WTF is wrong with loud mouthed halimos in public?

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Also @dhegdheer whats with that ugly curved old Nokia shaped building and that building with 3 Sauron eyes :drakewtf: They look completely out of place.

You got some nice churches though. But I walked through White Chapel shit feet like Londonistan. Ate at a Punjabi restaurant the food was piss poor tasted like canned tikka masala:susp:

London is nice though enjoying it.
Warya don't you have school?


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Somalis are loud. My sister at times talks very loud in public and in English too and about private things and I have to tell her to speak quietly and in Somali. :O27GWRK:
I rarely see this kind of behaviour with Somali women other than the hoyo's when yelling at their kids.

Seems like this is more common in the UK. You got some ratchet, annoying @ss people out their. Always shouting and clapping their hands to make a point. Uff.


f*ck you im from Mudug
Loud people have low iq. You gotta be a fucking xoolo to scream and be loud in a public place.
Omg hanged out with a few of my xalimos in mc Donald once. They were so fucking loud. One of them wrestled each other to the ground cause one of them took a bad pic.

Wallahi the things crazy Xalimos do. We where all wearing hijab too :francis:

2 of us did this dare thing where you compliment a random guy who goes past :drakewtf:. One faduumo asked a random Arab guy out in broken Arabic as a joke :heh: he took it seriously and started writing his number down :holeup: wallahi he was so ugly :jcoleno: he was at least 5ft 2.

Somali girls are either incredibly quite or incredibly loud.

I'm a natural extrovert :hmm: however I can control myself in public.
somalis are very loud. havne't you seen adeers and somali moms on the phone yet? It's like they are speaking to an impaired person, they have to yell. I once told my mom that she didnt' have to yell, and she spent the following weak calling me caasi.:ohlord:


Somalis are loud. My sister at times talks very loud in public and in English too and about private things and I have to tell her to speak quietly and in Somali. :O27GWRK:

It is a good thing to teach her to stop that habit while she is still young otherwise when she is older it will be too late.
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