Amhara come out in protests against Abye

Fuel shortage, TPLF shoots down another helicopter and now Amhara turning back on Abiye. Ethiopia is in a rough spot.

Ethiopian elections are in June. I'm sure Abiye Ahmed has set the stage for a guaranteed victory. He most likely purged TPLF deep state and installed loyalists in vital positions. Egypt chickened out and dam will get filled.

For now Ethiopia is still not out of the forest. High chance it will default on 28 billion debt, value of Birr is in slow decline, shortages in fuel, TPLF are not showing any signs of slowing down and ethnic upheaval is at all time high.
I think Ezema is not yet fit to run the country. I'm all fine if they win in Addis and few other cities but not the federal government. I see no opposition party that is fit enough to run the country. So PP and PM Abiy has no choice but continue to rule the country for the next 5 years. Ezema could win Addis and few other cities and may be few zones like Gurage zone in Southern kilil. That is it. They will have 5 years to show what they got.

Lol are you sure you are not on the government payroll because the way you parrot their policy and tell us the country cannot be ruled by other parties because they are not fit? Really? Beahun seat yalew neger eyayesh. Lemeketlew 5 amet abiy yemra setey tinish aydebrishim?


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Did you guys forget that Somalia Eritrea and Ethiopia Tripartite Defence agreement. Isias Afewerki Eritrean super forces shall intervene and destroy the trouble makers. Aby is their boy and shall defend if need be like in Tigray where they destroyed TPLF.

Guul Abby
Did you guys forget that Somalia Eritrea and Ethiopia Tripartite Defence agreement. Isias Afewerki Eritrean super forces shall intervene and destroy the trouble makers. Aby is their boy and shall defend if need be like in Tigray where they destroyed TPLF.

Guul Abby
Eritrean forces are bogged down in Tigray 40K are strugfling to leave Tigray with the loot they acquired most if them might end up as manure for the dusty Tigrayan terrain.
Concerning the current demonstrations in Amhara region against PP and PM Abiy, yes the people are angry by the news of innocent Amharas being killed and they have every right to take both the local and the federal government to task. Fortunately, all these huge demonstrations in many Amhara cities and towns were all peaceful without any human or property damage. As long as they keep it that way, they have every right to demonstrate peacefully.

The demonstration is triggered by the recent killings (I think some 12 people and many displaced) in Amhara region of northern Shewa by allegedly OLF fighters. The demonstrators of course are not buying this BS and rightly blame the government.

My take is that there are groups inside PP Amhara and PP Oromia that are trying to bring PM Abiy down before the coming election or at least to force a transitional government. I can't imagine some OLF fighters killing and displacing innocent Amharas inside Amhara region without the cooperation and active support of Amhara security and Amhara Liyu. That is simply a joke.

The deaths of even few Amharas get huge media attention in Ethiopia because of the bias media we have and those groups who are benefiting from this kind of news are the Oromo extremists and the likes of Amhara nationalists NAMA/ABN parties. It looks to me some PP Amhara are working with NAMA to get some Amharas being killed knowing very well NAMA will be the political winner as we are now seeing. Remember we have an election in just 2 months and the only card ethnic based parties offer is whining about some dead people and nothing else.

PM Abiy's must clean his PP Amhara and PP Oromo tribalists if he wants to survive otherwise they will surely bring him down. Because of this incident, i.e. the killing of Amharas in Amhara region, PP will lose huge votes in Amhara to NAMA but still can win in my view but most likely will lose Addis Ababa city completely. I see now no chance for PP to stay in power in Addis Ababa city administration.

Where to even start here. They way you dismissed the reason for the protest, which is hundreds of thousands driven from their homes. Two Amhara cities burned down. Thousands of videos and pictures showing beheaded children/women/old people. fetuses cut from their mother's womb thrown out like garbage by OLF and the many mass graves being dug every week is why people are protesting. and through all of that Abiy couldn't be bother to respond to the escalation in violence towards Amharas. Instead the MF was handing out awards to artists like nothing was happening. That is the reason people are protesting. How does PP respond to this? by peddling conspiracy theories that NAMA and Egypt are working together to create chaos. The absolute disregard they have for the people is evident. And here you are saying the same BS from your chest that's Amhara liyu will burned down its own city to get one over who exactly?....just say you are the government mouthpiece and keep it moving.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Eritrean forces are bogged down in Tigray 40K are strugfling to leave Tigray with the loot they acquired most if them might end up as manure for the dusty Tigrayan terrain.
Are you kidding me! Eritrean forces withdrew at the request of Abby a couple weeks ago due to American pressure to remove them, the new Joe Biden administration has started interfering after Trump was a firm believer in non interference. Not only are they freshly supplied with new military loot, they would love to smoke their old arch enemy Amhara. They may storm back if Abby calls them.
Where to even start here. They way you dismissed the reason for the protest, which is hundreds of thousands driven from their homes. Two Amhara cities burned down. Thousands of videos and pictures showing beheaded children/women/old people. fetuses cut from their mother's womb thrown out like garbage by OLF and the many mass graves being dug every week is why people are protesting. and through all of that Abiy couldn't be bother to respond to the escalation in violence towards Amharas. Instead the MF was handing out awards to artists like nothing was happening. That is the reason people are protesting. How does PP respond to this? by peddling conspiracy theories that NAMA and Egypt are working together to create chaos. The absolute disregard they have for the people is evident. And here you are saying the same BS from your chest that's Amhara liyu will burned down its own city to get one over who exactly?....just say you are the government mouthpiece and keep it moving.
Dont start an intra amhara civil war on my thread you guys need to have one front not split like this.

I need to ask you one thing do you also blame Dameka Makenon?

Also you guys are fighting on many fronts.
Sudan,Tigray,Gumuz,Oromos and probably Sidamo? This is what I call Suicide.

Dont yoy have moderate leaders who can try to forge a broad based alliance?
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Are you kidding me! Eritrean forces withdrew at the request of Abby a couple weeks ago due to American pressure to remove them, the new Joe Biden administration has started interfering after Trump was a firm believer in non interference. Not only are they freshly supplied with new military loot, they would love to smoke their old arch enemy Amhara. They may storm back if Abby calls them.
Where to even start here. They way you dismissed the reason for the protest, which is hundreds of thousands driven from their homes. Two Amhara cities burned down. Thousands of videos and pictures showing beheaded children/women/old people. fetuses cut from their mother's womb thrown out like garbage by OLF and the many mass graves being dug every week is why people are protesting. and through all of that Abiy couldn't be bother to respond to the escalation in violence towards Amharas. Instead the MF was handing out awards to artists like nothing was happening. That is the reason people are protesting. How does PP respond to this? by peddling conspiracy theories that NAMA and Egypt are working together to create chaos. The absolute disregard they have for the people is evident. And here you are saying the same BS from your chest that's Amhara liyu will burned down its own city to get one over who exactly?....just say you are the government mouthpiece and keep it moving.
Oh shit @xabashi ! You have a challenger!

Will the real Amxaara please stand up please stand up!

Are you kidding me! Eritrean forces withdrew at the request of Abby a couple weeks ago due to American pressure to remove them, the new Joe Biden administration has started interfering after Trump was a firm believer in non interference. Not only are they freshly supplied with new military loot, they would love to smoke their old arch enemy Amhara. They may storm back if Abby calls them.
Dont confuse the locusts with Eritrean forces how do you expect them to leave all major roads are blocked.
Eritrean forces are still present in Tigray and more have been sent in I guess.

There is war going on and recently an Eritrean war plane was shot down in Tigray.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Dont confuse the locusts with Eritrean forces how do you expect them to leave all major roads are blocked.
Eritrean forces are still present in Tigray and more have been sent in I guess.

There is war going on and recently an Eritrean war plane was shot down in Tigray.
Can you provide the tweet? I never heard this on Al Jazeera.
Dont start an intra amhara civil war on my thread you guys need to have one front not split like this.

I need to ask you one thing do you also blame Dameka Makenon?

Also you guys are fighting on many fronts.
Sudan,Tigray,Gumuz,Oromos and probably Sidamo? This is what I call Suicide.

Dont yoy have moderate leaders who can try to forge a broad based alliance?

Yes. The people protesting are holding the Amhara PP to task too because of their inaction. The reason Amahra is fighting on all sides (I am not aware of a fight with sidamo) is because they want them to join the fight. Oromo extremist and TPLF and I am pretty sure its one of the two operating on Gumuz, want the Amahras to fight with the federal government so the federal government can weaken so they can have their little utopian country were everyone is one ethnicity.🙄 Because that is the only way they can get it. That is why the protest are peaceful and even the so called extremist NAMA is asking people to take their frustration to the polls (so extreme!!) No matter how they keep targeting us we won't turn our backs on our country. It is not in our blood. Which is why all extremist from whichever ethnicity hate us.

P.S. the single mindedness of these extremist thinking if they target Amhara Ethiopia will fall but they always discount the biggest Ethinic majority in the country (Mixed Ethnicity Ethiopians) is the reason Ethiopia will survive.
Lol are you sure you are not on the government payroll because the way you parrot their policy and tell us the country cannot be ruled by other parties because they are not fit? Really? Beahun seat yalew neger eyayesh. Lemeketlew 5 amet abiy yemra setey tinish aydebrishim?

Show me one party that can replace PP on the federal level and govern the country. Name one and I will be happy to see what you come up with.
Yes. The people protesting are holding the Amhara PP to task too because of their inaction. The reason Amahra is fighting on all sides (I am not aware of a fight with sidamo) is because they want them to join the fight. Oromo extremist and TPLF and I am pretty sure its one of the two operating on Gumuz, want the Amahras to fight with the federal government so the federal government can weaken so they can have their little utopian country were everyone is one ethnicity.🙄 Because that is the only way they can get it. That is why the protest are peaceful and even the so called extremist NAMA is asking people to take their frustration to the polls (so extreme!!) No matter how they keep targeting us we won't turn our backs on our country. It is not in our blood. Which is why all extremist from whichever ethnicity hate us.

P.S. the single mindedness of these extremist thinking if they target Amhara Ethiopia will fall but they always discount the biggest Ethinic majority in the country (Mixed Ethnicity Ethiopians) is the reason Ethiopia will survive.

I agree with you that Amhara protesters were very peaceful and civil in all towns and cities and I commended that. I also fully agree with you what many outsiders and ethnic based extremists fail to understand about the Ethiopian state i.e. the millions of mixed Ethiopians who make up of the huge backbone of the country and are in all state functions. Many think that some kind of ethnic skirmish here and there and the Ethiopian state will fall apart - completely overlooking the huge giant in the room. Until now I didn't talk about this "secret" of the Ethiopian state on this forum :ftw9nwa:

I still believe NAMA overstepped with its press release that call for "Launching Organized Defense against the Ever Menacing State Terror". This kind of inflammatory language is not expected from responsible party that is about to participate in the first free and fair election in 2 months time. I agree NAMA acted responsibly in the last months but with this emotionally charged press release etc. they are going back to the activist path and are being irresponsible knowing very well how this kind of language could negatively impact the youth.

This is a typical fake news that the youth is fed both in Amhara and Oromia regions. In Oromia they are being fed that Amhara Liyu is fighting and killing Oromos and now in Amhara region it is the other way. The same failed tactics. Bahir dar is now peaceful and all the road blocks are removed now. Nice try though.
I agree with you that Amhara protesters were very peaceful and civil in all towns and cities and I commended that. I also fully agree with you what many outsiders and ethnic based extremists fail to understand about the Ethiopian state i.e. the millions of mixed Ethiopians who make up of the huge backbone of the country and are in all state functions. Many think that some kind of ethnic skirmish here and there and the Ethiopian state will fall apart - completely overlooking the huge giant in the room. Until now I didn't talk about this "secret" of the Ethiopian state on this forum :ftw9nwa:

I still believe NAMA overstepped with its press release that call to "Launch Organized Defense against the Ever Menacing State Terror". This kind of inflammatory language is not expected from responsible party that is about to participate in the first free and fair election in 2 months time. I agree NAMA acted responsibly in the last months but with this emotionally charged press release etc. they are going back to the activist path and are being irresponsible knowing very well how this kind of language could negatively impact the youth.
What secret?
Whether mixed or not it doesnt matter because it didnt help Tigray when they were being erhnic profiled in Addis Ababa or being killed in Tigray.

The other thing being mixed didnt help amhara survive oromos masscres inside oromia or Oromos survive in Wollo.

Mixed is nothing more than a minority and will not help at all and has never helped any one as long as certain people are marginalised and feel exculded and ethnic profiled then " Ethiopianism" is secondary.

Because most Tigrayans want to leave Ethiopia because of what happened in Tigray and how they were forcefully displaced,looted,killed etc.

African culture a man is the tribe of his father.I dont think a person whose father is somali and his mom is amhara will be viewed the same as a full blooded amhara.

Just look at Abye, Amhara have never accepted him however much he tried to appease them,they wanted to use him as a peddestal to come to power.This time he did not listen to them like he did when they forced him to wage war with Tigray.
What secret?
Whether mixed or not it doesnt matter because it didnt help Tigray when they were being erhnic profiled in Addis Ababa or being killed in Tigray.

The other thing being mixed didnt help amhara survive oromos masscres inside oromia or Oromos survive in Wollo.

Mixed is nothing more than a minority and will not help at all and has never helped any one as long as certain people are marginalised and feel exculded and ethnic profiled then " Ethiopianism" is secondary.

Because most Tigrayans want to leave Ethiopia because of what happened in Tigray and how they were forcefully displaced,looted,killed etc.

African culture a man is the tribe of his father.I dont think a person whose father is somali and his mom is amhara will be viewed the same as a full blooded amhara.

Just look at Abye, Amhara have never accepted him however much he tried to appease them,they wanted to use him as a peddestal to come to power.This time he did not listen to them like he did when they forced him to wage war with Tigray.

Abiy didn't got to war in Tigray for Amhara. Only an Amharaphobia person believes this kind of nonsense. Abiy went to war because TPLF threatened Abiy's federal power by attacking the federal forces. He will not go to war to do a favour for Amhara or Oromo but only if he feels his power is threatened. Remove your delusional Amhara glass and see the world as it is for once. Gosh.