A Happy Coming-Out-Story for A Somali Ex-Muslim

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Isn't this what you and your crew are doing btw. By vomiting the pre-opinions you receive from basement dwellers on reedit and use it to frequently harass and insult others on here for their belief?

Not only the fact that you people openly displayed how little you know about the so-called religion you disagree with. Fox News ,Ayaan Hirsi ,Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are not a good source of information on Islam or experts in Theology.

Thats like asking KKK members to explain African Americans.

Lastly i am not imposing anything on anyone, Just making my own case. As ive told your pals @dhegdheer and @VixR as independent thinking human beings you are free to make your own choices and believe what you like.

But you cannot act like these things are universal or empirical because they are not.
It is definitely less wrong than what you believe in. You may not like it when I say that but it's true.
The fact that you feigned agnosticism just to debate on our level proves that you know that already.

You had to hide your faith because deep down you know it is a difficult thing to argue for. It's irrational by its nature.

You may be one of us after all. Come out aboowe you know u want to
This nigga would happily fight and die in Arab wars. :drakelaugh:

Understand the difference between business and charity work. They're not helping us if they're looking for something in return. :bell:

Jesus fucking christ how dense are you. First you complain they don't do shit then you switch around and say "b-b-but it's not for freee" Fucking degenerates

What they're expecting in return is cooperation, business and support. f*ck you want us to switch to Iran when they and any other fucking country would want the same in return

We're in the fucking Arab League ffs. We're supposed to help each other back up so business can be continued. Of course they probably want a piece of the Somalia pie and they'll get it as we need them for expanding the Oil, Infrastructure and every other sectors that they've already perfected. The MORE successful we are the bigger an asset and ally we become.

Dense motherfuckers


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
@Dhabaal I don't know which definition of agnosticism you hold but from my understanding, agnostics are bunch of people that rather suspend their judgement on whether God exists or not because there is simply no evidence backing either side. A doubting Muslim =/= agnostic. Why you might say? Because an agnostic lives his life like an Atheist and a doubting Muslim doesn't.

The definition agnosticism is not that complicated, unless you know about 100 different ways of explaining ''Uncertainty''.

. Agnosticism is not about evidence you cannot falsify ''God'' , just like cannot falsify the existence of ''Consciousness'' or falsify'' "What distinguishes alive and dead matter?", "What does it mean to know?", "Do numbers and ideas have an independent existence?", and whatever... are not falsifiable and therefore not entirely in the domain of empirical science.

Agnosticism is left to derive their standing from metaphysics.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
''Agnostics lives his life like an Atheist'''

Loook at these idiots imply Atheism and Agnosticism being a lifestyle. :mjlol:
Sorry for keeping you waiting walal :oops:

Obligation or not we still do it :hmm:

What about the rise of Salafism in Somalis? The whole movement is effectively anti culture. It's basically turning us into Saudi Arabia 2.0

That post wasn’t about your comment, I was speaking in general. About Salafis, it’s a hard question to answer tbh. The denomination in of itself does not condone cultural imperialism. I guess some Salafis must have ulterior motives or something…
This thread has taken unexpected turns; from debating about the existence of God, to discussing the DNA of Somalis, to interrogating @Dhabaal regarding his religious affiliation. Why do you all care if he’s Muslim or not?! I mean, it doesn’t even make a difference as far as debating about religion & God is concerned.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
This dude confuses politics with playground friendship. If I back you, you back me. That's some retarded shit.

Somalia should stay miles away from any of that sectarian bullshit that the Arabs are playing with. We've had enough of war.

Seriously, I don't understand how people study history and not realize this. There is literally no such thing as 'friendship' between nations. Even if there is, it's only temporary until the circumstances change. Good night bro.

Iran and Isreal couldn't nor wouldn't give us half of what the Arabs are giving us, and they're not like the Russians nor are the circumstances alike. They've sided with us for literally hundreds of years. The Arabs have no reason to sell us out, in fact they are very much inclined to unite the Arab League as much as possible.

Stop acting like a kid with your what if shit. Just accept that the Arabs are actually doing good and aren't evil like the rethoric you've been fed dictates
Thank you for putting words in my mouth. Please go back and show me where I said they were evil. I said they're acting in their own self interest, and we should as well. There's nothing 'evil' about that. It's what all nations with intelligent leadership do. It's perfectly logical and rational. Maybe today Israel and Iran won't can't help us, but a year down the line? Five years? Don't you realize how quickly things change? 6 years ago Ben Ali was still president of Tunisia, Mubarak was still going strong, Gaddafi was still the man in Libya, there was no ISIS or Syrian Civil War. What a different world it was. Considering 'what if' isn't what kids do, it's was adults do, if you can't see that then really there's no helping you. You always have to be vigilant. America and the EU are much stronger allies than Somalia and Saudi Arabia, and yet the NSA was still spying on Merkel and Hollande. Ask yourself why they were doing that. Even if another country is tight with you, you have to know what they're thinking and planning behind closed doors, and respond accordingly. You can't just accept they help they give you and think "wow, what nice guys, I'm sure we can trust them." That's beyond naive.


Gaalkacyo Gangster

Jesus fucking christ how dense are you. First you complain they don't do shit then you switch around and say "b-b-but it's not for freee" Fucking degenerates

What they're expecting in return is cooperation, business and support. f*ck you want us to switch to Iran when they and any other fucking country would want the same in return

We're in the fucking Arab League ffs. We're supposed to help each other back up so business can be continued. Of course they probably want a piece of the Somalia pie and they'll get it as we need them for expanding the Oil, Infrastructure and every other sectors that they've already perfected. The MORE successful we are the bigger an asset and ally we become.

Dense motherfuckers
Also the fact that you think that the Arab League actually means anything shows how little you know. It's basically a forum for disunited, squabbling naago. It doesn't mean shit. The GCC is what the gulf countries really care about, and guess what Somalia isn't in that.

Look at this. Gaddafi was right and yet they laugh in his fucking face. "Arab League" my futo.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This thread has taken unexpected turns; from debating about the existence of God, to discussing the DNA of Somalis, to interrogating @Dhabaal regarding his religious affiliation. Why do you all care if he’s Muslim or not?! I mean, it doesn’t even make a difference as far as debating about religion & God is concerned.

Notice how they do not make moral arguments about religion.

Rather, they have created a new form of fundamentalism that attempts to permeate society with ideas about their own moral superiority and the omnipotence of their own human reason.

They literally believe Atheism is a culture,race and religion. Thats why they are keen on whatever i am a Muslim or not.


''Agnostics lives his life like an Atheist'''

Loook at these idiots imply Atheism and Agnosticism being a lifestyle. :mjlol:

Why the plural of idiots? I said it. Let me clarify what I mean by that. Agnostics and Atheists both live their lives like their isn't God. Theists on the other hand live their lives with the idea that God can intervene at any moment. Which brings us back to the different definition we hold of agnosticism.
I am a muslim and i will always be one
Why are we even doubting it. He's a self confessed sheegato

And yes it does make a world of difference because he can no longer hide behind his "agnosticism". He actually has to defend his irrational beliefs now. @Dhabaal why does the timeless teaching of your prophet tell us that drinking camel urine is medicinal when we know it not to be true today?
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Why the plural of idiots? I said it. Let me clarify what I mean by that. Agnostics and Atheists both live their lives like their isn't God. Theists on the other hand live their lives with the idea that God can intervene at any moment. Which brings us back to the different definition we hold of agnosticism.

What does that imply living life like there is no God?. Do you stop washing your ass after you done pooping, because you lack spirituality?:heh:

Cultures are just tested methods of living life, the mere act of doubting ''God'' does not prevent you from being ''Culturally Muslim''.

That is something metaphysical. Not a lifestyle.

You are talking semantics bro, All definitions ultimately mean the same just worded differently.

Pluss @Layth made a great point
This thread has taken unexpected turns; from debating about the existence of God, to discussing the DNA of Somalis, to interrogating @Dhabaal regarding his religious affiliation. Why do you all care if he’s Muslim or not?! I mean, it doesn’t even make a difference as far as debating about religion & God is concerned.
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why does the timeless teaching of your prophet tell us that drinking camel urine is medicinal when we know it not to be true today?
I beg to differ. Camel urine is known to have many healing properties:


P.S. @Dhabaal there's no point in debating with a bunch of biased folk. They're unwavering in their disbelief, let's leave them to their devices.

"Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving." (76:3)
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What does that imply living life like there is no God?. Do you stop washing your ass after you done pooping, because you lack spirituality?:heh:

Culture are just tested methods of living life meaningfully or even harmoniously, the mere act of disbelieving in ''God'' does not prevent you from being ''Culturally Muslim''.

Something personal and metaphysical.

You are talking semantics bro, All definitions ultimately mean the same just worded differently.

Pluss @Layth made a great point

It's not semantics sxb. There is a clear distinction between agnostics and muslims. One says I don't know whether there is a sky daddy up there in the heavens watching our every move. While the other boldly believes that there is one who answers every prayer and ultimately judges whether you end up in hell or heaven which hinges obviously on your piety. This criteria for piety is clearly outlined in the Quran. I don't know why you fail to comprehend this simple distinction. Wallahi a kid can understand this.

Now, certainly you are right, just because I don't believe in God, doesn't mean I can't be culturally Muslim. Like fasting during Ramadan, celebrating Eid, adopting Islamic values etc. I never said it wasn't possible.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
It's not semantics sxb. There is a clear distinction between agnostics and muslims. One says I don't know whether there is a sky daddy up there in the heavens watching our every move. While the other boldly believes that there is one who answers every prayer and ultimately judges whether you end up in hell or heaven which hinges obviously on your piety. This criteria for piety is clearly outlined in the Quran. I don't know why you fail to comprehend this simple distinction. Wallahi a kid can understand this.

There is no pure dichotomy between agnosticism or a particular culture. Being agnostic doesn't prevent you from being devout follower of Islam(i.e Piety).

Unless you are implying agnosticism is competing ideology.

Not every Muslim who falls into kufr is a kaafir and apostate. There are reasons why a Muslim may be excused and not judged to be a kaafir, for example: ignorance, misunderstanding, being forced, and making mistakes.

Now, certainly you are right, just because I don't believe in God, doesn't mean I can't be culturally Muslim. Like fasting during Ramadan, celebrating Eid, adopting Islamic values etc. I never said it wasn't possible.

You didn't but others here have implied it several times. They act like mere disbelief is a new modern phenomena brought to them by the all mighty European enlightenment.

It's because they are not Atheist for philosophical reasons(disbelief in God), but rather because they hate the lifestyle and reject it. Which is just a huge cop out.


I am a muslim and i will always be one , i love this culture. Nothing compares to the amount of inclusion, compassion and communal love i recieve from my fellow Muslims. Islam is about the balance between self-preservation and selflessness.

I will never worry about being pressured into making my life about material progress and pleasure and risk being excluded and lose hope or meaning in my life as a result of failure.

I follow Islam out of love not out of fear or being forced, but out of genuine love. It is part of me.


You 360'd in less than 24 hrs, or were u bullshiting all along?!
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