A Somali girls honest opinion on skinny faraxs

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Rotting from the inside out.

It's worked forever, why change it?

Women cannot be expected to not run after the dominant males of the society they find themselves in.

In the West, that is the Western man. You cannot change innate behaviors that have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, so the patriarchy will be our weapon in the West.
It's worked forever, why change it?

Women cannot be expected to not run after the dominant males of the society they find themselves in.

In the West, that is the Western man. You cannot change innate behaviors that have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, so the patriarchy will be our weapon in the West.

Akhas :bell:

Are you trying to put us off?


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Somali faraaxs can be annoying, misogynists, loud and overral crazy. But I can't see myself with anyone else other than a Faraax. There's this sense of security I've towards faraaxs, I can curse them out and sleep knowing he won't shank me with a knife or kill me because he was bullied in middle school. And faraaxs don't have daddy issues like tyrones. :manny:
You smart :yousmart:

You loyal:yousmart:

I appreciate you:yousmart:


It's worked forever, why change it?

Women cannot be expected to not run after the dominant males of the society they find themselves in.

In the West, that is the Western man. You cannot change innate behaviors that have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, so the patriarchy will be our weapon in the West.
All that for a woman choosing her mate..

Well, it hasn't worked, except for one-half of the population.

Ppl are not typically dating "dominant" males, they're dating normal everyday ppl like themselves. And I'm not seeing the gold-digging component, not to mention that it's not limited to White males being dated. And how odd that these so-called White "dominant" males you claim are being chased are the least patriarchal...and you're brightest idea is to fight that with patriarchy.

You're falling away at the seams.

Just the other day, you were cracking a joke that a girl would date a Martian if we'd discovered Mars.

To that I say, "Well, no shit".

Regarding the general idea, that is.

The peculiar notion Somalis have that in uprooting from your country and migrating to another, in which you are a minority, that somehow the entire community is expected to be immune from dating the larger community. The White American population alone has so intermixed, most have no notion of a single European origin country their ancestors migrated from, they're effectively mutts. Somali men and women along with other pairs of migrants are no different in that sense, that you slowly become part of the tapestry of the society you live in generation by generation.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Vix that ain't always true

Italians have done a brilliant job of staying relatively homogeneous wherever they go

Of course a few marry out but most have that innate desire to keep their culture alive


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
All that for a woman choosing her mate..

Well, it hasn't worked, except for one-half of the population.

Ppl are not typically dating "dominant" males, they're dating normal everyday ppl like themselves. And I'm not seeing the gold-digging component, not to mention that it's not limited to White males being dated. And how odd that these so-called White "dominant" males you claim are being chased are the least patriarchal...and you're brightest idea is to fight that with patriarchy.

You're falling away at the seams.

Just the other day, you were cracking a joke that a girl would date a Martian if we'd discovered Mars.

To that I say, "Well, no shit".

Regarding the general idea, that is.

The peculiar notion Somalis have that in uprooting from your country and migrating to another, in which you are a minority, that somehow the entire community is expected to be immune from dating the larger community. The White American population alone has so intermixed, most have no notion of a single European origin country their ancestors migrated from, they're effectively mutts. Somali men and women along with other pairs of migrants are no different in that sense, that you slowly become part of the tapestry of the society you live in generation by generation.

Tell that to the African Americans being shot by 12 24/7


Assimilation only works when you the same color and religion, visible minorities especially dark skin niggas will never be allowed to assimilate.

I'm not here for the long haul, this exile will one day end. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion



Most Italians are mixed. Most do not know how to speak Italian. But they've kept remnants of their culture alive.

We have communities like that, little Italy, little China, little India, etc, in this country, which are the leftovers (or more recent manifestations) of large communities of migrants settling in one area, much like how Somalis have clustered in MN presently. They are pockets of cultural presentation with an American finish.


Tell that to the African Americans being shot by 12 24/7


Assimilation only works when you the same color and religion, visible minorities especially dark skin niggas will never be allowed to assimilate.

I'm not here for the long haul, this exile will one day end. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion


You have no idea what you're talking about. Blacks interacial-marry at higher rate than Whites in this country.

Interracial marriage isn't waning, it's on the rise.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
AAs have been in this country longer than Germans, Italians, and Irish, yet one group has been able to assimilate after a while and the other weren't allowed to drink from the same fountain within your parents lifetime.

There are niggas being gentrified, sent to prison, living in projects whose ancestors were in this hemisphere two centuries before Donald Trump's ancestors fled Napoleon lmao
^^ what does any of that have to do with you encouraging patriarchy???

Also all those groups are white, they were better off than black people


AAs have a history of slavery and segregation. The Irish of indentured servitude.

Currently, they're (Blacks) interracial-marrying at much higher rates than White ppl.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
^^ what does any of that have to do with you encouraging patriarchy???

Also all those groups are white, they were better off than black people

Patriarchy keeps the Somali identity in tact. Throughout the history of humanity, time and time again one tribe has annihilated the men of a rival tribe and taken the women for themselves. If I'm being honest, it's pretty much the story of the Somali and wider Cushitic speaking people's ethnogenesis.

It follows then that women do not have the same urge to protect the tribe, and throughout the course of human evolution, patriarchy alone has ensured the survival of each particular tribe or ethnic group. We can even see this behavior repeated throughout the animal kingdom e.g. a lioness shacking up with the strongest lion even though the nigga done killed her cubs a hour ago kkkkkk.

Somali men are obviously not the dominant males in the West, hence the disproportionate amount of Somali women who gravitate towards who they perceive as dominant i.e. cadaans and other filth. We cannot ignore a hundred thousand years of evolution, thus making the patriarchy an unfortunate but ultimately necessary solution.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
AAs have a history of slavery and segregation. The Irish of indentured servitude.

Currently, they're (Blacks) interracial-marrying at much higher rates than White ppl.

Again, assimilation is a meme. Visible minorities, in particular Africans, will never be allowed to integrate as easily as the Italians, Irish, and Germans you used as an example. Even Asian Americans, for all their kowtowing to the cadaan wretches and their model minority status, will always be seen as others.

You can choose to condemn yourself to forever be an outsider, I for one will take back Somalia for the Somalis and live amongst my own.



Again, assimilation is a meme. Visible minorities, in particular Africans, will never be allowed to integrate as easily as the Italians, Irish, and Germans you used as an example. Even Asian Americans, for all their kowtowing to the cadaan wretches and their model minority status, will always be seen as others.

You can choose to condemn yourself to forever be an outsider, I for one will take back Somalia for the Somalis and live amongst my own.


The Asians you speak of marry out at higher the rate of Blacks and Whites combined. Nothing you're saying fits the script of what's happening.

I'm not planning on going anywhere and I'm not going to pretend I am for the benefit of empty internet pride brownie points, like some ppl like to do on here.
Patriarchy keeps the Somali identity in tact. Throughout the history of humanity, time and time again one tribe has annihilated the men of a rival tribe and taken the women for themselves. If I'm being honest, it's pretty much the story of the Somali and wider Cushitic speaking people's ethnogenesis.

It follows then that women do not have the same urge to protect the tribe, and throughout the course of human evolution, patriarchy alone has ensured the survival of each particular tribe or ethnic group. We can even see this behavior repeated throughout the animal kingdom e.g. a lioness shacking up with the strongest lion even though the nigga done killed her cubs a hour ago kkkkkk.

Somali men are obviously not the dominant males in the West, hence the disproportionate amount of Somali women who gravitate towards who they perceive as dominant i.e. cadaans and other filth. We cannot ignore a hundred thousand years of evolution, thus making the patriarchy an unfortunate but ultimately necessary solution.

Might have worked in the past but we don't live in a tribalist society anymore (in the west that is). Face it no educated woman would willingly accept a system that keeps her at a disadvantage.

Why keep around a system that treats women like live stock. :camby:Literally no better than camels, I say good riddance

You need to lay of the alpha/ beta, dominant male psychoevolutionary theory sxb. :birdman: It's nonsense


While more egalitarian cultures are advancing, you're in stagnant water, too busy kicking and subduing half your population and half yourselves under heel to notice you've been sleeping in your own filth.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The Asians you speak of marry out at higher the rate of Blacks and Whites combined. Nothing you're saying fits the script of what's happening.

I'm not planning on going anywhere and I'm not going to pretend I am for the benefit of empty internet pride brownie points, like some ppl like to do on here.

When you say marry out, do you mean their women or their men? Thanks for proving my point.


This is why I respect the Indians and Pakis, no matter how long they've been around their daughters will always marry Pajeet back in Hyderabad.

While Asian niggas calaacaling on r/Asian masculinity


Patriarchy with another win.

Btw, why would I lie about going back to where I belong? I'm a refugee living in exile precisely because I can't go home. I've had the misfortune of living among both cadaans and madows and believe me when I say I truly despise both cultures. I'll be damned if I stay here longer than necessary. You can stick with them if you want, inshallah next year in Galgaduud

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.

There on the poplars we hung our harps,

for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"

How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?

If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget [its skill].

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.

While more egalitarian cultures are advancing, you're in stagnant water, too busy kicking and keeping half your population and half yourselves under heel to notice.

Never understood the logic in keeping half the worlds population subjecated. 2 is better than 1, we'd advance at a much higher rate if everyone was given equal opportunity
When you say marry out, do you mean their women or their men? Thanks for proving my point.


This is why I respect the Indians and Pakis, no matter how long they've been around their daughters will always marry Pajeet back in Hyderabad.

While Asian niggas calaacaling on r/Asian masculinity


Patriarchy with another win.

Btw, why would I lie about going back to where I belong? I'm a refugee living in exile precisely because I can't go home. I've had the misfortune of living among both cadaans and madows and believe me when I say I truly despise both cultures. I'll be damned if I stay here longer than necessary. You can stick with them if you want, inshallah next year in Galgaduud

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.

There on the poplars we hung our harps,

for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"

How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?

If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget [its skill].

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.


U want Somali men to throw acid and start honour killing ????? Bruuh

I mean we can be misogynistic but at least we haven't sunk that low :francis:
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
that is). Face it no educated woman would willingly accept a system that keeps her at a disadvantage.


How can the survival of one's ethnic group be a disadvantage? Do you not care about the Somali people?


While more egalitarian cultures are advancing, you're in stagnant water, too busy kicking and subduing half your population and half yourselves under heel to notice you've been sleeping in your own filth.

Feminism will be the undoing of the West. Just take a look at Germany and the U.S. Frau Merkel has doomed Germany with her open border policies, letting in quote literally millions of sand and jungle without a care in the world, and U.S. cadaan women will ensure Trump,who tbh every single cadaan should be voting for if they want to keep their country cadaan, will never sit in the oval office.

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