A solution to the Zina problem among young Muslims

Zina is extremely rampant in the West and we need to find practical solutions to the problem. You throw an innocent 20 year old man in a University environment, the sexual frustration will go through the roof which would make it easier for satan to tempt him.

If you want to sleep around with many woman through halal means, you could marry a girl with the intention of divorce and the marriage should be with no strings attached. I heard many Saudi and Gulf Arab expats who study in Europe/North America and want to preserve their chastity marry Non-Muslim (usually Christian) woman with the intention to divorce them in future. Instead of casually dating them, they would marry these girls and once they are finished with their studies, they would divorce them and return back to their countries.

Marrying with the intention to divorce isn’t the same as Mut’ah marriage since Mut’ah has a stipulated time period in the marriage contract whereas marrying with the intention to divorce isn’t time stipulated and only you know of your intentions.

Since we live in the Weat and marrying chaste Christian or Jewish woman is halal in our religion, marrying them with the intent to divorce them in the future should probably be the trend within the Muslim community in the West. Does anyone agree?

Internet Nomad

This seems sketchy and you should be careful with how you interpret the deen. The jews were known for trying to find loopholes within their deen in a way trying to trick Allah.


Zina is extremely rampant in the West and we need to find practical solutions to the problem. You throw an innocent 20 year old man in a University environment, the sexual frustration will go through the roof which would make it easier for satan to tempt him.

If you want to sleep around with many woman through halal means, you could marry a girl with the intention of divorce and the marriage should be with no strings attached. I heard many Saudi and Gulf Arab expats who study in Europe/North America and want to preserve their chastity marry Non-Muslim (usually Christian) woman with the intention to divorce them in future. Instead of casually dating them, they would marry these girls and once they are finished with their studies, they would divorce them and return back to their countries.

Marrying with the intention to divorce isn’t the same as Mut’ah marriage since Mut’ah has a stipulated time period in the marriage contract whereas marrying with the intention to divorce isn’t time stipulated and only you know of your intentions.

Since we live in the Weat and marrying chaste Christian or Jewish woman is halal in our religion, marrying them with the intent to divorce them in the future should probably be the trend within the Muslim community in the West. Does anyone agree?
I don't see any tangible difference between this and Mut'ah. In fact the name Mut'ah(baashaal) is more describing of this type of marriage.

The only practical non-marriage solution to the danger of Zina is fasting.
This seems sketchy and you should be careful with how you interpret the deen. The jews were known for trying to find loopholes within their deen in a way trying to trick Allah.
There’s a difference of opinion among the scholars as to whether marrying with the intention to divorce is permissible or not. Since we unfortunately don’t have concubines in the 21st century, marriage with the intent to divorce would be a practical solution to the fornication crises.
I don't see any tangible difference between this and Mut'ah. In fact the name Mut'ah(baashaal) is more describing of this type of marriage.

The only practical non-marriage solution to the danger of Zina is fasting.
Mut’ah has a stipulated time limit. Marriage with the intention to divorce has no stipulated time limit, he can decide to change his mind and continue the marriage.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Zina is extremely rampant in the West and we need to find practical solutions to the problem. You throw an innocent 20 year old man in a University environment, the sexual frustration will go through the roof which would make it easier for satan to tempt him.

If you want to sleep around with many woman through halal means, you could marry a girl with the intention of divorce and the marriage should be with no strings attached. I heard many Saudi and Gulf Arab expats who study in Europe/North America and want to preserve their chastity marry Non-Muslim (usually Christian) woman with the intention to divorce them in future. Instead of casually dating them, they would marry these girls and once they are finished with their studies, they would divorce them and return back to their countries.

Marrying with the intention to divorce isn’t the same as Mut’ah marriage since Mut’ah has a stipulated time period in the marriage contract whereas marrying with the intention to divorce isn’t time stipulated and only you know of your intentions.

Since we live in the Weat and marrying chaste Christian or Jewish woman is halal in our religion, marrying them with the intent to divorce them in the future should probably be the trend within the Muslim community in the West. Does anyone agree?
Are you a Shia ?
use some logic do you honestly believe this is halal. If some people on here decide to take your advice, the sins they commit will also fall on you. Unless you are a person of knowledge (within the Deen) I’d advise you to not give out these types of advise. You don’t have to be a scholar to know that what you’re suggesting is haram. Allah (swt) hates divorce, so why would you think this is a good idea.
It’s not ideal but it’s a preferable option to casually fornicating with woman. Instead of having a girlfriend or being friends with benefits, she would be your wife.
Yes, we will see how you would feel about that if someone was to use and abuse your daughter, sister and nieces and the list goes on.

Some of you pretend God fearing men have no mercy or respect for women and are filled with xaasid.

Like I said, my you reap what you sow.
Yes, we will see how you would feel about that if someone was to use and abuse your daughter, sister and nieces and the list goes on.

Some of you pretend God fearing men have no mercy or respect for women and are filled with xaasid.

Like I said, my you reap what you sow.
Sex is so casual in the West, I doubt most Western woman would care too much if she was messing with a guy who doesn’t want to have a long-term committed relationship with her so I wouldn’t really consider that “abuse.” Even if these girls are not married, she’ll probably date a guy for like 6 months and eventually break up with him, most dates do not last long so why not provide a halal alternative to this hookup/Zina culture?
Sex is so casual in the West, I doubt most Western woman would care too much if she was messing with a guy who doesn’t want to have a long-term committed relationship with her so I wouldn’t really consider that “abuse.”
For Muslim women, it is most definitely abuse and most women who are led to believe that they’re in a committed relationship such as marriage would feel abused and blindsided that they were just used to sex. Why would a woman marry? Have a child? For a man to turn around once he has met his needs? Are you some sort of sociopath? Wtf is wrong with you?

Like I said, love for your brothers what you love for yourself. If you want other peoples family members to be married for sex and then tossed aside with kids instead of building strong Muslim families then wish that for the women in your fam.

Leave us women alone and your thought process is a danger to the Muslim Ummah as we will just have bitterness and a trail of broken homes and women with weak Imans once they see that these ‘Muslim’ brothers are using Islam to justify using women in this gross manner.

Even if these girls are not married, she’ll probably date a guy for like 6 months and eventually break up with him, most dates do not last long so why not provide a halal alternative to this hookup/Zina culture?
Most Muslim women are virgins upon marriage wtf are you talking about??!

An halal alternative is proper marriage or fast.The Prophet s.a.w already gave you a solution but you’d much rather think like an animal and use your own sisters in Islam than actual listen to any Prophetic wisdom.

It’s very telling that you ignored my first part? Do you want that for your sisters and daughters? Do you want them to be married to man who only values them for sex and tosses them aside. Answer that question if you have even an honest bone in your body or even morals.

This thread is angering me and really shows how some of our so called brothers in Islam are sick and evil. No morals or respect for their fellow sisters.

I don’t really agree with Muslim men doing this to Muslim woman, especially Muslim woman from conservative families/cultures, I’m specifically talking about Muslim men in the west marrying Non-Muslim Western woman with no strings attached.
There’s a difference of opinion among the scholars as to whether marrying with the intention to divorce is permissible or not. Since we unfortunately don’t have concubines in the 21st century, marriage with the intent to divorce would be a practical solution to the fornication crises.
Ask yourself why fornication has been made haram? Because it leaves broken homes, bitterness and other social ills. When you marry with the intention of divorce, therefore a halalified ‘hookup’ the social issues that you find with Fornicating is still there. Kids without fathers, since the man finishes Uni and goes back to his nation, women with lowered Iman because of deception and the list goes on.

why was Mutah made haram if you’re tying to find a loophole which creates the same issues. At least with Mutah, the woman isn’t deceived but now you want men to lie about their intentions because let’s be real, no woman would enter a union knowing a man only wants her short-term. No sane Wali, would give his daughter away to a man that didn’t value her.

You’re a dayooth and want to create an army of dayooths who normalize their daughters being tossed aside.

I hope men like you are cursed.

I don’t really agree with Muslim men doing this to Muslim woman, especially Muslim woman from conservative families/cultures, I’m specifically talking about Muslim men in the west marrying Non-Muslim Western woman with no strings attached.
Yes, so that they get these women pregnant and their kids turn to gaals and the woman has an aversion to Islam creating broken homes with kaafir kids with dad’s that couldn’t control themselves.

There is a reason why Scholars such as Ibn Uthaymeen and Albani deemed it haram. They witnessed the exodus of Saudi male students that did this in the 80s and saw the evil consequences.

No sane individual with real mercy and iman will advocate for this. That is why scholars spoke up when they saw what was happening on the ground.


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