Addressing the somali women weight problem

I know this may seem like a troll thread but it isnt so please only serious replies.
I feel like we all know why we have this problem but we are afraid to say it, the dress code, religion and our culture discourages women to exercise. Our somali skinny genetics can only hold for so long before our metabolism shits the bed. Which women can comfortably workout in a abayo while also being judged for playing sports and doing other activities that are un-womanlike, in conclusion we must change our model of dressing to stop the future generation from falling into weight issues later on in life. I dont think it is the womens fault i blame our culture.


Bah Qabiil Fluid
The truth is cause they are short and are eating the diet of someone who is far taller. Address quantity amounts first and everything else will be a breeze.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
*When my wife wakes up beside me.

“Naaya f*ck your breakfast go do your 30 minute P90X cardio”

I know this may seem like a troll thread but it isnt so please only serious replies.
I feel like we all know why we have this problem but we are afraid to say it, the dress code, religion and our culture discourages women to exercise. Our somali skinny genetics can only hold for so long before our metabolism shits the bed. Which women can comfortably workout in a abayo while also being judged for playing sports and doing other activities that are un-womanlike, in conclusion we must change our model of dressing to stop the future generation from falling into weight issues later on in life. I dont think it is the womens fault i blame our culture.
Booy you destined to be cuck LOOL. tell that shit to your habaryar and edoo and witness what they would do to u kkkkkkkkk


It's all so tiresome
Is it our diets or the sedentary lifestyle? At least the men walk a few miles a day even if all they're doing is visiting makhaayad.

Maybe there's a business opportunity here for someone smart enough to notice it and gives enough shit to implement it.
Is it our diets or the sedentary lifestyle? At least the men walk a few miles a day even if all they're doing is visiting makhaayad.

Maybe there's a business opportunity here for someone smart enough to notice it and gives enough shit to implement it.
It is troubling that this happens in all diasporas. Women only gyms exist in the west but they are still quite rare.


I do something called "what I want"
I know this may seem like a troll thread but it isnt so please only serious replies.
I feel like we all know why we have this problem but we are afraid to say it, the dress code, religion and our culture discourages women to exercise. Our somali skinny genetics can only hold for so long before our metabolism shits the bed. Which women can comfortably workout in a abayo while also being judged for playing sports and doing other activities that are un-womanlike, in conclusion we must change our model of dressing to stop the future generation from falling into weight issues later on in life. I dont think it is the womens fault i blame our culture.
I have 4 sisters and 6 female cousins from my dad's side. None of them are fat or overweight. So idk where you're getting this from, you're making up your own statistics based on assumptions


It's all so tiresome
It is troubling that this happens in all diasporas. Women only gyms exist in the west but they are still quite rare.

Now that I think of it it may be something else at play here as well. Since it's happening to most diaspora women and not to their peers back home then some of it may be attributed to their unique experience as first gen immigrants.

The higher number of generations their family have been in the country the more similar the women are to the natives in body composition or socially.

Maybe some inflammatory reaction to new types of diet or the stress of being an immigrant?


I do something called "what I want"
Now that I think of it it may be something else at play here as well. Since it's happening to most diaspora women and not to their peers back home then some of it may be attributed to their unique experience as first gen immigrants.

The higher number of generations their family have been in the country the more similar the women are to the natives in body composition or socially.

Maybe some inflammatory reaction to new types of diet or the stress of being an immigrant?
I don't think it's that deep, I think it's because of how easily we notice fat xalimos. Like if you walk past 5 or 6 non-overweight xaliimos one day you won't pay them much mind and forget about them by the next day, then the next day you see 3 or 4 overweight xaliimos walk by and then you think "wow there are so many fat xaliimos these days" and once you make that remark your brain starts purposely noticing every fat xaliimo you see and it further evolves your assumptions into reality.nJust think about all your female relatives (sisters, cousins etc) and use that as a sample and see how many overweight ones there are, I'm sure there are barely any overweight ones.


It's all so tiresome
I don't think it's that deep, I think it's because of how easily we notice fat xalimos. Like if you walk past 5 or 6 non-overweight xaliimos one day you won't pay them much mind and forget about them by the next day, then the next day you see 3 or 4 overweight xaliimos walk by and then you think "wow there are so many fat xaliimos these days" and once you make that remark your brain starts purposely noticing every fat xaliimo you see and it further evolves your assumptions into reality.nJust think about all your female relatives (sisters, cousins etc) and use that as a sample and see how many overweight ones there are, I'm sure there are barely any overweight ones.

That's not how statistics work :wow:. You base it on all the Somali women you've seen in your life over the age of 40 (we don't have actual stats) and compare them to the average body composition in the west (sans US) of the same age group.

It's not only Somalis... First gen arabs, latinos even asians.

However 2nd, 3rd generation etc are much in line with the mean.
Now that I think of it it may be something else at play here as well. Since it's happening to most diaspora women and not to their peers back home then some of it may be attributed to their unique experience as first gen immigrants.

The higher number of generations their family have been in the country the more similar the women are to the natives in body composition or socially.

Maybe some inflammatory reaction to new types of diet or the stress of being an immigrant?
Come to think of it most first gens are heavier, completely changing thier ancestral diet which their genetics are used too could be the factor rather than singling out only somalis