2 Somali Mosques In Minnesota Attacked After Prayer Calls Law Was Passed


Some people are high key self haters. Do they think cuunsuris are like children playing peekaboo and disapear when you don’t see them? It’s better to let them into the light and lance them there
Nope it’s best for us to stay the f*ck away from them. Whenever a racist plans on exposes themselves, it involves taking lives. Do u really think they have not thought about ppl trying to stop? These ppl plan this stuff for months don’t underestimate the lengths hate can do to someone. Nothing is self hating about the fact the west isnt a place for muslims lol.
The Somali community in America prospered and put their mark in Minnesota because they haven’t assimilated and are not like the other community

Internet Nomad

Lol if wanting to prioritize the safety of our community is retarded than I am the biggest retard of them all. In an ideal world we should be able to practice islam to the fullest extent in any secular democratic country right? Here the problem we can’t. No one’s life is worth putting at risk just to play the adhan. I am not victim blaming muslims, however whoever didn’t think that we would receive some form of violence is being disingenuous. Besides if u think Minneapolis cares about somalis? They only allowing this so that they seem more progressive, had they cared they would have at least discussed some security measures.
This isn't nazi Germany playing the adhan isn't going to cause a massacre it was only one crazy individual who read a bit too much rightwing anti islamic media.

However if the people do feel like their lives at risk then i would understand them not playing the adhan on loud speakers.

Maybe its my bias because in london the adhan playing especially in high muslim areas is the norm


I do something called "what I want"
Lol if wanting to prioritize the safety of our community is retarded than I am the biggest retard of them all. In an ideal world we should be able to practice islam to the fullest extent in any secular democratic country right? Here the problem we can’t. No one’s life is worth putting at risk just to play the adhan. I am not victim blaming muslims, however whoever didn’t think that we would receive some form of violence is being disingenuous. Besides if u think Minneapolis cares about somalis? They only allowing this so that they seem more progressive, had they cared they would have at least discussed some security measures.
lol stfu. “in an ideal world” kulaha.

Ok so what, just lie down and show our bellies?

What you’re not understanding is if the ruling was already passed by the city. That means the MAJORITY are in favour. Why tf should we be afraid of a small minority?

Any security measures is the Mosque’s responsibility. Only Somalians would defend crap like this with “obviously it would happen”.

Let me put it in a different perspective. Imagine if the government passed a bill allowing Sikhs to start publicly wearing their sabres. And then muslims started going around and killing people over it.

There is no way in hell you’d even think of saying “of course this would happen!! Sikhs should have never tried to push for this! Democracy is only allowed for white christians otherwise these minorities better fear the consequences!”.


lol stfu. “in an ideal world” kulaha.

Ok so what, just lie down and show our bellies?

What you’re not understanding is if the ruling was already passed by the city. That means the MAJORITY are in favour. Why tf should we be afraid of a small minority?

Any security measures is the Mosque’s responsibility. Only Somalians would defend crap like this with “obviously it would happen”.

Let me put it in a different perspective. Imagine if the government passed a bill allowing Sikhs to start publicly wearing their sabres. And then muslims started going around and killing people over it.

There is no way in hell you’d even think of saying “of course this would happen!! Sikhs should have never tried to push for this! Democracy is only allowed for white christians otherwise these minorities better fear the consequences!”.
Lol this “minority” u r talking is dangerous & rapidly growing. Besides i don’t think u thought ur analogy out that well. If a law was passed so that a certain group of ppl were allowed to carry a weapon around don’t u think members of that group & others will abuse that law. Then can all plead “self defense” or “its my culture/religion” when something bad goes down (i guess common sense aint so common these days). And secondly democracy isn’t law created by Allah lol it’s has it flaws. As muslims we can never feel true security until there is a country that establishes sharia properly. So when i tell u we should operate differently because we are a disliked minority u don’t need to throw a temper tantrum. But since ur so insistent on this why dont u go martyr urself? I am done with this dead topic somali ppl safety is my top priority I don’t care if yall see this as doqonimo.


I do something called "what I want"
Lol this “minority” u r talking is dangerous & rapidly growing. Besides i don’t think u thought ur analogy out that well. If a law was passed so that a certain group of ppl were allowed to carry a weapon around don’t u think members of that group & others will abuse that law. Then can all plead “self defense” or “its my culture/religion” when something bad goes down (i guess common sense aint so common these days). And secondly democracy isn’t law created by Allah lol it’s has it flaws. As muslims we can never feel true security until there is a country that establishes sharia properly. So when i tell u we should operate differently because we are a disliked minority u don’t need to throw a temper tantrum. But since ur so insistent on this why dont u go martyr urself? I am done with this dead topic somali ppl safety is my top priority I don’t care if yall see this as doqonimo.
if you literally go into an analogy then you’re missing the whole point.

Lol Idk even know what you’re saying anymore. You put minority in question marks as if that’s not a fact that muslims are a minority, and then you say we’re dangerous like what is that supposed to mean? Are we the ones setting places on fire because things have been decided on democratically?

I don’t see what your point is. Some cadaan guy decides to start committing violent acts because he doesn’t agree with the city, and then you’re justifying his actions and using it as an excuse not to ever leave our boxes and stay quiet like the model minority.

Just say you’re either spineless or secretly hate muslims.


if you literally go into an analogy then you’re missing the whole point.

Lol Idk even know what you’re saying anymore. You put minority in question marks as if that’s not a fact that muslims are a minority, and then you say we’re dangerous like what is that supposed to mean? Are we the ones setting places on fire because things have been decided on democratically?

I don’t see what your point is. Some cadaan guy decides to start committing violent acts because he doesn’t agree with the city, and then you’re justifying his actions and using it as an excuse not to ever leave our boxes and stay quiet like the model minority.

Just say you’re either spineless or secretly hate muslims.
LOOOL the point flew right past ur cambuulo sized brain the “minority” i was talking about are racist extremists not muslims u idiot lmao. Besides it’s not question marks it’s quotation marks. If u r making rookie mistakes like this i should have know better than going back and forth with u. Also the whole point of an analogy is to go in depth or else u wouldnt be able to help others understand the situation ur referring to. Just say u weren’t bright enough to think of a better analogy for ur pathetic argument. This is the last time i am responding to u. U r clearly talking out of ur ass & u don’t have a clue about what u r saying. Now drop this dead topic.
Practice your believe quietly because the truth is America is still owned by the same gaalo white man you hate. Somalis just love drawing unnecessary attention to themselves, other muslims try to integrate but for some odd reason you niggas chose to be madax adag about it.

Ex-Muslims like this girl have the biggest mouths. FYI, Minneapolis is a liberal city. They don't mind hearing Muslim call of prayer. They signed into law, allowing Muslims and others to hear the call to prayer. What is your problem here?
Ex-Muslims like this girl have the biggest mouths. FYI, Minneapolis is a liberal city. They don't mind hearing Muslim call of prayer. They signed into law, allowing Muslims and others to hear the call to prayer. What is your problem here?
She’s mentally if not physically a bowlegged Amhara pretending to be Somali . You know I have a nose for injiirleys
Ex-Muslims like this girl have the biggest mouths. FYI, Minneapolis is a liberal city. They don't mind hearing Muslim call of prayer. They signed into law, allowing Muslims and others to hear the call to prayer. What is your problem here?
She has a problem with something the majority of gaals don't considering the law was passed in the first place. Wallahi its crazy how much ex-muslims hate Islam

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
They caught him


this is the most retarded take.

“If you choose to democratically push for laws that are favourable for you, don’t complain when people who don’t agree with democracy decide to start committing hate crimes”

Seriously, the city of Minneapolis agreed to this. It’s not like muslims just went and started doing adhan calls. And now it’s suddenly the muslim’s faults because some cadaan guys disagree and want to burn down the mosques in retaliation?

You’re genuinely braindead if you could even somehow rationalize that.
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Ngl I wonder what happens when these guys aren’t caught. Do you think they eventually feel guilty? I hope karma gets them.

People like this do not feel guilt, only shame. They need to get caught, go to prison and essentially ruin their lives for it to "click" that they did something wrong, but then you will not have guilt, only regret and shame. Guilt is never a by product of calculated hate. That sounds bleak but its true.
She has a problem with something the majority of gaals don't considering the law was passed in the first place. Wallahi its crazy how much ex-muslims hate Islam

The funny thing is, these racists view all somalis the same. They do not care if one is ex muslim. I dont understand why they are so pathetic, constantly defending people that hate them yuck.


I’m disappointed that @Barni would do this tbh. I thought she was better than that. @malab doesn’t count, it’s just her typical hyperfeminine hypergamous race traitor urges speaking xD and @Aegon is farax Hitler
I am not victim blaming, I am just asking somalis not to make themselves more of a target than they already are. I genuinely have no problem with the adhan playing on loud speakers. But I also know that consequences are not worth it. I am not in anyway tryna liberalize or westernize somalis if it came off that way I am here to clarifying now that i am not.