told him it is wrong to make that statement. He then deleted it. What else did you want him to do?
This isn't a minor mistake. This is a huge character issue. He is influencing a whole generation of boys to think that making vile sexual comments against women and arrogance is cool. Why are we discussing him? Because of how much love you have for his content. He isn't a random man with a simple bad past. He hasn't changed his ways. Makes the same comments before and after Islam. Hardly a shift in character.

Wallah, if he stopped the vile tweets, publicly condemned his former content, stopped going on podcasts talking about sleeping with women and committing zina, no one would have anything to say about Tate.

All of this comparisons to Sahabas is vile Wallahi because as soon as they converted, they made an effort to change.
But then you're the woman that I've asked if her ajnabi husband is a Muslim, and she refused to answer. She laughed about it. Audubillahi mina shaydaani Rajiim. You have an audacity to judge others. First fix up before you judge others.
Saxib, what does my husband's background have to do with anything? Ive told you a million times he is Somali.

At this point, it is as if you're most definitely mentally unstable. Seek help.

Even if I was married to an ajnabi, is that haram? I'm very confused with your train of thought.
@Roorigeg is turning all Tate's bad deeds to the blind eye, I don't if he's a true supporter or just a bit naive about Tate's character.
I'm beginning to think most that support him, also support his actions. That is why they're shamelessly defending him. Fornication, pimping, vile language, talking to and about women as though they're dogs ect. There is a real problem with misogyny. Hence, anything a man does towards women will be excused and seen as 'based'.

Even if Tate becomes imprisoned and deemed guilty. They'll throw the qoute 'innocent until proven guilty' and still support him by making a B.S excuse.

They all condemned the vice documentary by saying it was fake. But I have a question, why was the documentary not fake when they were one of the few platforms to talk about Uyghurs Muslims?
When it comes to Muslim reverts, I've seen them going through stages in order to beat old habits. So the guy just reverted to Islam. As Muslims, we have a responsibility of making their journey smooth. I am going past of his past deeds. If he is convicted, I pray to Alah (swt) that he makes it easy for him in the prison. And if he is innocent, he also continues his journey to Islam.

That being said, some in this forum, like our old feminista that goes by @Angelina, are settling scores with him. Their idol is not allowing them to past through their obsession of women and men-hating doctrine, so she and others would do anything to settle score with the guy. His new conversion to Islam is not relevant to them even if he turns out the best Muslim that he can be. They don't care none of that. It is all about settling scores with the guy because he did something to gaalo women while he was non-Muslim.

This idol called "feminist" has a full control on them. It is like the "sixir" that some do on others. Not sure if you know but feminism is sickness. Once people are afflicted with it, they're into another universe. Their beliefs revolve around on what this new idol wants them to do. And that is what we need to understand about their obsession.
I'm against toxic feminism, but if Tate truly want to become a Muslim and live a clean life why can't he do that in peace and also distance himself from old habits and life.. Remember we are talking about a grown man here not a child that needs excuses.. Do you support due to your deep hatred for toxic feminists?


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