Abortion and IVF

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ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
Doesn't look like goo to me.

This is sad Wallahi.:dwill::jcoleno:


Suicidal men adore me.
Misogynist has now become a totally meaningless buzzword because of people like you. Stop abusing words.

It needs to be used more often. There are people out there that don't know the word even exists.

And you are one. I'm still willing to have discussions with you.

Anyways I mostly wanted anti abortionist who use the selfish infertility excuse to join the discussion. It's not really a matter of pro life/choice. I just wanna understand how you can make that argument when abortion and IVF are in reality just the same. Women taking control over their body.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
True. But we're talking about abortions not contraceptives.
The point was that's it's a great way to reduce unplanned pregnancies because less unplanned pregnancies, less abortions. Besides the I do think that it should be legal and available.
:cryinglaughsmiley:It's true that mainly loose women on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum will be opting for abortions. That's just common sense. Crime went down in countries that adopted abortion policies decades ago as less retarded children were born. :icon lol:
More like women on the poorer end of the spectrum have less access abortion facilities and are less informed about their options.


More like women on the poorer end of the spectrum have less access abortion facilities and are less informed about their options.

Contraception is cheap. In the West everyone has internet access and can look up how to use it. Nevertheless, poor women are still using abortion the most.
By the way, it's most poor women that use those abortion facilities. Not rich women. Especially in the US.
I'm pretty sure that's a modified pictures. Anyways be different countries have different rules and limits for when an abortion can take place. I think in Sweden it's maximum 8 weeks unless there's an emergency. First 2 months the fetus is nothing but a couple of cells,water and blood attached to each other.

And yes that is goo. Doesn't have a heart nor a brain so neither is it living.

By 6 weeks you can already see the hands,legs, eyes, nose and ears. By 3 weeks the fetus already has a heartbeat.



Suicidal men adore me.
Contraception is cheap. In the West everyone has internet access and can look up how to use it. Nevertheless, poor women are still using abortion the most.
By the way, it's most poor women that use those abortion facilities. Not rich women. Especially in the US.

Which make sense. Poor women usually have had a poor education compared to wealthy women.


Suicidal men adore me.
By 6 weeks you can already see the hands,legs, eyes, nose and ears. By 3 weeks the fetus already has a heartbeat.


It's still not a human. It doesn't live nor does it have a choice. The woman's uterus doesn't Occupt the fetus it's the other way around. The fetus is not a life and its merely welcomed or not welcomed inside of the female anatomy. Claiming it's a life and saying murder doesn't take away from the fact that the fetus has not rights. It's lives within a humans body. That human has right and agency over their body.


Suicidal men adore me.
Stop excusing it away with poor education. There's nothing complex about sex and contraception. These women are just dull.

Statistic world wide show women with less education who live in extreme misgonyst countries carry more babies than those with a high level of education in a more equal country. Do you disagree.

Immigrant women give birth to more children then Swedish women.
It's still not a human. It doesn't live nor does it have a choice. The woman's uterus doesn't Occupt the fetus it's the other way around. The fetus is not a life and its merely welcomed or not welcomed inside of the female anatomy. Claiming it's a life and saying murder doesn't take away from the fact that the fetus has not rights. It's lives within a humans body. That human has right and agency over their body.
If your mother decided to abort when she was pregnant with you, you would be fine with that?


Suicidal men adore me.
If your mother decided to abort when she was pregnant with you, you would be fine with that?

Yes. lol Is that question suppose to trigger me? Most abortions happen during a time when the fetus cannot survive outside of the woman's body. Meaning the fetus has no choice and no rights. The fetus "life" depends on the consent of the female. The fetus has no say what the female does with her body.

At the end of the day my mother and every other woman's agency over their body is their right and it's incredibly crucial.
Yes. lol Is that question suppose to trigger me? Most abortions happen during a time when the fetus cannot survive outside of the woman's body. Meaning the fetus has no choice and no rights. The fetus "life" depends on the consent of the female. The fetus has no say what the female does with her body.

At the end of the day my mother and every other woman's agency over their body is their right and it's incredibly crucial.
Just wanted to know where you stand. You're fine with taking a person's opportunity for life just because somebody didn't feel like carrying it around for 9 months.

If they didn't want to have a baby then they should have taken contraceptives.


Suicidal men adore me.
Just wanted to know where you stand. You're fine with taking a person's opportunity for life just because somebody didn't feel like carrying it around for 9 months.

If they didn't want to have a baby then they should have taken contraceptives.

A lot of women do take contraceptive and still get pregnant. It's not as easy as your trying to make it.

Pregnancy is more than just carrying for 9 months. Pregnancy changes a womans life. It changes her career opportunities, her education, her personal development, her economy and most of all her well being. Pregnancy disrupts all of these things. Do you think it's fine to to take a away personal opportunities in life just to carry a fetus?

Oh and men can also use contraceptive. Buy condoms or tie your balls . Men that are pro life should define key tie their balls.


Accomplished Saaxir
Whilst I support a Woman's right to sovereignty over her body. I still think abortion is to put it crudely a mucky and obscene process and you must not be naïve and acknowledge that abortions can often be a very traumatic process for the woman and not as smooth a process as @BebsiBolice makes out.
If you are so concerned about the sanctity of life you would stop jerking off into that sock for the 10th time in a row. Sperm has the possibility to be people too
@merka How can you kill something that isn't alive?

A heartbeat doesn't mean something is alive. So when we say someone is dead, its not when their heart stops, its when their brain stops exhibit regular wave patterns. That's when you're dead. There is no saving you once that happens. So its fair to say, that you're first alive when you start showing regular brain activity, and that happens by week 25. Which is the basis for setting the limit on abortion at 18-22 weeks.
How they are in same conditions? Abortion is choice of evil act, how you compare that to a woman who struggles to conceive something beautiful? ??


Suicidal men adore me.
Whilst I support a Woman's right to sovereignty over her body. I still think abortion is to put it crudely a mucky and obscene process and you must not be naïve and acknowledge that abortions can often be a very traumatic process for the woman and not as smooth a process as @BebsiBolice makes out.

Every procedures can be traumatic. The truth is pro-lifers have created a myth saying most women hate their decision and end up being traumatized when that's actually far from the truth.

Women that get their abortion done feel much better and usually never regret their decision.


Suicidal men adore me.
How they are in same conditions? Abortion is choice of evil act, how you compare that to a woman who struggles to conceive something beautiful? ??

Because both don't have control over their bodies and are seeking either through abortion or IVF to gain control.
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