All it takes to ruin your life is 1 false accusation.

Disclaimer: If you sexually assault someone, then you're subhuman who deserves to get his asshole prolapsed in prison before rotting in Jahannam. I'm only making this thread because I know someone who's dealing with this right now.

If you're a younger guy who's doing dirt, particularly zoomers, then you need to be very very very careful. A false rape/sexual assault accusation will 100% ruin your life, doesn't matter if you're innocent. "A lie can travel half way across the world while the truth is lacing up it's boots".

Your generation practically lives online and rumours spread like wildfire. Your entire life will be flipped upside down based on the accusation alone. You have no legal recourse and your reputation will NEVER recover. Your social life will wouldn't recover either, even if she herself proclaims your innocent on national television.

Thanks to social media, you're in more danger than any generation of men before you. If a girl decides to ruin your life, then you're basically fucked. Stay away from Zina, but if you can't then at least be careful.
  • Avoid girls who have boyfriends, he "forced me" can seem like a better option than "I cheated on you" to some crazies.
  • Don't delete text convos, call logs, pics etc. Keep your receipts, they might legit save your life
  • If a girl looks/seems uncomfortable even for a slit second, you need to seriously f*ck off. Don't risk your freedom because you think "she's playing hard to get". Read the room you doqon
  • Whenever something physical happens, a text exchange afterward is a must.
  • Keep your dumb mouth shut about what happens between you two, don't sully her name/reputation or it'll come back to haunt you.

If you're falsely accused, then you need to get your family, a lawyer/solicitor and the police involved ASAP. Don't worry about your reputation or "clearing your name", it's already too late for that anyway. Worry about the possible legal shit-storm headed your way.

Even if she withdraws the claim and admits to lying, go after her to the fullest extent of the law and nail her to a cross. You might get binned from uni/work while the whole thing plays out, so she needs to look like the bad guy to get a shred of exoneration. Not to mention the damage dickheads who make false accusations do to real victims, no mercy sxb.

Stay safe waryada, there some lunatics out here who will make your life a living hell over hurt feelings.
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That's not a problem when you're handsome. But when you're ugly, a women can regret letting you f*ck her so she might get revenge for having let an asshead touch her malab
That's not a problem when you're handsome. But when you're ugly, a women can regret letting you f*ck her so she might get revenge for having let an asshead touch her malab View attachment 186600
That's the worse case scenario, you might as well put the hand-cuffs on yourself at that point. Avoid doing anything if a girl's drunk, on anything etc. Majority wouldn't ruin your life if they regret sleeping with you but that 1% will nuke your existence wallahi.
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That's the worse case scenario, you might as well put the hand-cuff on yourself. Avoid doing anything if a girl's drunk, on anything etc. Majority wouldn't ruin your life if they regret sleeping with you but that 1% will nuke your existence wallahi.

I don't do zina, but nowadays false accusations are a real deal. I remember my former boss who never hired a woman for fear of receiving complaints and accusations of sexual assault.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
My biggest fear is false accusation of domestic abuse. Its amazing how much power women wield in the West. A faarax biggest fear is getting called "police on" a threat looming over you for simple arguments. Please marry a good woman guys :damn:
I don't do zina, but nowadays false accusations are a real deal. I remember my former boss who never hired a woman for fear of receiving complaints and accusations of sexual assault.
That's a little paranoid sxb :drakekidding:
But I get it, the accusation alone can f*ck with your livelihood and your ability to feed your family.
I know a guy, I went to uni with, he was a handsome guy pulled lots of girls no prob. He fooled around with some fat calibeystein chick, niggas clowned him, he stopped fucking with her, she accused him of rape. :kanyehmm:
The worst part about it is that when guys like him are proven innocent people still remain a little suspicious. That stain on his reputation will never get washed away. Some cadaan kids at my friend's uni legit hung himself over it walalhi.
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Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
I know a guy, I went to uni with, he was a handsome guy pulled lots of girls no prob. He fooled around with some fat calibeystein chick, niggas clowned him, he stopped fucking with her, she accused him of rape. :kanyehmm:
Was he cadaan or calibeystein?
My advice to young faraaxs when it comes to this is be as wary about women as you are with men. And never over pursue women, and show love back to the ones that f*ck with you.


Let's no start another qashin gender-war thread sxb, that's a strike 1! :ufdup:
All this is usually contingent on you doing saqajaan shit to some extent, but not always.
I wasn’t trying to start anything. Besides, certain users are capable of turning anything into a gender war so good luck trying to keep this thread on-topic :chrisfreshhah:
If you do it the halal way, she can still falsely accuse you of rape/assault and ruin your life. You have to avoid these types of qumayos because they’ll always find a way to destroy your life
My advice to young faraaxs when it comes to this is be as wary about women as you are with men. And never over pursue women, and show love back to the ones that f*ck with you.
10/10 sage-tier wisdom wallahi. I'd say be even more careful around women you don't know. A few lines of text from her can wreck your life far worse than anything most guys could do to you. You zoomer twinks have been warned :ufdup:
My advice to young faraaxs when it comes to this is be as wary about women as you are with men. And never over pursue women, and show love back to the ones that f*ck with you.
Love was created by men for men. Women don't need romantic dameers. They want an alpha that will treat them like nothing at day and slap their asses violently at night like the harmless little gazelles that they are
10/10 sage-tier wisdom wallahi. I'd say be even more careful around women you don't know. A few lines of text from her can wreck your life far worse than anything most guys could do to you. You zoomer twinks have been warned :ufdup:

Being innocent until proven guilty doesn't matter anymore, we're in the trial by mob era. :francis:

