Al Shabaab bomb Sahafi Hotel In Mogadishu

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A suicide bomber attacked a hotel where Somali politicians are known to frequent. No further news yet, this is depressing. Fucking anarchy generation fucking everything up.
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I was gonna suggest move the capital but
I doubt the suicide bombing would stop since is the country biggest city:francis:


5 injured people so far and there's a gun battle so this could be deadly.

Al Shabaab don't care about the capital or even the size of the place, even in baadiye they're operating suicide missions.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
In the next few hours I am looking forward to hearing that several high ranking corrupt bastards perished. Ilaahay waxaan ka baryayaa anyone who are and lavished in money intended for her perished this huge explosion.

I don't care for the rebels but I wish cancer on any high and middle ranking somali official. No man can tell me that they are pure bc they are wholeheartedly tainted


Without a strong central government we will have foreign troops, lesser of two evils? Kenya is dirt poor from corruption but the police and army are all card carrying Kenyans.


Citizen of Southwest State
Without a strong central government we will have foreign troops, lesser of two evils? Kenya is dirt poor from corruption but the police and army are all card carrying Kenyans.
kkkkkkkkkkkkk gedo_gurl you want Kenya to be poor like your failed state. It will never happen.


They're all over the top floor now - they're storming it like did Westgate in Nairobi - the bomb was for the gates. I can't believe someone chose to die for this operation, someone must have tipped them off that a big wig was in there. We can't complain when they stop hiring Somalis.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
They're all over the top floor now - they're storming it like did Westgate in Nairobi - the bomb was for the gates. I can't believe someone chose to die for this operation, someone must have tipped them off that a big wig was in there. We can't complain when they stop hiring Somalis.

They have inside info. Even the most of the weapons they use are ones they bought off the SNA. :uCkf6mf:


They have inside info. Even the most of the weapons they use are ones they bought off the SNA. :uCkf6mf:

I don't blame SNA for selling when the President is getting paid 1.5 Mil on the books + expenses and same with xildhibaannada and they're (SNA) the ones dying in battle and their families don't get compensated and the government forget to pay their salaries while AMISOM and AU get full life insurance paid for by the EU.


You know they kill SNA like foreigners. They killed and kidnapped dozens in just a few weeks. They steal their weapons after they kill them and they display the dead bodies and the seized weapons on their websites.


AUN if anyone died.

When the shacab stand up and say enough is enough that's when we will see change in Somalia. We need a revolution in Somalia and that can only happen if the shacab are awoken.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
You know they kill SNA like foreigners. They killed and kidnapped dozens in just a few weeks. They steal their weapons after they kill them and they display the dead bodies and the seized weapons on their websites.

That's small time compared to the weapons they buy off gov agencies.

The UN’s Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group, whose mandate includes reporting on any violations of the arms embargo imposed on Somalia in 1992, said in the report that agents of the Al Qaeda-linked militants of Al Shabaab are known to frequent those black markets “to purchase weapons and ammunition and were easily identifiable by the salesmen there.”

The report points an accusing finger at the Somali government, which under UN resolution 2111 of last year, is required to report on the procedures and code of conduct it put in place for the registration, distribution and storage of weapons held by the country’s security forces as well as on training needs.

“If the UN report is authentic, it foreshadows a scary situation. Because these same weapons can be used for terrorist purposes in the region,” said Abdi Mohamed, a Horn of Africa security analyst, adding, “Arms trafficking from Somalia will continue until Somalia security forces are reformed.”

The danger from Al Shabaab — who have so far attacked Kenya and Uganda and vowed to do the same to other countries that have troops in Somalia — is being worsened by the Somali government’s inability to rein in poorly paid officers willing to facilitate the diversion of weapons to the black market.

“There appear to be no procedures in place for the transport and delivery of weapons within the army,” said Jarat Chopra, co-ordinator of the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group, in his report to the UN Security Council two weeks ago, which has been seen by The EastAfrican.

“Prior to November 2013, most weapons sold were black market weapons, whereas dealers now say the greatest supply of weapons is from Somali National Army stocks,” said the report, citing sources in arms markets.
RIP to the dead.

@Shamis, do you remember when we were talking about moving back home couple of days ago and that I mentioned this kind of madness? Mogadishu, unfortunately, became the capital of death and misery. You never know when a lunatic who believes he'll go to a better world with flowing rivers of wine and countless beautiful women will take you with him. It's fucking sad!


@Duchess something tells me that these UN workers are selling the arms on the black market to other conflict zones.

@menace I'd never hijack your threads like that!


RIP to the dead.

@Shamis, do you remember when we were talking about moving back home couple of days ago and that I mentioned this kind of madness? Mogadishu, unfortunately, became the capital of death and misery. You never know when a lunatic who believes he'll go to a better world with flowing rivers of wine and countless beautiful women will take you with him. It's fucking sad!


Yes - sadly. I feel bad that this is happening inter Somali too, this is not occupied Palestine why are they doing this.
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