Aaran Jaan causing the destruction of puntland


They should know this is not an option. They have set in motion, moves that will have them fight both calisaleebaan and ina diyana for the pmpf and ps. Ima diyaana is against Deni and he’s not having it. Same with ina mashruuc and salax dheer who control pdg and pmpf. There are currently soldiers belonging to salax dheer setting up road blocks in laanta hawada. This is about to be serious. If it wasn’t for the garowe situation this would of happened 2 days ago but now gallan and Deni are waiting. I’m known on this website for claiming that faroole is the second father of puntland and the most productive president but I’m losing respect for him.


Last time you tried to rebel against the Mahmoud selebaan abdullahi yusuf crushed you.
Lol calisaleebaan has always been Abdullahi Yusuf alie. When did we rebel. Know your history. No one is rebelling. Deni wants to take over pmpf. It won’t happen. He better leave it alone or it won’t be good for him. He’s using gallan as a puppet to do his dirt work for him.
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I was waiting for someone to post about aaran jaan.

Deni beat diyaano in the elections because of his aaran jaan ties. But does this group want the best for PL..idk?

There's schism between Deni with vp Karaash, Diyaano, reer Bosasso, and now losing Sool & Sanaag support.
Lol calisaleebaan has always been Abdullahi Yusuf alie. When did we rebel. Know your history. No one is rebelling. Deni wants to take over pmpf. It won’t happen. He better leave it alone or it won’t be good for him. He’s using gallan as a puppet to do his dirt work for him.
Your logic is quite strange. Deni took over pmfp when he became president. Are you staging a coup?


Your logic is quite strange. Deni took over pmfp when he became president. Are you staging a coup?
Pmpf has shareholders from the start since they were established which have never changed hecwants to take it away from the Cali saleebaan shareholders and apparently the same with ps.


They should know this is not an option. They have set in motion, moves that will have them fight both calisaleebaan and ina diyana for the pmpf and ps. Ima diyaana is against Deni and he’s not having it. Same with ina mashruuc and salax dheer who control pdg and pmpf. There are currently soldiers belonging to salax dheer setting up road blocks in laanta hawada. This is about to be serious. If it wasn’t for the garowe situation this would of happened 2 days ago but now gallan and Deni are waiting. I’m known on this website for claiming that faroole is the second father of puntland and the most productive president but I’m losing respect for him.

That's why your not politician, you think swindling and 'tricks' work. Somalis are experts to detect games, trick, because it's dishonest culture so scientifically they adapted to be prepared for this. What they haven't adapted to is 'honesty' and you see how my threads get no debate but 'acceptance'. I am going to run thru you niggas for the elections cause my strategy is dealing with your weakest areas that you can't prepare for since you have no expertise in it.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
They should know this is not an option. They have set in motion, moves that will have them fight both calisaleebaan and ina diyana for the pmpf and ps. Ima diyaana is against Deni and he’s not having it. Same with ina mashruuc and salax dheer who control pdg and pmpf. There are currently soldiers belonging to salax dheer setting up road blocks in laanta hawada. This is about to be serious. If it wasn’t for the garowe situation this would of happened 2 days ago but now gallan and Deni are waiting. I’m known on this website for claiming that faroole is the second father of puntland and the most productive president but I’m losing respect for him.
Stop your lies PSF and PMPF Are two different forces.

PSF was created by cismaan diana illahay ha u naxariisto

PMPF was created by Abdirahman Faroole the previous president of puntland

Khilaaf xoog leh oo ka dhex jira Dowladda Puntland iyo Madaxda Khalijiyiinta Maalgelisa Ciidamada Badda Puntland
Posted by Iftiinshe on February 16th, 2016

Ciidamada lagu magacdaray PMPF oo horay loogu yaqaanay maafiyada Saracen, oo uu soo kiraystay calooshood u shaqeystayaal konfur African ah xilligii Madaxweyne Faroole dalka ka talinayey. Ciidamadan oo dacwado badan oo shacabka Puntland ka gudbiyeen, kadib laga bedelay magacii oo loo bixiyey magaca Puntland Marine Police Forcese oo marka la soo gaabiyana noqnaya PMPF.

Ciidamadan ayaa weeraro ka dhan ah shacabka iyo beelaha Puntland ka qeyb qaatay marar badan, waxayna weerar ku qaadeen shacab sida gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Bari Cabdisamad Gallan, waxayna gaarsiiyeey khasaare naf iyo maal.

Ciidamada Badda Puntland ee dhaqaalaha ay siiyaan Wadanka Imaraadka Carabta oo madax khalijiyiin ah ay maalgeliyaan ayaa ujeedadooda loo abuuray aheyd in xeebaha kala dagaalaman burcad badeeda iyo kuwa badaha aduunka la isaga gooshaya dhibatada ku haya ay wax ka qabtaan.

Ciidamadan ma aheyn ujeedadooda in ay ka qeyb qataan dagaalo iyo weeraro shacab ama deegaanada beelaha Puntland iyo dowladda Puntland khilaafka ka dhex jira ee awooda siyaasadeed oo dhexdooda isku haya.

Ciidamada Badda Puntland waxay doraad weerar iyo duulaan khasaare dhaliyey ku qaadeen deegaanka ceelaayo oo ka tirsan gobolka sanaag Bari, waxaana halkaas isku dhac ku dhex maray maleeshiyo beeleed deegaanka ceelaayo iyo Ciidamada PMPF ee Imaraadku dhaqaalaha siiyo. Isku dhaxaas waxaa ku dhintay laba qof oo mid uu ka mid yahay Ciidanka Badda Puntland halka kan kalena uu yahay qof rayid ah. Dhawaac ayaa shan qof gaaraya oo rayid iyo ciidanka badda puntland isugu jira.

Mid ka mid ah Beelaha Boosaaso degan oo askariga ka geeriyooda Ciidamada Badda Puntland uu ka soo jeedo ayaa diiday in ay aasaan askariga ka dhintay beshaas oo weli taalaag ayuu maalintii afaraad ku jira askarigaas, waxaana la isku diiday cidda bixinaysa qaanta ama magdhowga askariga dhintay.

Maalgeliyayaasha Ciidamada Badda Puntland ee khalijiyiinta iyo dowladda Puntland ayaa si weyn isugu khilaafsan howlagalada ka baxsa maandheydka ay dhaqaalaha ku bixiyaan imaaraadka carabta oo ah Badda iyo xeebaha inay kula dagaalaman oo kaliya burvad badeed, balse aanay ujeedadooda ay ciidamada u caawiyaan aheyn in beeelo iyo kooxo siyaasadeed isku haya deegaan ama xukun aanay ka qeyb noqon dagaaladooda.

Dowladda Puntland iyo maalgeliyayaasha Imaraadka Carabta ee Ciidamada Badda Puntland ayaa si weyn isugu khilaafsan cidda ay tahay in ay leedahay meesha loo adeegsanayo ciidamada iyo sida loo hagayo ujeedada ciidamadda Badda Puntland.

Dowladda Puntland madaxdeeda ayaa qaba in meel walba oo howlgal ah u adeegsan karaan ciidamada khalijiyiinta maalgeliyaan dhaqaalaha badana siiyaan ee PMPF halka Madaxda Maalgelisa Ciidamada ee khalijiyiinta Carabta ay aaminsan yihiin in dhaqaalahooda u bixiyaan oo kaliya la dagaalanka burcad badeeda halista ku ah Badaha Carbeed iyo kuwa Somaliya oo kaliya, balse aanay dhaqaale iyo magdhow ku bixin Karin ciidan waxyeelo ku soo gaadhay howlgal dowladda puntland la gashay shacbkeeda ama deegaan beeleed la isku hayo iyo khilaaf siyaasadeed oo dhexdooda ka dhasha ha ahadee.

Haddaba, waxaan weli heshiis laga gaarin sida la isula fahmayo hogaaminta howlgalada ka dhanka ah arrimaha ay dhaqaalaha ku bixiyaan imaraadka carabta, kaasoo ah Burcad badeeda Puntland sidii loola dagalami lahaa iyo Madaxda dowladda Puntland oo doonaya in ay meel wlaba u adeegsato ciidamada qalabaysan ee Baddda Puntland loo dhisay.



Stop your lies PSF and PMPF Are two different forces.

PSF was created by cismaan diana illahay ha u naxariisto

PMPF was created by Abdirahman Faroole the previous president of puntland


@Cognitivedissonance their bringing in border expert to ensure clan preferenced districts are wiped away, they want more seats in parliament dee based on clan pride. You can't create a state based on pride, we need REAL data, you can progress if your workin of ali saleman pride, you remain backward nation since the data isn't real. I can't wait till the demarcate the regions and districts following a set rule for all, no clan preference. He is going to be disempowered but it's better because whats the point of haram when he has to hide his face in bosaso scared of an assasination, why live like that, puntites at home wont accept u get more then your share and if u do u will seee that clan being killed constantly or losing great ppl all for what a silly kursi. We need a puntland based on brain power and ali saleman lacks it, it's his achille heels since his business clan not academic


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Gaas oo xilka ka xayuubiyey wiilka Faroole & carro xoogan oo ka dhalatay

WAAJIDPRESS – 6 Apr 2014:

Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali, ayaa xilkii ka qaaday agaasimaha ciidanka badda Puntland (PMPF) Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.
Inkastoo aan si rasmi ah loo shaacin magacaabistan ayaa haddana waxa warar lagu kalsoonyahay oo ka helnay madaxtooyadda sheegayaan in xilkan iminka loo magacaabay Xiriiriyaha madaxtooyadda ee ciidanka Badda Cabdinaasir Biixi Soofe.
Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan Faroole, oo ah wiilka madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole, ayaa lagu warramay in xil ka qaadista uu aad uga carrooday.

Ilo-wareedyo ku dhow isaga, ayaa sheegay inuu aaminsan yahay in xil ka qaadistiisa ay qabyaalad ku saleysan tahay.
Xubnaha ka dhow Ina-Faoole, ayaa sheegay in Cabdinaasir Biixi oo ka mida ganacsatada Puntland ay isaga iyo madaxweynaha Puntland yihiin kuwo isku dhow dhanka haybta, waxaana ay qayb ka tahay bay yiraahdeen isbadalka Shakhsiyaadka ee uu Mudane Gaas ku galay doorashada.
Ciidanka la-dagalanka burcad badeeda waxaa la dhisay sanadkii 2010, taasoo ka timi qorshe uu madaxwaynihiic hore ee Puntland Faroole u gudbiyay beesha caalamka in bariga lagala dagaalamo burcadda oo ah halka marka hore ay iska soo abaabulaan.
Ciidanka PMPF ayaa waxa dhaqaalaha ka taageera dowladda isku-taga Imaaraadka Carabta.
Xil ka qaadista lagu sameeyay Maxamed Cabdiraxman ayaa ahayd mid waayadan guuxeeda la isla dhexmarayay Puntland, waxna isna uu ku maqan yahay dibedda.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance their bringing in border expert to ensure clan preferenced districts are wiped away, they want more seats in parliament dee based on clan pride. You can't create a state based on pride, we need REAL data, you can progress if your workin of ali saleman pride, you remain backward nation since the data isn't real. I can't wait till the demarcate the regions and districts following a set rule for all, no clan preference. He is going to be disempowered but it's better because whats the point of haram when he has to hide his face in bosaso scared of an assasination, why live like that, puntites at home wont accept u get more then your share and if u do u will seee that clan being killed constantly or losing great ppl all for what a silly kursi. We need a puntland based on brain power and ali saleman lacks it, it's his achille heels since his business clan not academic
This guy ma xishooniyo kulaha cali saleeban controls PMPF since when kkk PMPF killed several of gallan men in 2014 and here is reer bari spewing his shameless lies war nin yaho dhad iis qabto ma ahaan

The man who created PMPF is faroole and his son Mohamed was the head of PMPF until gaas administration sacked him


This guy ma xishooniyo kulaha cali saleeban controls PMPF since when kkk PMPF killed several of gallan men in 2014 and here is reer bari spewing his shameless lies war nin yaho dhad iis qabto ma ahaan

The man who created PMPF is faroole and his son Mohamed was the head of PMPF until gaas administration sacked him

They using ali saleman cause of osman mahmoud cuqdad


@Cognitivedissonance they fear how much osman mahmoud owns in PL. Bah gareen all the businesses in Bosaso or at least 40%. The best soldiers PSF, direct access to CIA outside of PL control. The Boqor Burhan who is ensuring the kingdom continues as he does his tours with other kingdoms to talk on relations based on the old world order and our relationships. They know who owns PL lol marka they're trying to challenge it by allying with Ali Salebaan, they guaranteed them foot soldier role loooooooool in return for votes lol.

They wanna play the role of 'deciding bloc' of votes in PL election and increase issa mahmoud importance. Plus their not happy reer shirwac are banned from puntland port cuz of liban boqor incident as they know they will lose a great man for that in the future and in the mean time being blockaded untill the qiyaas happens lol. Right now nothing worth liban is to kill in them, so the blockade continues. Bah dir justice
From what I’m understanding cidamada pmfp waa cidamo caloshood uu shaqeyste ahh oo hub rasaas iyo dhaqaale ka bixiyo dowlada emiraatka si budcadbadeedku anu uu helin meel uu digto markabaha ayy bililqaystaan. Waxay la midyaheen cidamada danab oo xeerada balidoogle amar ka qadata.

Hortay how come whenever there is a khilaaf in puntland cidamada ay isku dacaan. Even look at caare. He was a abaanduule but he had to leave SL and gather troops in PL. you guys have no cidaan it’s clan militia.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance they fear how much osman mahmoud owns in PL. Bah gareen all the businesses in Bosaso or at least 40%. The best soldiers PSF, direct access to CIA outside of PL control. The Boqor Burhan who is ensuring the kingdom continues as he does his tours with other kingdoms to talk on relations based on the old world order and our relationships. They know who owns PL lol marka they're trying to challenge it by allying with Ali Salebaan, they guaranteed them foot soldier role loooooooool in return for votes lol.

They wanna play the role of 'deciding bloc' of votes in PL election and increase issa mahmoud importance. Plus their not happy reer shirwac are banned from puntland port cuz of liban boqor incident as they know they will lose a great man for that in the future and in the mean time being blockaded untill the qiyaas happens lol. Right now nothing worth liban is to kill in them, so the blockade continues. Bah dir justice
Ciise maxamud waa laandheere and truth by told PMPF was created by faroole and headed by his son Mohamed

Cali saleeban have another thing coming if they think they can challenge ciise maxamud for the leadership of PMPF they will be in fir a rude awakening none of the naxariis iyo perseverance of cismaan maxamud will they receive from ciise maxamud boowe sii fiican ba ciise maxamud u karbashayaa reer muumin ibn qandala ibn omani


From what I’m understanding cidamada pmfp waa cidamo caloshood uu shaqeyste ahh oo hub rasaas iyo dhaqaale ka bixiyo dowlada emiraatka si budcadbadeedku anu uu helin meel uu digto markabaha ayy bililqaystaan. Waxay la midyaheen cidamada danab oo xeerada balidoogle amar ka qadata.

Hortay how come whenever there is a khilaaf in puntland cidamada ay isku dacaan. Even look at caare. He was a abaanduule but he had to leave SL and gather troops in PL. you guys have no cidaan it’s clan militia.

I already spoke on this a long time ago but u chose not to read it and pose the same question, you live in defined reality of myth and not reading facts and wonder why your politics isn't succeeding, u need to work of real data to win politics not what u think is the case.

PL has an army but it's only 20% of our full of capacity. Here they are in a sample at PL parade. WhaT u see is not even one quarter tho of our full power.

My ISIM said we can recruit 2000 boys of active age 18-40 in the event of a full clan war, but we dedicate a portion to PL army to perform their state duties but not all of them dee, some are considered 'active' soldier and the others 'reserves' in PL. We have a 'reserve' army that is under the control of our ISIM whom we trust. I reiterate the strength of the ISIM is very powerful in PL and why I call for monarchy and representative govt, or else in reality we not building a govt that represents the stakeholders with power. Politicians do not have power in my clan, we discard them, noone listens to them, we see them as 4 years and they leave. In Australia it's the same deal politicians are not trusted nor liked.

It's the same in PL. In PL our old world kingdom are still beloved. We know u came to be in the 60s, but that's not the case for the rest of the civilized world who had kingdoms prior. U were in the bush that's why queen elizabeth declared you as her possession, if u had kingdom, u wud of been like majerteniya with your sultan ruling, f*ck outta here ID22R. @Teeri-Alpha needs to prove his kingdom which I haven't seeen when colonials came. We know where Somalis were in 15-16th century, adal sultanates, but then 17th century majerteniya sultanates came to be. Where was ABSAME we know the b22n got chased out into wilderness

ps: i know SL army is all u have but we have active n reserves, your army is fully active/reserves hahahahahahah. we are always more ahead then u, u just live in delusion of isaaq cult worship