All it takes to ruin your life is 1 false accusation.

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Just always ask yourself this?
Are you willing to die for your lies?
I don't think so! Losers. Fk off liars.

Your loss cause you then need to stfu and stay out. Fake people need dealt with. 💯
It's essentially a guidebook to blemishing reputations. Not exclusively for crafting rape allegations specifically but inflicting damage anonymously online and in the workplace. You may read the vignette below:
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Bear in mind most people aren't unhinged life destroyers but it only takes one person with an axe to grind with fewer scruples to cause irreparable damage.
What a heinous piece of shit. This is why remote working has been an absolute god-send wallahi, freaks who think co-workers are their "friends" don't get to engage in petty office politics anymore. The quality of your work is all that matters now lol

I've got a sneaking suspicion that people like her and power-tripping managers who love to micro-manage everything will fight tooth and nail to get people back into the office. Some companies are already trying to disincentive working from home by cutting people's paychecks by 10% in freedom-fries land. They'll probably start treating people who work remotely as contractors to avoid playing for healthcare etc, the US is such a fucking hell-hole.
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Disclaimer: If you sexually assault someone, then you're subhuman who deserves to get his asshole prolapsed in prison before rotting in Jahannam. I'm only making this thread because I know someone who's dealing with this right now.

If you're a younger guy who's doing dirt, particularly zoomers, then you need to be very very very careful. A false rape/sexual assault accusation will 100% ruin your life, doesn't matter if you're innocent. "A lie can travel half way across the world while the truth is lacing up it's boots".

Your generation practically lives online and rumours spread like wildfire. Your entire life will be flipped upside down based on the accusation alone. You have no legal recourse and your reputation will NEVER recover. Your social life will wouldn't recover either, even if she herself proclaims your innocent on national television.

Thanks to social media, you're in more danger than any generation of men before you. If a girl decides to ruin your life, then you're basically fucked. Stay away from Zina, but if you can't then at least be careful.
  • Avoid girls who have boyfriends, he "forced me" can seem like a better option than "I cheated on you" to some crazies.
  • Don't delete text convos, call logs, pics etc. Keep your receipts, they might legit save your life
  • If a girl looks/seems uncomfortable even for a slit second, you need to seriously f*ck off. Don't risk your freedom because you think "she's playing hard to get". Read the room you doqon
  • Whenever something physical happens, a text exchange afterward is a must.
  • Keep your dumb mouth shut about what happens between you two, don't sully her name/reputation or it'll come back to haunt you.

If you're falsely accused, then you need to get your family, a lawyer/solicitor and the police involved ASAP. Don't worry about your reputation or "clearing your name", it's already too late for that anyway. Worry about the possible legal shit-storm headed your way.

Even if she withdraws the claim and admits to lying, go after her to the fullest extent of the law and nail her to a cross. You might get binned from uni/work while the whole thing plays out, so she needs to look like the bad guy to get a shred of exoneration. Not to mention the damage dickheads who make false accusations do to real victims, no mercy sxb.

Stay safe waryada, there some lunatics out here who will make your life a living hell over hurt feelings.
This is beyond true wallahi!!! Be careful my brothers don’t let your penis do the thinking and talking for you.. notice the red flags wallahi RUN, your honestly better off rubbing one off lol.

I know this one Somali brother in Canada that got his whole life turned upside down over some false claims his ex spread after they broke up. The poor guy didn’t even know about it because he doesn’t use social media lol. It got to the point where even his own family disowned him. May allah help this brother ameen.
You must be really evil to accuse someone of such act. Not only are you ruining someone’s life but you’re also making it hard for real victims to speak out because you reduced their chances of credibility.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

What a heinous piece of shit. This is why remote working has been an absolute god-send wallahi, freaks who think co-workers are their "friends" don't get to engage in petty office politics anymore. The quality of your work is all that matters now lol

I've got a sneaking suspicion that people like her and power-tripping managers who love to micro-manage everything will fight tooth and nail to get people back into the office. Some companies are already trying to disincentive working from home by cutting people's paychecks by 10% in freedom-fries land. They'll probably start treating people who work remotely as contractors to avoid playing for healthcare etc, the US is such a fucking hell-hole.

I feel like that case was more of an exceptionality. Most people wouldn't care to ruin someone's reputation because they decline a company function or disagree with them in a meeting. Those are some sociopathic tendencies. This is why you have to be extremely diplomatic with people and document your exchanges.