Am I Missing Out a Lot by Not Having Children?

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how do i use this
You farahs should back away from @Lola_Vonroe :ufdup:
you will have to fight for her.

grab your waran
35? So you can die when they graduate high school. Our purpose in life is to reproduce warya, I don't know why people are selfish. It's one thing not to want to have kids because you think you'll be a bad parent versus wanting everything for yourself. Kids will make you realize a lot of things, make you more humble and loving. What's not great about coming home and interacting with your own flesh and blood. Someone who innocently and unconditionally loves you back. Yes there's responsibilities but the memories and positivity outweighs the negatives. They'll grow up and move on, maybe you'll have grandchildren either way I would want my own family. Obviously you would have to make sure you're financially stable but once you are there's nothing wrong with having two cute monsters roaming the house making a ruckus cuz once they get older you'll miss it. Having a partner that agrees and shares your views would be great as well because kids need a balance a good home to come to.

People like u is why the world is shit.

Yeah let's bring kids into this world, that we can't support or have the time for.

People should have kids when they're ready
Looools I literally said "obviously you would have to be financially stable"

I mean if you can't even provide for yourself having a kid would be the dumbest thing ever. :ivers:
Lol ok, but the thread topic is about being a potential father.

Anyways, I agree that not all women have what it takes to be a good mother; where I disagree, although, is that being a good mother is interconnected to being a quality woman.

A woman can still be a quality woman (a.k.a, a female who is a quality individual) without having good mothering potential. Not all women like or want kids [and this doesn't make them a bad person or any less female].

If she doesn't want kids then she's not for me. I'm trying to pass these genes.
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Have you ever wondered how somalis have large families but our population isn't that high I think it's like 15M. Infant mortality must be high back home.
The world is shit because the people who aren't suppose to have kids (3rd world countries) are having them. Meanwhile, the rich and financially well off only have 1 or 2 babies on average.

I won't have kids until the house is secured and when I find a good woman.
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The world is shit because the people who aren't suppose to have kids (3rd world countries) are having them. Meanwhile, the rich and financially well off only have 1 or 2 babies on average.

Ima have kids until the house is secured and when I find a good woman.

when Somalia can finally feed its pple we will have a population boom.

Would you rather be single in your late 30s, financially well off, debt paid off, and your own place?

Or would you rather be in your late 30s, living paycheck to paycheck and a single mother with 4 kids?


cismaan maxamuud
3 kids,all 4 years apart and a banging wife,.kids give you a direction in life.Without them you basically have nothing to live for,never underestimate the power of family mate, you can have strong relationships with people in this world but no bond is stronger than that of blood.Inshallah i plan to have 3 kids in which i will invest my time, money and energy in making them respectful, humble,driven and spiritual human beings that are able to give back to their people and take care of themselves.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
People like u is why the world is shit.

Yeah let's bring kids into this world, that we can't support or have the time for.

People should have kids when they're ready

I agree people should get kids when they are ready you see alot of Somalis rush into marriages in their early 20s when they actually should focus on a career or education

Also I think it's good to wait a year until you get kids just to settle in with the married life Other Somalis rush into it too quick


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Have you ever wondered how somalis have large families but our population isn't that high I think it's like 15M. Infant mortality must be high back home.

It's high the doctors back home even ask you to sign a paper that they can't be liable for the damage or complication that might happen if you don't sign they tell you to go to another hospital

Many women die and get paralyzed from giving birth due to the doctors incompetence
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