Abiy Ahmed Has Lost It!


Forza Somalia!
I think UAE’s plan are increasing dominance in Somalia and getting closer with Ethiopia. I don’t know what happened between them and Eritrea, but I suppose that Ethiopia has more to offer and possibly mediate and facilitate access to Eritrea’s ports, (if not a war sometime in the future).

I would be in Ethiopia’s interest to ally with RSF, as SAF are closer with Egypt and may support them in the dam issue and Egyptian forces in the country. But Abiy recently invited Burhan, which may indicate his stance. Otherwise, he would’ve mediated between the two.

I should’ve worded it better. I meant that the Red Sea is more strategic than the Indian Ocean in general, but in particular for the UAE.

Their end goal is to exert massive influence in the region. Unfortunately, Yemen and Somalia are the easiest to prey on with their respective instability issues.
Good insights, but I think the dam issue was already resolved, ethiopia already filled it multiple times. In fact, there is no Egyptian interest in supporting anti ethiopia states, no tigray, or fano, nor Eritrea.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
I mostly agree, except for, it wasn't a stalemate... at the end of the previous 1998-2000 war, ethiopia occupied a quarter of eritrea, and had their army retreating inwards, they were even preparing to wage guerrilla war, but meles zenawi called the endf back...

Ehhh, the land that they occupied was mostly Gash-Barka desert. The only reason they were even able to mount an offensive into Western Eritrea was because Al Bashir was feuding with Afwerki so he authorised the ENDF to invade and mobilise from the Eri-Sudan border. Once the EDF was able to reposition itself, the ENDF was getting absolutely massacred. The lopsided casualty numbers kind of give it away.

These excerpts all coming months after the TPLF had declared "total victory" in Feb 1999. The Ethiopian strategy was always to pay for territory in blood while Eritrea was more concerned with keeping EDF casualties to a minimum. On the other fronts like Bure/Assab, the ENDF encountered abject failure, not being able to make any gains whatsoever.

Meles knew that the EDF was going to do something reminiscent of what the EPLF did at Nakfa in 1982 when confronting the DERG Red Star Offensive: which was to retreat, dig their heels in and xoog their opposition head on and then counter attack.

U are delusional galla, even the CIA and russian said Somalia would've won even after Cuban armies arrived 😂also garre,gurgure are already Somali clan stop the hotep galla, am talking about two colonization event the Ogaden and Adal, the only thing that stopped us were the 7 nation y'all beggad just like y'all beggad Portuguese for help, tje Somali Abu were just assimilation group they didn't play much role on the battlefield that was all Somali soldiers stop rewriting history Gallo madow
are you good? the somali abo literally carried the somali army they captured negele,bale and filtu they also captured the most russians and cubans soldiers without them you wouldn't have the balls to invade ethiopia
are you good? the somali abo literally carried the somali army they captured negele,bale and filtu they also captured the most russians and cubans soldiers without them you wouldn't have the balls to invade ethiopia
yes, my mothers father was a senior General for the somali Abo somali Abo captured from Negele to Jeldessa, WSLF captured from Beledweye to Jijiga.
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Siad barre needed the somali abo to conquer the somali region and other parts of Ethiopia and when have you lifted us from peasants u did nothing other than cry online also the somali abo fought agaisnt the ethiopian gov before the 77 war the bale revolt is a example

"needed " -- bro said needed KKKK

do what you should do as my son since im your Somali Abo and stop posting farce

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cope man you begged me to help against your habesh massa :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa:

What Habesh massa? Stop projecting your insecurities, history and reality upon us.

Your people have never fought against them like us, which explains why you’ve been directly ruled by them for much longer.

Ironically, whenever some Oromos have decided to pick up a gun, there’ve always been other Oromos in bed and loyal to the masters. 💀
What Habesh massa? Stop projecting your insecurities, history and reality upon us.

Your people have never fought against them like us, which explains why you’ve been directly ruled by them for much longer.

Ironically, whenever some Oromos have decided to pick up a gun, there’ve always been other Oromos in bed and loyal to the masters. 💀
we have fought agaisnt habehsa and their is history to back this up
Siad barre needed the somali abo to conquer the somali region and other parts of Ethiopia and when have you lifted us from peasants u did nothing other than cry online also the somali abo fought agaisnt the ethiopian gov before the 77 war the bale revolt is a example
somali abo was not just our oromos footsoldeirs it was Garre Ajuran Karanle and Gurre as well
the same with the bale revolt
I have never really expected that Oromo will be the ones advocating the restoration of Eritrea back to to Ethiopia so they can have accesses o the Red Sea :heh:

I’m not surprised. This is the mindset many Oromos are adopting now, like @Daadhi Tarree and his uncle Abiy. Once they embrace Ethiopianism, the logical next step is start claiming Eritrea as a long lost Ethiopian territory. Nothing out of the ordinary.
yes anyone against ethiopia is traitor in my eyes oromo or not

