Agreed this is similar to imam qushayri's sentiments in the introduction. He shows proof that sufism is compatible of ahlu sunnah and in particular ashari creed. A true sufi adheres to the sharia and fulfills their religious obligation as the imam has shown by quoting sufi shaykhs of the pastThis is the sort of stuff I love about Islam. I definitely love ancient sufi text, it's so deep niyahow and not just this 'literal' salafi position without pondering the different meanings and sitting down with the jama'ah for a concensus.
But I like ancient SUFI and not so much the CULTURAL SUFIS of today. The ones who know LAWS are important like Shariah because without LAWS you are basically in 'chaos' look at Somalia. It's proven in science the absence of laws leads to chaos even in the world beginning. It was just random things flying all over the space before LAWS were applied to it and it came to form what we know today. The absence of law is DESTRUCTION, the second the LAWS of the universe are removed, we will be in destruction and every scientist knows this. That's why they call each topic of the sciences THE LAWS OF THIS AND LAWS OF THAT. We know in Islam who lives in destruction, SHAYDHAN.
But Sufis take it further then just natural physical laws, there is also spiritual laws. The laws only god knows. For example do not steal is a law, physical law can only place cameras but what if there is no cameras or u have the opportunity to steal? see this another LAW character law and spiritual law only god knows. Sufism go in depth about stuff like that
Agreed this is similar to imam qushayri's sentiments in the introduction. He shows proof that sufism is compatible of ahlu sunnah and in particular ashari creed. A true sufi adheres to the sharia and fulfills their religious obligation as the imam has shown by quoting sufi shaykhs of the past
@Cigaal I am definitely Sunnah in terms of the Quran, the way leaders are selected thru jama'ah consensus not blood line(shia method), I also accept hadith but also know it's not from heaven and take that on-board and apply my best judgement but always say 'may allah guide us to the right path' especially regarding the hadith and accept the jama'ah. But where I swing differently inside the Sunnah is definitely the deeper stuff like the ancient sufi texts, I relate much better with that level of teaching. I also love the jama'ah method because if god supports your faction or idea, he will help you convince the jama'ah who are the body and majority, if he doesn't support your idea and the jama'ah reject it, u need to ask yourself WHY? NOT BLAME THE JAMA'AH
Good to hear, the majority of classical sunni scholars were also sufis and wrote works on tassawuf. Imam suyuti was a shadhili, Iman abidin was naqshbandi and even imam ibn taymiyya was a qadiri sufi.
I sometimes Wish I lived when those great sufi sheikhs were around, you would want to attend the mosque and be enlightened, not this dumb down islam by saudis, where u FLEE THE MOSQUE. Who knows maybe that is their INTENTION. Because god word should make u want to chase it not flee it, only thing ppl flee is when there is nothing to learn and jahiliya increases. We are in dark period in Islam right now and the responsibility is on US as humans, don't blame the book, their were great times when the right people and the book were together, now the wrong people and the book are together.
I believe the reason why so much doubts occur with muslims in the west is because tassawuf is heavily overlooked. They dont try to purify their hearts or get closer to Allah. They may know the sharia but they dont know Allah
Allah knows best, one of the signs of judgement day is that knowledge will be taken away and ignorance will prevail. May allah guide us to the right pathOf course when you are the poorest region and weakest part of the world(islamic world) maybe someone should ask themselves why is this the case if we have the right religion? but no-one does. If I went before the jama'ah and couldn't convince them, I won't blame them, but ask why allah didn't help me convince the majority, I won't sit there and pick up a gun and bomb and try to force you to accept my view which clearly allah hasn't strengthened with support to convince the ummah. U see what I mean brother? muslims have to ask themselves if we have the right islam circulating, why is it all our countries are A DAMN MESS and the world powers are KAFFIREEN? Maybe allah is telling u even the KAFFIREEN AYAA KU DHAAMO MANTA
The majority of muslim leaders are corrupt today, most muslim countries have abandoned Islamic law for secularism and more muslims are fighting each other. Even amongst the sufis you see more deviants. The muslim world is slowly going away from the right path@Cigaal Sufis teach allah strengthens the believers not test them. He only tests them when their on the wrong path or have doubts or something that makes them not believers and he only does so they return to the path. So can't it be said we are disbelievers today or else why wud god test believers when he usually supported them in the past? god supports the good, he doesn't support the bad. So we must be bad in some way today and we have to find out where or else we wouldn't look like 'satans playground'
We muslims need to go back to our roots and abandon all these man made laws, we must follow the sharia, the 4 madhabs and abandon our love for this worldly life. As you have said so many muslims have fallen for shaytans whispers in turn for more wealth and enjoyment in this world. We must reflect back on the deen and recognise shaytans whispers@Cigaal . Satan can only build up desires in you but he has no other power, it's up to you to act on those desires and when u do that's when god steps in and puts obstacles and hurdles against satan so he doesn't take the ummah into hell. That's why we see the destruction and hell holes today, it's so the ummah REFLECTS back on the DEEN and know DESIRES OF SATAN have entered our UMMAH and god is helping us by making it PAINFUL in our societies so we ponder back to him.
That's exactly what u just did @Cigaal you know this evil u see today isn't endorsed by god, u know it's satan whispers in men's heart and many men have fallen to it, now god is saving us from TAKING US ALL with satan by fighting back and making it hard for satan to swallow us up. Most muslims will probably be fine except the ones participating in it.
You're fighting a losing battle, Cigaal. Getting muslims back to Islam and abandoning their worldly life, is like wishing for world peace. In another 100 years or so, 90% of muslims will only be muslims by name.We muslims need to go back to our roots and abandon all these man made laws, we must follow the sharia, the 4 madhabs and abandon our love for this worldly life. As you have said so many muslims have fallen for shaytans whispers in turn for more wealth and enjoyment in this world. We must reflect back on the deen and recognise shaytans whispers