Abortion and IVF

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Suicidal men adore me.
There's more similarities between the two then people understand. It comes down to women's body, agency, control and stigma.

Some anti -abortion believers like to shame women into not getting an abortion by using the same tiered reduntent agrument that there are women out there with fertility issues who long to give birth.

I see more similarities between a woman getting an abortion and a woman getting IVF assistance. Both women are seeking to control their body. And abortion or IVF are just tools for women to use to gain control, to have a say over their bodies. And in both cases the woman ends up with being stigmatized for taking control over her anatomy.

Both of these women in my opinion are in the same position just different outcomes.


Somalis already have a high fertility rate, so I'm okay with abortion. Right wingers are mainly concerned about abortion because of the ridiculously low fertility rate of white people (much below replacement rate).

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You're so extreme.
He's right though because if somali women were having less children they'd have more options to do other things like getting educated and working more, increasing the productivity of the nation as a whole. With work they'll obviously earn a salary and be more independent, giving them more options while also expanding the consumer market already catering to them.


Suicidal men adore me.
He's right though because if somali women were having less children they'd have more options to do other things like getting educated and working more, increasing the productivity of the nation as a whole. With work they'll obviously earn a salary and be more independent, giving them more options while also creating a expanding the consumer market already catering to them.

Well he edited his comment. He wrote something incredibly misgonyst. Didn't you @Amun i was referring to that
It's not. A fetus is not a child it's just goo.
Doesn't look like goo to me.



Well he edited his comment. He wrote something incredibly misgonyst. Didn't you @Amun i was referring to that
:cryinglaughsmiley:It's true that mainly loose women on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum will be opting for abortions. That's just common sense. Crime went down in countries that adopted abortion policies decades ago as less retarded children were born. :icon lol:


Suicidal men adore me.
Doesn't look like goo to me.


I'm pretty sure that's a modified pictures. Anyways be different countries have different rules and limits for when an abortion can take place. I think in Sweden it's maximum 8 weeks unless there's an emergency. First 2 months the fetus is nothing but a couple of cells,water and blood attached to each other.

And yes that is goo. Doesn't have a heart nor a brain so neither is it living.


Suicidal men adore me.
In criminology textbooks it literally says that, removal of lead from gasoline and abortion laws caused a big drop in youth crime rates. Less stupid children around.

Maybe. I still don't take your words for granted. You're a Somali version of Hitler and Hitler was a misogynist.
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