Always listen to Hooyo! High-Profile Divorce Case.

I thought meher had to be given during the wedding or beginning of marriage? :what1:
If the mehr wasn’t given at beginning of marriage or during the marriage it must be given upon divorce.

But what I meant is that’s all the man is entitled to give you (along with child support if you two have children). The whole splitting all assets 50/50 is a western thing.


Staff Member
Some women do receive the meher as the wedding is taking place, But some men are broke so you just gotta wait it out:snoop:Honestly it’s a shame some women only asks for their mehr when they’re getting divorced:stressed:

These type of men and women shouldn't be allowed to marry in the first place. It should be illegal for them. Poor men can't be trusted to provide for his wife and women who can only attract these kinds of men are better off single for the good of society.
Both men and women benefit from a woman keeping her own savings and salary, during marriage.

1. If the man dies, he knows his wife has savings and can look after the children. This is why a man should also encourage his wife to be educated and teach her how to invest.

2. If the couple divorces, he pays what he has to according to Islam, and the woman is not left destitute as she has her own money to fall back on.

A woman whose money is eaten by her husband, is at risk during and after the marriage.

Follow Islamic teachings and you will not suffer, Allah willing.
Both men and women benefit from a woman keeping her own savings and salary, during marriage.

1. If the man dies, he knows his wife has savings and can look after the children. This is why a man should also encourage his wife to be educated and teach her how to invest.

2. If the couple divorces, he pays what he has to, islamically and the woman is not left destitute as she has her own money to fall back on.

A woman whose money is eaten by her husband, is at risk during and after the marriage.

Follow Islamic teachings and you will not suffer, Allah willing.
Yeah this is what people should be doing
I don’t even believe the men who thinks like this wants a partner. They just want someone ay gumaaystaan.

Exactly that. There are a lot of men who gain self-esteem from bullying those they see as weaker, this means women and children. That's why they love women who are much younger or gullible. What these selfish men don't consider, is that they are training their daughters to also be abused, but if they don't respect their wife, we can't expect them to love and respect their own children.
This is why it pisses me off to see misogynist men try to discourage women from getting an education and a part-time job. He wants to make her weak, but this in turn will expose her and THEIR CHILDREN to poverty and exploitation.
the thing is she technically can be a house wife and that preferable if the guy can fully provide but she should start investing or getting a reliable Hussle going were she's independent and decides her own hours and and he should be facilitating all this because it an investment for his kids. she should have something coming in for a worse case scenario


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
I expect more from women. Men are known to take advantage of teenagers, not women. So it's not nice seeing a woman in her 30s at that, being with someone who is basically a teenager. Especially in a world that infantilises men, so their brain is even more underdeveloped than it should be.
The fact that your brain only fully develops when you're 25, is what makes these age gap relationships even more gross. And the fact it's with someone straight out of high school with basically, no real life experience as an adult.
She was only married to him for a few years. But I won't blindly believe the allegation since we have seen countless people being falsely accused, including his fellow colleagues in the sport and that co-creator of Rick and Morty just weeks ago whose life was destroyed over a lie. Better to let the legal system determine that.

The bolded part isn’t correct. They got married mid December 2022 and the rumors of their breakup and divorce occurred late February 2023. So less than 3 months of marriage.

It would make more sense to make the ‘demand’ of half of his assets (from a western POV) after several decades of marriage. But the short stint of marriage raises questions of her intentions.

It’s also unlikely that a judge would consider awarding that much to the other spouse, even if he kept all of his assets under his name.
Three lessons here:

1. Women should keep their money for themselves as Islam dictates that a woman's money is hers and hers alone. This safeguards the woman in the event of divorce so that she does not end up destitute. Women should also do their best to educate themselves and stay employable or learn how to invest/save.

1. Avoid large age-gap relationships, it is never equal or fair mentally as one person is superior mentally and emotionally.

3. Always listen to your parents and heed their wise counsel
On point (2 [1]), how about intellectually? Should an educated man marry an uneducated lady, and vice versa? If no, where would the world be?

