Analysis of How Gedo Shenanigans of Militia Built-up will end up?


@Lex Luther Gedo is like 'Ali Saleman' in PL axis not real state actor but tries to break down the state actor and join 'tabar daran' hit n run which is seen as 'tabar daran' rebels and not real 'powers' in the region or else he will have 'real powerful ciidaan' and won't need to resort to palestinian hit n run, the palestinian revert to this due to Israel massive army, that's why Israel is seen as 'state partner'. PL also seen as 'state partner', they are not stupid the world when allies are formed on 'security' interests first and foremost and what sort 'axis' your clan holds on the ground.

If they see your broken down into 'sub sub sub clan' shit they know your not real state actor now and will be allocated a 'colony' such as amisom or xalane as not one single sub clan can hold the axis, security wise. That's why they bring in 'foreign' forces to those areas backing the clan who is the 'strongest' to lock it all down and bring the 'hit n run' crew under the 'security perimeter'. Gedo isn't viable state economically, regionally, nor security wise. They want to be state but it can't be one, it's due to being 'sub clan', they control smaller territory then Ali Saleman niyahow, iska daa sheekada siyad barre borders, xaqiiq loo hadla dhinaca 'ciidamada' and 'security profile marki la samaynayo or else their can not be a state if the largest armed clan isn't the state


@Lex Luther the most disobedient clans are from GM. Murusade/Marehan are scared their locked in under the HG axis kkkkk. PL waa ka tanasulay it's old 'axis' which was beletwayn river wa hadi meesha la keeno a 'real security' partner who can hold the place and prove it. HG united can lock down up untill belet-wayn. From there it now becomes 'tabar daran' clans so you need an 'Abgaal' from Hamar axis keepin the 'tabar daran' contained.

If u want HAG to be strong u need ABGAAL/HG cooperating to zone the shit in and put huge ciidaan in there on either side of 'beletwayn' river. Abgaal must zone out where his 'ciidaan' are and 'HG' ciidaan are outside of beletwayn river and say 'waxani haloo tashdo' ama hawiye dhan ayaa loo arkaya inaysan awood lahayn ama meel soo xiran kariin

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