Does Diin la'aan Lead to Dhiig la'aan

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Get your fob ass out here. I can’t believe I’m arguing with a yellow stained teeth ass nigga.

Arguing kulaha. Afka deer intuu ila soo galay he's acting as if i qouted him first as if i would willingly engage in conversation with gaal laga roone ah.

War inkaar baad qabtaa, intaad isku dhex yaacday baad rabtaa aniga maanta inaad igu jimicsatid. I'm not a fob damiinyahow. Waa igu wallahi inuu xabad eray oo Somali ah inuu ku hadli karin. Most of these gaalos don't speak a lick of Somali. What do they know about somalinimo. Waa somaalidiid. Aduunka waa lagu hoogey, shib iska deh.
Arguing kulaha. Afka deer intuu ila soo galay he's acting as if i qouted him first as if i would willingly engage in conversation with gaal laga roone ah.

War inkaar baad qabtaa, intaad isku dhex yaacday baad rabtaa aniga maanta inaad igu jimicsatid. I'm not a fob damiinyahow. Waa igu wallahi inuu xabad eray oo Somali ah inuu ku hadli karin. Most of these gaalos don't speak a lick of Somali. What do they know about somalinimo. Waa somaalidiid. Aduunka waa lagu hoogey, shib iska deh.
War wa walantahay
War wa walantahay

Ilaahay azza wa jal ima waalo

Waan kuu duceeyay maadaama aad somaali yar oo daciif ah isku yara keentay. Like I said intii daacad ah ilaahay ha soo hanuuniyo

Bas hadaba. Mar dambe yaanan ku arkin adoo afka ila soo gelaya
Car maanta gaal ha sheegto somaalinimo, iklahan ka daadin. Wallahi oo billaahi if these gaalo don't stop jidkay ku socdaan, ilaahay naarta naarta zamhariira, jahannama, jaxeema haawiya ha idin ku fogeeyo. Wallahi oo billaahi siiba kuwa gaalnimada faafinaya, the ones that are spreading fitnah. Naclad baa idin dul saaran, yaa ahlu naar ummada ka fariista. Wax loo adkeesan karo maahan yaakhi

Nigga I'm laughing at nacasnimada that you wrote dee:gaasdrink:

Soo dhawoow mudane, warka I sii. Nacasnimo kuyeh. You must be another one who doesn't speak a lick of Somali. Your ancestors would be rolling in their graves if they but knew inaad diin iyo dhaqan ba laheyn. Qosolka beenta intaad meel iska digtid, what issue do you have with what I wrote? :gaasdrink:
Soo dhawoow mudane, warka I sii. Nacasnimo kuyeh. You must be another one who doesn't speak a lick of Somali. Your ancestors would be rolling in their graves if they but knew inaad diin iyo dhaqan ba laheyn. Qosolka beenta intaad meel iska digtid, what issue do you have with what I wrote? :gaasdrink:

Horta believe what you want about my af Somali laakin ogoow in af jooga looma adeego sxb.

Second of all can you deny the fact that your religion isn't based on faith, it's based on geography; the influence of religion is clearly geographical (that is, cultural). If you're an Indian, you are likely to be a Hindu. If you were born in Saudi Arabia, you are likely to be a Muslim. If you were born in Somalia you'd mostly only know about Islam. Your given geographical location dictates which religion you are likely to adhere to. If the goal then is to believe the truth, let's hope you were born in the right country ninyahow:samwelcome:
Horta believe what you want about my af Somali laakin ogoow in af jooga looma adeego sxb.

Second of all can you deny the fact that your religion isn't based on faith, it's based on geography; the influence of religion is clearly geographical (that is, cultural). If you're an Indian, you are likely to be a Hindu. If you were born in Saudi Arabia, you are likely to be a Muslim. If you were born in Somalia you'd mostly only know about Islam. Your given geographical location dictates which religion you are likely to adhere to. If the goal then is to believe the truth, let's hope you were born in the right country ninyahow:samwelcome:

Apti, that's a famous somali saying. Ma intaa yar baad taqaan. Did you google it? :siilaanyolaugh:

War yaa ilaahay yaqaan, markaad Dawkins buugaagtiisa soo qorqorisay sidii quraanka, ayaad wixii berri horre gaal futa cad uu yiri igu soo celcelinaysaa.
Why are you atheist then? Me and you are both born in qurbaha, why am I still Muslim and you are gaal? :faysalwtf:

Teeda kala, what somalinimo is a gaal holding onto? Midda hore, somaali maba ku hadli karo, wuu yar yahay gaal somaali ku hadli. Ta labaad, if he goes to Somalia intii geed lagu xiro waa la dili uun. :gaasdrink:
Apti, that's a famous somali saying. Ma intaa yar baad taqaan. Did you google it? :siilaanyolaugh:

War yaa ilaahay yaqaan, markaad Dawkins buugaagtiisa soo qorqorisay sidii quraanka, ayaad wixii berri horre gaal futa cad uu yiri igu soo celcelinaysaa.
Why are you atheist then? Me and you are both born in qurbaha, why am I still Muslim and you are gaal? :faysalwtf:

Teeda kala, what somalinimo is a gaal holding onto? Midda hore, somaali maba ku hadli karo, wuu yar yahay gaal somaali ku hadli. Ta labaad, if he goes to Somalia intii geed lagu xiro waa la dili uun. :gaasdrink:


Because I refuse to just take something a person told me for granted, especially if it's some sheeko xariir from beduins in the Arabian peninsula a millennia ago. If you tell me that the sun is blue, then you gotta be ready to prove that empirically sxb.

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And thanks for worrying for my safety aboowe, laakin ha iga welweelin brutha. I was just this summer in Somalia and nothing happened to me alhamdulillah :gaasdrink:
The question itself is irrational.

Because what you are essentially asking is whether someone who has already switched their loyalty, love, allegiances, desires and aspiration to Europhile white supremacists and their genocidal Godless satanic doctrines!

Could still be loyal to the Somalinimo which they sought to eradicate for centuries! You can't hold a more contradictory view then this.

The same Somalinimo which their forefathers spilled so much blood for just to protect their offspring from slavery and humiliation, protecting their country from becoming a sex tourism hot spot for their old geriatric pensioners.

They fought so gallantly that even our pride remained intact despite our abject poverty today, only for their offspring to embrace their satanic racist ideas without a single bullet being fired.

This type of person is worse then any of the groups that have gone through slavery or oppression who at least have an excuse to feel such a way.

You are what you belief, atheism is a satanic doctrine that originated from white racist Freemason's in Europe.

The moment you embrace such ideas built on the foundations that white are superior and black's are inherently inferior, you will by default despise 99.999% of your people who hold the opposite view as idiots which is by design, it's a form of mental slavery.

You can't be loyal to a people who 99.999% belief in Eebow while you worship Europhile satanists on the side without any coercion.
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Because I refuse to just take something a person told me for granted, especially if it's some sheeko xariir from beduins in the Arabian peninsula a millennia ago. If you tell me that the sun is blue, then you gotta be ready to prove that empirically sxb.

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And thanks for worrying for my safety aboowe, laakin ha iga welweelin brutha. I was just this summer in Somalia and nothing happened to me alhamdulillah :gaasdrink:
of course nothing will happen to you in somalia but try to say you're a gaal in front of them and see what happens :gaasdrink:
Apti, that's a famous somali saying. Ma intaa yar baad taqaan. Did you google it? :siilaanyolaugh:

War yaa ilaahay yaqaan, markaad Dawkins buugaagtiisa soo qorqorisay sidii quraanka, ayaad wixii berri horre gaal futa cad uu yiri igu soo celcelinaysaa.
Why are you atheist then? Me and you are both born in qurbaha, why am I still Muslim and you are gaal? :faysalwtf:

Teeda kala, what somalinimo is a gaal holding onto? Midda hore, somaali maba ku hadli karo, wuu yar yahay gaal somaali ku hadli. Ta labaad, if he goes to Somalia intii geed lagu xiro waa la dili uun. :gaasdrink:
Insulting someone because they don't believe is really pointless, unislamic and even counter-productive. Whether they would be ostracized back home or not isn't an argument for the deen either, true belief at least.
If you're willing to spend energy on this it's better to explain why you believe and hope it helps them inshaAllah. And make dua for them.
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Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
I've noticed that with many Somalis who leave diinta there is a lack of loyalty to Somalinimo. I previously thought that the 2 weren't necessarily intertwined and they you could still be a proud Somali but I've come to notice with many of them on and offline they tend to be sellouts who left 1 religion for a new one which is worshipping western history and civilisation.

Surely there is a medium?

Islam is deeply connected to the Somali identity. It was what differentiated between us and the Christian Abyssinians and it's why we aren't not under their boot today (for the most part i.e Somali galbeed). Does leaving Islam lead to leaving Somalinimo?

Let's discuss.

Your initial assessment is partially correct as it only relates to a group of those who leave the deen, not every gaal is the same. For some they are true to their somalinimo for others not as much, i would say it's the same for kuwa musliminta ah.

Comapare @Bahal iyo @AussieHustler both waa gaalo laakin kan dambe ayaa daraan as he's fully immersed himself in the ideologies of gaalka cadaanka, waa gaal cadaan ah laakin midibka qoomiyad soomalida wataa

Tayda kale there's different categories of loyalty but the important point is loyalty to the deen should supersede any other form of loyalty laakin human beings fall short of it that's why we have qabyalad in bulshaada soomaliyeed. Qofka muslimka ah lama simna kan gaalka ah ileen Alle ma wada simiin sidas darteed there are certain aspects nin gaal ah will not be able to relate too when it comes to the identity of majority of somalis.

If this place is anything to go by then we most certainly will have an issue as they continuously advocate for things that islam doesn't permit, now whether they're willing to do anything to achieve their goals is another matter but what's certain is that their loyalty to somalinimo is subservient to their loyalty for gaalnimo.

These are people for the most part who place their own individuality before anything else and have sacrificed a lot to attain it, so what do you think will happen when their love for somalinimo and gaalnimo clash ? somalinimo dariishada ayaa laga tuuri doona sii uu fudud

Taaladayda waa don't be fooled
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