YOU THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY OLD-PERVERT FAARAXS go back home to capture little gazelles. Here’s a sick madoow-American salivating over a Brazilian black

Strange white men only

how can someone on this thread say they are the most feminine women when they’re built like little boys? no boobs no ass, not even an attractive face.

I think it's the way they (Asian women) behave that some men find to be feminine; Asian women are usually just cute but they don't have much in the way of sex appeal.

I like thin women myself but they have to be somewhat tall (around 5'8) for me to be attracted; I like slim to slim thick women



I’m jumping on this passport bro movement. Will be in South Korea this year trying to find me a Jeong Jin-sol.
You conveniently left out the fact white men be going East Asian for sex tourism and mail brides for the last 40 years saxib
That’s a different ballpark, the antics of white men abroad engaging in sex tourism is just them using their money and status to snag women from poor backgrounds - now does that have an effect on the general perception of Asian women, of course it does but it doesn’t negate the fact that an overwhelming amount of Asian women have a serious fetish for white men, to the point it fuels hatred and disdain for their own men
That’s a different ballpark, the antics of white men abroad engaging in sex tourism is just them using their money and status to snag women from poor backgrounds - now does that have an effect on the general perception of Asian women, of course it does but it doesn’t negate the fact that an overwhelming amount of Asian women have a serious fetish for white men, to the point it fuels hatred and disdain for their own men
1000% there is a lot of coonery and self hatred. But let’s be real, oriental women have been sexualised by western media and their men ? Made into laughing stock, small , weak etc. which is why Asian women ignore and exclude them.
1000% there is a lot of coonery and self hatred. But let’s be real, oriental women have been sexualised by western media and their men ? Made into laughing stock, small , weak etc. which is why Asian women ignore and exclude them.
How do people know that they have small penises I swear I hear people saying that them and Indians have small penises and I’m like how do u guys know :what:
1000% there is a lot of coonery and self hatred. But let’s be real, oriental women have been sexualised by western media and their men ? Made into laughing stock, small , weak etc. which is why Asian women ignore and exclude them.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the concept of hypergamy, all women (not just asian) will seek out men that they deem to be above them in socioeconomic status, genetic quality etc.
Asian women ignoring Asian men as a whole is a brutal expression of this hypergamous instinct.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the concept of hypergamy, all women (not just asian) will seek out men that they deem to be above them in socioeconomic status, genetic quality etc.
Asian women ignoring Asian men as a whole is a brutal expression of this hypergamous instinct.
Tbh some had abusive dads growing up and they prob don’t want they same thing happening to them I see this with Arabian females at times
How do people know that they have small penises I swear I hear people saying that them and Indians have small penises and I’m like how do u guys know :what:
They don’t, it’s intentional by western media to demasculate them. This has been ongoing for last 200 years, it’s no different to western media labelling all Africans as ‘savages’
I’m sure you’ve heard of the concept of hypergamy, all women (not just asian) will seek out men that they deem to be above them in socioeconomic status, genetic quality etc.
Asian women ignoring Asian men as a whole is a brutal expression of this hypergamous instinct.
I definitely have heard of it, but how many Asians are in high positions ? The Asian community is the most successful in the US. It’s not like indho yaar men are Uber drivers. The majority are in tech/IT/Mediciene etc. it’s definitely not hypergamy why they exclude their own men
They don’t, it’s intentional by western media to demasculate them. This has been ongoing for last 200 years, it’s no different to western media labelling all Africans as ‘savages’
Yes it’s impossible for a huge population like Asia to all share the same penis size like other ever other race some are some small

