1949: Haile Selassie tells UN that Eritrea and Somalia are integral parts of Ethiopia and that they should return to the Motherland

UN would have granted this wish if the Somali people did not want Italy back as the British Military Administration in Asmara forced the Eritreans to be under Ethiopian Sovereignty. Those British in Mogadishu wanted do the same as well. Italy saved Somalia in a way.

If it wasn’t for the Italians we would have been a province of Ethiopia 💀
UN would have granted this wish if the Somali people did not want Italy back as the British Military Administration in Asmara forced the Eritreans to be under Ethiopian Sovereignty. Those British in Mogadishu wanted do the same as well. Italy saved Somalia in a way.

If it wasn’t for the Italians we would have been a province of Ethiopia 💀
The British definitely hated Somalis.There is absolutely no explanation as to why they would hand over nearly 500,000 square kilometres of Somali lands without our consent.

Had the central powers won I’m certain today we would be much better off. It boils my blood that the scummy British collaborated with the filthy xabashis to hand our land on a platter. What’s even worse is these demonic imperialistic xabashis still dream of conquering what’s left and taking our ports. The only solution is to completely overrun Addis and wipe them out.
Curse be upon the British Crown. The more you learn our history you will come to find out that the Italians were indeed pro Somali while the British sided with the Habeshis. If only the Italians won the war against the Habeshis & the British lost the war to the Darawiish we could have been a powerful state. Although Italian colonialism in southern Somalia is not 100% colorful they however left behind infrastructure and built our first Somali government/Military & Airforce while the British only left behind destruction and more Division.
The British definitely hated Somalis.There is absolutely no explanation as to why they would hand over nearly 500,000 square kilometres of Somali lands without our consent.

Had the central powers won I’m certain today we would be much better off. It boils my blood that the scummy British collaborated with the filthy xabashis to hand our land on a platter. What’s even worse is these demonic imperialistic xabashis still dream of conquering what’s left and taking our ports. The only solution is to completely overrun Addis and wipe them out.
I have a file that the Xabashi proposed to the British to give them the port of Zeila and surrounding regions (Awdal) in exchange for Hararghe (East of Shabelle River + Haud) for sea access. Britain was interested and continued negotiations then later on it failed because Ethiopia was demanding From Zeila to Gabilay (Habar Awal lands etc)

I am gonna make a thread on this soon.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Macawisley @Hassan77 @SPMLegend

You have it completely wrong. The British wanted to implement the Bevin Plan of Greater Somalia where Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland, NFD and the Ogaden would be made into a single trust territory under British control for 10 years. The traitorous D&M and Abgaal, represented by the Hizbia and Jumia parties respectively, chose to side with the Italians and argued against Greater Somalia in front of the UN's Four Powers Commission. This is how they came to be known as the Pro-Italia faction.

One of the biggest reasons why 4 of the 5 Somali regions are not united in a single country is that the Abgaal and D&M were afraid of Darod dominance and losing their agricultural land. They took bribes from the Italians to testify and protest against Greater Somalia. The British wanted to rule all Somalis, outside Djibouti, in a single trusteeship until independence in the 1960s. The Abgaal and D&M fucked it up for us.

One of the most disgusting and infuriating things I learned while reading Somali history.

@Macawisley @Hassan77 @SPMLegend

You have it completely wrong. The British wanted to implement the Bevin Plan of Greater Somalia where Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland, NFD and the Ogaden would be made into a single trust territory under British control for 10 years. The traitorous D&M and Abgaal, represented by the Hizbia and Jumia parties respectively, chose to side with the Italians and argued against Greater Somalia in front of the UN's Four Powers Commission. This is how they came to be known as the Pro-Italia faction.

One of the biggest reasons why 4 of the 5 Somali regions are not united in a single country is that the Abgaal and D&M were afraid of Darod dominance and losing their agricultural land. They took bribes from the Italians to testify and protest against Greater Somalia. The British wanted to rule all Somalis, outside Djibouti, in a single trusteeship until independence in the 1960s. The Abgaal and D&M fucked it up for us.

One of the most disgusting and infuriating things I learned while reading Somali history.

If what you are writing is confirmed this is probably one of the worst mistakes, if not the biggest, made by the Somali during the last century.
What a missed opportunity!


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
@Macawisley @Hassan77 @SPMLegend

You have it completely wrong. The British wanted to implement the Bevin Plan of Greater Somalia where Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland, NFD and the Ogaden would be made into a single trust territory under British control for 10 years. The traitorous D&M and Abgaal, represented by the Hizbia and Jumia parties respectively, chose to side with the Italians and argued against Greater Somalia in front of the UN's Four Powers Commission. This is how they came to be known as the Pro-Italia faction.

One of the biggest reasons why 4 of the 5 Somali regions are not united in a single country is that the Abgaal and D&M were afraid of Darod dominance and losing their agricultural land. They took bribes from the Italians to testify and protest against Greater Somalia. The British wanted to rule all Somalis, outside Djibouti, in a single trusteeship until independence in the 1960s. The Abgaal and D&M fucked it up for us.

One of the most disgusting and infuriating things I learned while reading Somali history.

This is just typical blame shifting. What do D&M and Abgaal have to do with Somali Galbeed and NFD we don't even live in those regions.

I see this as just blaming your own failures on other clans.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Look how expansionist xabeshis were, somalis despite being nomads did not possess this level of drive for expansion. Even the conquest of present day northern Kenya was in fact just a reconquest, oromos conquered the somalis living there.


Forza Somalia!
Look how expansionist xabeshis were, somalis despite being nomads did not possess this level of drive for expansion. Even the conquest of present day northern Kenya was in fact just a reconquest, oromos conquered the somalis living there.
That Xabashi king was delusional idiot.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
This is just typical blame shifting. What do D&M and Abgaal have to do with Somali Galbeed and NFD we don't even live in those regions.

I see this as just blaming your own failures on other clans.

Your ancestors, who wives used to tuugsi in Xamar, were bribed by the Italians to say they wanted to remain under Italian rule.

I am very happy with how Cayr are treating you in your capital city.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Your ancestors, who wives used to tuugsi in Xamar, were bribed by the Italians to say they wanted to remain under Italian rule.

I am very happy with how Cayr are treating you in your capital city.
Let's be honest the biggest co-operators with the itallians where the Daarood MJs. They were the ones that told the British to take Galbeed reason being the attrocities that the ogaden Sayid Abdulle Hassan committed against them in Bari.

We HDMS were the ones fighting tooth and nail to get independence from the itallians. Why didn't your clan Daarood have their own hizb to overcome the colonizers. We were the first to do that not you.

We wanted to stay under Itallian rule because we never worked with the itallians like the Daarood MJs done. You guys were more advanced due to the benefits you recieved by co- operating with colonizers. So we needed to catch up.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
The British definitely hated Somalis.There is absolutely no explanation as to why they would hand over nearly 500,000 square kilometres of Somali lands without our consent.

Had the central powers won I’m certain today we would be much better off. It boils my blood that the scummy British collaborated with the filthy xabashis to hand our land on a platter. What’s even worse is these demonic imperialistic xabashis still dream of conquering what’s left and taking our ports. The only solution is to completely overrun Addis and wipe them out.
All central power victory Alt Histories have a United Somaliweyn. I never understood until I learned the history. The British had it out for somalis in east Africa. Everywhere from Ethiopia-galbeed issue. To halting our expansion in Kenya. And literally just giving a small piece of Somali land to Kenya just to spite us.

The the Dervish traumatise them that much?


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Look how expansionist xabeshis were, somalis despite being nomads did not possess this level of drive for expansion. Even the conquest of present day northern Kenya was in fact just a reconquest, oromos conquered the somalis living there.
We did have mass expansion walaal. Look at an ethnic map. Somalis literally own half the horn and used to own more. We farmed in the Highlands of hararghe and bale and beefed kikyus south in Kenya. Only thing that stopped us was the colonialism.


We will be part of Ethiopia in the future. This is a fact that you must get used to. Soon, the population of Ethiopia will be 200 million, and the Somalis are still fighting over the tribe, grazing lands, and water wells Anyone with a brain would know that this nation has no future .
@Macawisley @Hassan77 @SPMLegend

You have it completely wrong. The British wanted to implement the Bevin Plan of Greater Somalia where Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland, NFD and the Ogaden would be made into a single trust territory under British control for 10 years. The traitorous D&M and Abgaal, represented by the Hizbia and Jumia parties respectively, chose to side with the Italians and argued against Greater Somalia in front of the UN's Four Powers Commission. This is how they came to be known as the Pro-Italia faction.

One of the biggest reasons why 4 of the 5 Somali regions are not united in a single country is that the Abgaal and D&M were afraid of Darod dominance and losing their agricultural land. They took bribes from the Italians to testify and protest against Greater Somalia. The British wanted to rule all Somalis, outside Djibouti, in a single trusteeship until independence in the 1960s. The Abgaal and D&M fucked it up for us.

One of the most disgusting and infuriating things I learned while reading Somali history.


it’s not just those 2 Dhabodhilif Clans but also many others who despised Ogadens and didn’t want us dominating a country that would would’ve consisted of Jubaland,Ogadenia and NFD
The British definitely hated Somalis.There is absolutely no explanation as to why they would hand over nearly 500,000 square kilometres of Somali lands without our consent.

Had the central powers won I’m certain today we would be much better off. It boils my blood that the scummy British collaborated with the filthy xabashis to hand our land on a platter. What’s even worse is these demonic imperialistic xabashis still dream of conquering what’s left and taking our ports. The only solution is to completely overrun Addis and wipe them out.
Giving land to the Kenyans was scummy indeed but Ethiopia? They already had Galbeed since the 19th century. Ethiopia and Britain were allies in WW2 so from an Ethiopian POV, it would be a dick move for Britain to give away territory of an ally.
Giving land to the Kenyans was scummy indeed but Ethiopia? They already had Galbeed since the 19th century. Ethiopia and Britain were allies in WW2 so from an Ethiopian POV, it would be a dick move for Britain to give away territory of an ally.
They never truly had full control of galbeed it was definitely wrong for the British to not do a referendum.


The best thing Ethiopia ever did was burying Haile Selassie under a toilet. Bootlicker begged his way into getting galbeed. May the midget rot.
We will be part of Ethiopia in the future. This is a fact that you must get used to. Soon, the population of Ethiopia will be 200 million, and the Somalis are still fighting over the tribe, grazing lands, and water wells Anyone with a brain would know that this nation has no future .
Raw meat eating has rotted ur Brain pal

