2022 is ending. What was your best accomplishments this year? Can be anything


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I have finally been crowned Most Valuable FKDER on FKDspot and managed to create 50+ Platinum threads earning automatic rights to exclusive DM privileges!
Nothing of significant, other than working out a lot more and saving up.

However 2023 will be a big year for me, moving to a new country.
Getting used to putting myself in uncomfortable situations for growth purposes. Learning to not neglect myself in all facets of life. Seeing difficulties as opportunities instead of misfortunes. Mostly my growth happened in my mentality. And meeting financial goals. Alhamdulilah.
Warya this is 2022 Somali skaters exist and we're growing in numbers. I saw a Somali at the skatepark 3 or 4 months ago
Thinking about joining this group. I’m ready to break something for the first time
Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey

