Ancient town of Bender Ziada


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada

Bender Ziada (in Somali Kau) is a small inlet, rather open, and therefore beaten by the winds, in which they cannot find a landing or refuge that elders or small-scale dau. The village consists of a hundred or a little more than huts and four small Arabian brick houses, owned by the Sultan and his relatives. The stable population is approximately 300 souls: and belongs to Rer Uabenaja, which extends throughout the territory behind it, to the valley of the river Dagon. The population of Bender Ziada or Kau is generally devoted to fishing and trade; it has two elderberries and several small sailing boats. The product of these industries is sold in place, sometimes in Berbera, and also in Aden. - From Bender Ziada we export camels, goats, sheep, skins in limited quantities, mother of pearl, rubber for about 120 tons, and incense for about 30 tons per year. The import, which is done directly from Aden, consists of cotton, dates, rice, hard, hardware.

This was taken from an italian book so some part might be little difficult to understand. This book was written in 1909 and if this town wouldn't get destroyed just because it was located between Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland it would've been one of the major towns in Puntland.

