@DR OSMAN and to think i thought you worthwhile. Youre just and old man oo sade iyo hawiye ku khafifay. Get with the times. This is the era of horner unification forget about cushites.what will land do for you if you cant preserve your brothers history. Just like land, if your brother perishes his history is now yours to protect and uphold, Senile laangaabyahow. First history is stolen than land. stretch your legs for isreal because of bullshit genetics, bari kamalin sey noogu duulan sida palestine. Gunyahow jaahilka fuleyga ah, hawiye iyo sade ku khafiyey, aniga iyo hawiye daris cushite ayaanu nahay, maamul kiis waa kaas galmudug keygana waa kaas PL ogadania jubbaland iyo nfd. Dalka waxu ka nasan la'yahey hawiye ma ahan ee waa the centralism we inherited from SYL, kalabyahow. Mj wey tashan, HG wuu jiri oo wu tashan, Marehan wey jiri oo wey tashan, ogaden wey jiri oo wayba tashadeen jaa. jaahil ayaad tahay oo tariikh ma aqrisid marka i wont even converse with you, because you only know what you see now and bits of bari history. At most 400 years baad jirtaa and thats being very generous. Aniga 6 kun oo sano ayaan jiraa. Oo taariikhda arabta ayaan aqaan, iyo taariikh greek ayaan aqaan, iyo taarikhda Moors ayaan aqaan, jyo taariikhda Romanka ayaan aqaan, iyo taariikhda hebrewda ayaan aqaan, iyo taariikh the Elamaites ayaan aqaan, iyo taariikhda Hindia ayaan aqaan, iyo taariikhda midieval somalia ayaan kaa aqaan. Waryaa aniga 6kun oo sano ayan jira, how can a 300 year old child debate me. Wax aad taqaanid ma jiro.
Your jurisdiction is only in bari. Waryaa youre a principle of a highschool at best, and we are khalifs of vast kingdoms. Know youre place you ignoble illiterate. Ku yeh" manaaqo dadkaas oo isku aabo manihin". First of all isku abo waanu nahay, jaahil yahow, but what matters more is ethnic and linguistic affinity. Waryaa edeb yaalo and dont go out of your jutisdiction. We have our eyes on the tuareg of the maghrib, to the Muntafik of Iraaq and even the peope pf india. Thats the breadth our kingdom in length, and 7 THOUSAND years of history in breadth. An illiterate such as your self is not suited or even qualified to speak on such matters. You do not have the mental capacity to understand the afroasiatic movement Maangaabyahow. Stick to writing essays about boogeymen marehan and hawiye, you ignorant fool. Ignorant fool who thinks race doesnt play a part in anything. Race is central kalabyahow jaahilka ah.
Afro ASIATIC KILLED MY AWOOWE..NOT WHITE PPL OR BANTUS. FUUCK U, I DONT FORGIVE, I CO-EXIST ONLY AS AN AGREEMENT, forgiving isn't forceable, co-existence is mandatory though if we want peace not i rule u or u rule me u stay there i stay here. U join them if u want, I am not. I want new relationship like our ppl did with moving to african countries in the 70s to develop business class and ensure the political might of amhara doesn't infect africans cuz they not business people sxb, have u seen them anywhere in africa? we are everywhere like JEWS niyahow at the top echelon of african countries, we went when things were EARLY and no competition.
It's better having new world like america and australia, u can start fresh, we need new world for africans also excluding the HORN, we tried since 15th century and that is just documented part, it was possibly much earlier the attempts to unite us, it doesn't work. Like india and pakistan, like ireland and england u r not special. The reason is mainly religion cuz it came islam 7th century to us, christianity 3rd century in ethiopia. The war started then and its been raging silently ever since. Where-as other africans just recieved christianity in colonialism, waa NEW PEOPLE WEEYE, I PREFER DEALING WITH THEM THEN HISTORICAL COUNTRIES OR PEOPLE THAT HAVE A MEMORY OF THEY'RE PAST.
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