Ethiopia’s army looks scary
Yes, but it is nothing compared to your profile image.
Ethiopia’s army looks scary
Even though I think Trump’s impeachment is warranted, despite it’s ineffectiveness (I think it’s a sign that things are at least working as they should in the Judicial system), I’m looking at the rising rate of impeachments and their substance.
To their credit, if you look at Democrat-lead impeachment efforts in terms of recent history, Trump’s impeachment and Nixon’s near impeachment both centered around serious concerns, but the most recent Republican-led impeachment effort regarding Clinton was about something as frivolous as an infidelity, as if the public should care about something as pedestrian as that.
What I see is its continued use as a political tool, and the Republicans retaliating on the next Democratic president.
I don’t agree with the whole Trump being an anti-establishment disrupter narrative.US politics is turning into a race to the bottom so yh you're right they'll use impeachments as often as they filibuster...
Then again Trump is an outsider and you won't ever see an establishment President being scrutinized as much as him again.
Fairly sure his predecessors carried out plenty of dirty deals and coerced other world leaders but they'll never have to answer for those acts.
In reality a frivolous thing like cheating would be actually quite a normal thing to get impeached for not the dirty deals which both parties usually keep quite about.
They really want Trump out so they're breaking some unwritten rules here but it's likely they won't repeat it or no President would ever be safe again.
It's literally the nuclear option. Future Presidents will ensure that they'll have enough leverage to ward of any attempts (MAD standoff).
I don’t agree with the whole Trump being an anti-establishment disrupter narrative.
But since your outlook is as grim as mine, where are you planning on groundhog-ing it. for global geopolitics for the 2020s is the geopolitical tensions will continue to escalate over the course of the next seven years.
1. Sharpening tensions and heightened doubts concerning the U.S. role in the world will continue for several years.
2. The European Union will need to implement badly needed reforms to maintain its legitimacy.
3. Ongoing uncertainty surrounding future North Korea’s nuclear program threatens East Asian security.
4. Populism and dissent will spread across Latin America.
5. Expect increasing assertiveness from Beijing and Moscow as both governments seek to lock in competitive advantages.
6. The standoff between Russia and the West will continue throughout 2020.
7. China, for its part, may have domestic concerns to grapple with this year.
8. Expect Persisting Volatility in Southeast Asia.
9. Violent extremism, terrorism, and instability will continue to hangover Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the region’s fragile communal relations.
10. The Middle East and North Africa will see continued, if not escalating instability.
11. Sub-Saharan Africa will struggle with authoritarian regimes.
12. Threats from terrorist and insurgent groups will persist and are likely to become more decentralized.