Being brutally honest with Somali Parents


Raw Hard Truth
:gucciwhat:Oh also about the dude overseas my mom wanted me to marry , I made a joke saying ‘ wtf??? I could pay HIM a meher and make him my wife wtfff you mean ‘ she gave me the most shocked look :damedamn:

Then I had to clarify and say I don’t think this dude wants to move over seas and take my orders for 40 fucking years. Then I put the final veto and said nah I’m good. I sent that Dude some rejection money and kept it moving.


Raw Hard Truth
Aww thank you, i am trying my best in the mean time i find it inspiring when anyone else is winning at life.
Talk to your managers and superiors and ask them ‘ if there’s 1 thing you would do over entering this field, what would you do?’ Then sit back and take notes, if they don’t say anything, don’t trust them. Pro tip from Iftiin


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