Al Shabaab is clearly no longer a Somali organization
The women are for their Bantu fighters.
Here is a qoute from the study on the Alshabab recruitment process!
The women are for their Bantu fighters.
Here is a qoute from the study on the Alshabab recruitment process!
"Ahmadey Kusow, a Somali-Bantu,
joined the al-Shabaab voluntarily and
became a loyal member of the group.
He is one of hundreds of young men
belonging to the Somali-Bantu and
minority clans who have freely joined
the militant group because they feel
they have been marginalised since
the collapse of the Somali state. They
say recruitment to al-Shabaab as
an opportunity to take revenge and
empower themselves against majority
tribes who grabbed their farming areas
and (to some extent) property."