
  1. Karim

    Abiy Ahmed should take his "mistress" away from Mogadishu

    .... Else she will soon get violated pretty bad. :mjlol:
  2. Helios

    N&N vs Federalists

  3. Awdalia Rising

    Muuse Local Flashback

    I don’t follow this guy he’s always screaming fuqush fuqush fuqush but this video he shared of Muuse local talking in English in the 1980s shocked me, I didn’t know the nigga knew English :dwill: Must have forgot it with too many nights in the marfish The nigga spoke better English with no...
  4. Awdalia Rising

    Abu Qarax Called Out Yet Again For Thievery

    Abu Qarax Al-Poon (Failmaajo) and Kheyrlaawe have each stolen a ventilator one for themselves and another one each for family member. They have set up private medical ward in their amisom bunker. Another day another corrupt act from the Nabar Iyo Naxdin terrorist group
  5. tyrannicalmanager

    abiy celebrating ethiopian victory in 1977 war
