A Practicing Believing Muslim is the Most Well Adjusted Person on Earth

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Chase the Akhirah and the dunya will chase you. Ie get your affairs in order with Allah, and everyday problems will fizzle away into ease and peace.

Do this mainly by praying your salaat consistently and reading Quran in any amount daily.

Thanks :)
Chase the Akhirah and the dunya will chase you. Ie get your affairs in order with Allah, and everyday problems will fizzle away into ease and peace.

Do this mainly by praying your salaat consistently and reading Quran in any amount daily.
This is facts

Found this story on another forum

  1. My grandfather is a Muslim imam in Africa

    The man came to France in the 70s with a 120 francs and nothing morr than islamic spiritual healing as a viable skill. Could not speak a lick of french black ad charcoal and wearing islamic garb. The man got shuttled from hotel to hotel his first day till he landed at a hotel that was owned by a Malian. It's 20 francs a day to be paid at the end of the week so obviously by the weeks end he would be shaking it.

    The first two days he had no idea about free breakfast so he had 2 croissants and two cups of coffee. He would pray his salah and make extensive dhikr (mention the name of God) And sit in his hunger. The third day a random bread delivery man that came to deliver came to his room at the beckoning of a nosy cac (loooool). He immediately recognized that my grandfather was the same ethnicity and came in. He told my grandfather he had a problem and if he could do ruqyah (islamic spiritual healing) for him..my granddad told him 4000 francs..the guy said make it 2000..he agreed and went and got my grandfather food...the next day another guy came and him and my grandfather agreed on 3000 for a different problem

    So now he has 5000 francs can't even count it cuz he can only read Arabic at that time. What does he do, he sends the entire money back home and told his brother give it to our uncle so he can go to hajj. The man did as ask and his uncle prayed in a state of pure elation.

    I sheet you not, the man since that day till he Retired in 95 made at least 60 million. 236 people whose rent he was paying every month in France whose citizenship he got and everything. If you go to him and ask, he will give you money without even checking the amount.

    I have never seen a person whose very presence makes you quiver and feel safe at the same time.

    And all that was based on two things...belief in Allah and living up to his commands with sincerety.
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