Alcoholism in the Somali community.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
A lot of drug addict and alcoholism going on more. @AussieHustler why do you think it's happening more now? Or are we just hearing about it more?
@Basra stop fearmongering. Alcohol isn't the problem. Toxic Somali homes are what causes people to become addicted to alcohol and drugs in the first place. If you have a loving family and friends, you won't use alcohol as a way to escape your problems. It would just be something you use to occasionally have fun. If your life is good, you won't be addicted to alcohol. If your life is bad, alcohol will make you feel good and you will become addicted to that good feeling.

I think you hate alcohol so much because your husbands and children used it to escape your calaacal.
Somalis are not built for alcohol firstly. Some of u on here are gaalo but for the ones that our Muslim, they will always have a guilty conscious when drinking and will not really enjoy it. They tend to do it more to fit in with the crowd etc
I drink moderately on occasion.

Most of the time people become alcoholics and get shitfaced routinely, they have bigger problems than their alcohol consumption.

I don’t believe it has anything to do with their ethnicity. Most people around me are White, and they can get shitfaced and become alcoholics. But it’s always the ones that are trying to lose themselves that exhibit the riskiest behaviors.

These people your talking about most likely have problems at home relative to the others at the concert that they’re trying to drink away, or forget themselves for the night. Next they know, they’re addicts, bc using alcohol as a crutch is an unsustainable plan.
Are u gaalo? Are even full Somali?
Somalis are not built for alcohol firstly. Some of u on here are gaalo but for the ones that our Muslim, they will always have a guilty conscious when drinking and will not really enjoy it. They tend to do it more to fit in with the crowd etc


I’m a gaal and I don’t drink. Guilty conscious? The only thing they regret is becoming violent and charged with a crime. You know what happens after that? Their lawyer argues in court that they are refugees who suffer from PSTD and grew up in a poor single mom home and experienced poverty. In retrospect, they’re painting the whole community to share those traits. The funny thing is you will see them praying Friday prayers in the local mosque whether they were dragged to the mosque by their parents or putting on a fake mask. If tribalists who encourage wars, deaths and destruction of Somali Muslims do pray, why can they?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

I’m a gaal and I don’t drink. Guilty conscious? The only thing they regret is becoming violent and charged with a crime. You know what happens after that? Their lawyer argues in court that they are refugees who suffer from PSTD and grew up in a poor single mom home and experienced poverty. In retrospect, they’re painting the whole community to share those traits. The funny thing is you will see them praying Friday prayers in the local mosque whether they were dragged to the mosque by their parents or putting on a fake mask. If tribalists who encourage wars, deaths and destruction of Somali Muslims do pray, why can they?


If I wanted a hug, will u grant me?

I’m a gaal and I don’t drink. Guilty conscious? The only thing they regret is becoming violent and charged with a crime. You know what happens after that? Their lawyer argues in court that they are refugees who suffer from PSTD and grew up in a poor single mom home and experienced poverty. In retrospect, they’re painting the whole community to share those traits. The funny thing is you will see them praying Friday prayers in the local mosque whether they were dragged to the mosque by their parents or putting on a fake mask. If tribalists who encourage wars, deaths and destruction of Somali Muslims do pray, why can they?
Most of these folks do it in secret not much enjoyment in that. As for u, what made u a gaal

Eeddo @Basra made me a gaal. Ask her.

Not in secret anymore, whenever they get drunk publicly and do crazy stuff, they are recorded immediately by strangers and posted online.
A lot of drug addict and alcoholism going on more. @AussieHustler why do you think it's happening more now? Or are we just hearing about it more?


A couple of months ago, I went to a city in Australia called Adelaide and I was shocked to see not one, but two young (early 20’s) Somali guys begging in the city. I spoke to one and asked him, what is your story? He said, he is addicted to the drug Ice which has devastated his hood (projects in working class areas) and nearly everyone there uses it. I don’t think there are more than 100 Somalis in that city. What about Melbourne or Sydney? I rarely go out to where Somalis hang at night because it’s either a shisha place and I hate that shit, or a hip-hop & reggae music venue where we are the Irish drunkards. I don’t know, I guess, it starts as a peer pressure stuff, then attracts problems with family and the police and then, they become full time binge drinkers who are self medicating their sorrows with alcohol. I heard Somali kids as young as 14 drink alcohol on the weekends in the local parks in Melbourne. As I said before, some will succeed and others will fail. A free country to self destruct.


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