Alpha Degastani Man

Who said anything about them being special lol? They're tough bastards. Look at MMA and Olympic Wrestling. They're dominating both sports, you can't deny that.

They’re also over represented in the different branches of elite military forces in Russia alongside other ethnic groups from the Caucasus.

The Russian military police patrolling certain areas of Syria are primarily from the Caucasus mountains.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Who said anything about them being special lol? They're tough bastards. Look at MMA and Olympic Wrestling. They're dominating both sports, you can't deny that.
Haa la yaabin @Mad-MullaH has next level inferiority complex; he feels the need to always make things a competition between somalis and other nations.
Men from mountainious regions are often rugged rageedis.

Must be the air, food and the harsh conditions.

I mean, just look South Slavs for example.

