Afroasiatic people appreciation:Sudan

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23andMe has updated their Sudanese reference set and now includes North Sudanese in their database and they no longer are 50/50. Even Habeshas are scoring +80% African now.

PS. North Sudan was Cushitic territory. That is where the Cushitic language family originated (Kingdom of Kush region).

Political correctness

You responded in three seconds did you check out my other references? Guess not
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Sudan is made up of East Africans too but the ones being posted on this thread are the product of rape. Arabs have deliberately used rape to racially cleanse the Nilotic, Dinka etc people, both in the past and in modern context and they’ve also used tactics like genocide by indiscriminately killing the men so they can’t reproduce. Thank God Somalis are not this vile.

The reason why South Sudanese look a lot different to north Sudan is because the British colonised South Sudan and they wouldn’t reproduce with them. Whereas the Arabs who colonised north Sudan would rape the indigenous people. The fact that this continued to happen in the modern age means this is well documented.
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You used the word 'rape'. Which is factually incorrect. Admixture on the other hand between Arabs and Nilotic populations were never disputed.


Political correctness

You responded in three seconds did you check out my other references? Guess not

I already know the genetics and ancient history of North Sudan. They are not the result of post-Islamic Arabs + Nilotes. Much of the North African / Mediterranean ancestry there goes back thousands of years.

Cushites lived in North Sudan before they migrated to the Horn.


You used the word 'rape'. Which is factually incorrect. Admixture on the other hand between Arabs and Nilotic populations were never disputed.

It’s being disputed by the comment below your message.

The indigenous people of Sudan were raped and this why the modern Sudanese has a shopping list of different ethnicities in their 23 andme results. The Sudanese themselves say they are Arabs so how can an Arab be indigenous to Africa?

@Apollo wantd to do the same thing to indigenous people of Somalia, the Madowweyn but people like me will not allow it to happen.


It’s being disputed by the comment below your message.

The indigenous people of Sudan were raped and this why the modern Sudanese has a shopping list of different ethnicities in their 23 andme results. The Sudanese themselves say they are Arabs so how can an Arab be indigenous to Africa?

@Apollo wantd to do the same thing to indigenous people of Somalia, the Madowweyn but people like me will not allow it to happen.

Now you are just trolling.


PS. Madowweyne are native to Nigeria/Western Africa, clown.


Now you are just trolling.


PS. Madowweyne are native to Nigeria/Western Africa, clown.

First it was Tanzania and now its Nigeria..Make up your minds.

With all due respect Apollo, you lack the basic knowledge of African tribes. You describe everyone from Snoop Dogg to a Zulu in South Africa as a ‘bantu’ when Bantus only live in East Africa (Kenya).

Now you’re attempting to persuade us that the North sudan (who self-identify as Arab) are Cushitic and indigenous to Africa when it’s well documented, the ethnic cleansing, the genocide and the mass rape camps that were carried out in that area of the world.

I would take your comments about the Somali Madowweyn more seriously if you opposed north Sudan for expanding beyond Egypt and stealing land. But you support racial cleansing and expansions in Sudan and you are against it in Somalia. Maybe you’re only pro-expansion when the result will be lighter skin and smaller noses. Let’s see you deny this. Also my commitment to supporting the Madow weyn is not a troll.


First it was Tanzania and now its Nigeria..Make up your minds.

Bantus come from Southeast Nigeria, which is in West Africa. They are not the native of Tanzania either, they conquered that land.

You really think I don't know what I am talking about? Have a look at this thread:

With all due respect Apollo, you lack the basic knowledge of African tribes. You describe everyone from Snoop Dogg to a Zulu in South Africa as a ‘bantu’ when Bantus only live in Africa (Kenya).

Now you’re attempting to persuade us that the North sudan (who self-identify as Arab) are Cushitic and indigenous to Africa when it’s well documented, the ethnic cleansing, the genocide and the mass rape camps that were carried out.

I would take your comments about the Somali Madowweyn more seriously if you opposed north Sudan for expanding beyond Egypt and stealing land. But you support racial cleansing and expansions in Sudan and you are against it in Somalia. Maybe you’re only pro-expansion when more fair skin and small noses are going to be the result. Let’s see you sent this.

You lost all credibility by claiming the Madowweyne are native to Somalia. Sorry, I simply cannot debate you on anthropology after such a ridiculous statement.
Bantus come from Southeast Nigeria, which is in West Africa. They are not the native of Tanzania either, they conquered that land.

You really think I don't know what I am talking about? Have a look at this thread:

You lost all credibility by claiming the Madowweyne are native to Somalia. Sorry, I simply cannot debate you on anthropology after such a ridiculous statement.

I thought she was just misinformed. There are some serious trollers here haha

Sudan is made up of East Africans too but the ones being posted on this thread are the product of rape. Arabs have deliberately used rape to racially cleanse the Nilotic, Dinka etc people, both in the past and in modern context and they’ve also used tactics like genocide by indiscriminately killing the men so they can’t reproduce. Thank God Somalis are not this vile.

The reason why South Sudanese look a lot different to north Sudan is because the British colonised South Sudan and they wouldn’t reproduce with them. Whereas the Arabs who colonised north Sudan would rape the indigenous people. The fact that this continued to happen in the modern age means this is well documented.
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Let's see does history show this. Northern Sudan and South Egypt was once Christian before the switch to islam. If they were very nilotic like, then why do they look like this during the Christian period?









There were three Christian Nubian Kingdom Nobatia, Makuria, And Alodia. Nobatia was in Southern Egypt, Makuria was in Northern Sudan, and Alodia was central Sudan toward today Ethiopia. In various time Makuria ruled Nobatia, and Makuria controll what is today Northern Sudan, and Upper Egypt.

i am guessing you lot never saw real sudanis.

they have Madow hair and big nose.

great people and feature but those you posted are not correct representation of average sudanese

A room full of people so you decide.


I posted this one already a Mall in Khartoum Afrah


SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 • 11:26 AM 0

Developing bioarchaology in Sudan – workshop at the Sudan National Museum







At a depth of 2.5m below present surface, workmen Al-Nezir Mohamed (“Bushi”) and Abou Ad (right) revealed the top of an ancient doorway in the shaft cut through the schist bedrock below pyramid G321. Patience is needed, with the sand fill removed by hauling buckets up the shaft, before we can glimpse into the burial chamber.


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