
  1. Rorschach

    Tumors in the Diaspora

    Here I was browsing through the reddit cesspit, when I stumbled upon an interesting thread on /r/AskReddit., posing the following question: "Africans of Reddit, what are the greatest misconceptions people have about your native country?" Scrolling down, I found this comment: --- You see my...
  2. Jodeci

    The Somali unsolved murders are the fault of Somali men.

    My post from the other thread, which I feel can be more expanded on.
  3. Prince Abubu

    Reer UK

    Watch yourselves. A lot of racist lunatics are going to use this attack as an excuse.:nvjpqts:
  4. Amira

    Somali Identity Crisis & Being 'British Somali'

  5. bored

    Sheeko Sheeko Presents: Everybody's going to jail
