Why it is a big mistake having daughters in the west

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Somaliweyn Unionist
And another thing, I don't know any Somali guys that dislike having girls like many Arabs, Indians and other Asians. Somali culture values daughters and women in general. In fact most Somali dads I've seen are closer to their daughters than their sons, while the mothers are closer to their sons. So we love our daughters and our women.

It's just that we get worried that they will stray and do things that will make us lose sleep at night. But of course that shouldn't stop someone from having daughters obviously. Instead one should just raise them the right way and wish for the best.

And I think my point of marriage being superficial window-dressing and the less sucky option compared to dating may have been misunderstood. This was in reply to @Axmed Xaji who said sex was gonna happen either way whether she dates or marries, so it makes no difference if she gets married. I agreed with him that the unsettling reality of ones daughter becoming sexual is inevitable , but marriage is the option which makes it acceptable to the dad, due to all of its benefits and the social meaning and status attached to it. But I was in no way comparing marriage with dating in general, I was only talking about the inevitably of sex in both arrangements. Of course marriage is an amazing social institution upon which healthy societies are built and thus far and away better than dating. Any father would be happy to marry his daughter off to a worthy man who will do right by her. Just wanted to clear that up so it didn't look like I was talking down on marriage.

And as for feminism, I don't see what need Somali women have for it. They already have innumerable rights and play an active role in Somali society. What else are they looking for?
This is so true. Although I date cadaan men none have been able to abuse me because I was raised in a Somali culture where women are valued and I know my worth. As disgusting as Arab culture is towards women and how some of it infiltrated Somali culture, no other culture treats women like the prized possession they are. They're either treated like sex objects like in the West or slaves like in Arab culture.
This is so true. Although I date cadaan men none have been able to abuse me because I was raised in a Somali culture where women are valued and I know my worth. As disgusting as Arab culture is towards women and how some of it infiltrated Somali culture, no other culture treats women like the prized possession they are. They're either treated like sex objects like in the West or slaves like in Arab culture.



Somaliweyn Unionist
I would just like to touch upon how many of my Muslim brethren are stating claims that at value look innocent but in depth hurt and damage the institution of marriage.

Many here are saying that being in a relationship period for women is worse for them than being single. I would like to state that the reason this appears to be true in the West is because the West has infiltrated the sanctity of marriage and allowed common practices such as cheating, being envious of others, and not respecting your spouse.

Sin is the reason why marriage and relationships seem bad but we must remember if God has blessed our marriage and if we please God by respecting our spouses marriage is the most beautiful thing that can happen to individual.
I would just like to touch upon how many of my Muslim brethren are stating claims that at value look innocent but in depth hurt and damage the institution of marriage.

Many here are saying that being in a relationship period for women is worse for them than being single. I would like to state that the reason this appears to be true in the West is because the West has infiltrated the sanctity of marriage and allowed common practices such as cheating, being envious of others, and not respecting your spouse.

Sin is the reason why marriage and relationships seem bad but we must remember if God has blessed our marriage and if we please God by respecting our spouses marriage is the most beautiful thing that can happen to individual.

I agree that the West, and even Somalis themselves, have made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage.

What do u mean by the bolded part though? Who said remaining single is better than marriage for a girl?


Somaliweyn Unionist
I agree that the West, and even Somalis themselves, have made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage.

What do u mean by the bolded part though? Who said remaining single is better than marriage for a girl?
It's in the thread that Hailu made earlier today.
Ooooh there was a study I read that married men are healthier than single and especially divorced men whereas for women it was the opposite. I thought you meant that.

In Canada you can have your girlfriend/boyfriend on your health insurance as long as you've been living with them for a certain number of years (I think 2?) so I see why gallos are over marriage.

Yeah the financial risks are huge...... women are not as ruthless and they're often the ones to put their jobs on the back burner for family. If they do get divorce most men don't even want 50/50 custody and the woman has to shoulder the full/most responsibility for the children. It's why it's mostly women and children who live below the poverty line.
I did an average between first marriage and 2nd marriage and it's over 50% percent.


Yep. Pressuring someone into a civil union and fatherhood is incredibly shortsighted. He's only going to make any children and wife he has very miserable indeed, not to mention himself.
Wow...it really is a loss for Somali women you have chosen to forsake them for "Western Women":kendrickcry::mjcry::liberaltears:

I did an average between first marriage and 2nd marriage and it's over 50% percent.


Most of these girls on twitter have adopted these views because they probably feel it benefits them here in the west. They probably took some women's studies courses and were taught they as black/african/muslim/women need to champion this because they are the most disadvantaged and at risk. I doubt any of this even stemmed from their upbringing or Somali culture and I doubt any of them bring it home.

I bet they share those tweets between scrubbing the kitchen and preparing asho lol.
The Safeguarding of daughters supersedes the safeguarding of sons because one is expendable while the other isn't since it takes only a single healthy male to repopulate an entire village

The bad son can overcome damage or falling on the way side growing stronger while the daughter is tainted for life psychologically/emotionally and spiritually.

The women is the back bone of the family unit, a strong women can drag a deadbeat man and change him overtime. I have seen this happen plenty of times and if she is paired with an average or solid dude great things happen to that family unit

However the opposite is not true, no man no matter how great can carry the spineless supine carcass of a useless qashin burdensome women too long

It's a vicious poison that will quickly eviscerate the entire family unit (unless you resort to continuous painful physical abuse to put the fear of God into her forcing a change in conduct )

Hence on the question of raising daughters, the famous Somali saying "your son/daughter need you the most when you pick their mother" is on the money, it's game over if you get this step wrong

The callous disgraceful myth that has been propagated is that the ratio of qashin-to-good favours the women citing higher university enrolment as pathetic shameless prove

This falls face flat knowing that the strongest generation of women hands down were our mothers whom were virtually all stay at home housewives never going to uni or some quackademic dumbed down poisoned institutions to get mere papers as a measure of their personal self worth

The reasons why the equally qashin beta males are presumed to be far worse is only because it takes a lot more to qualify as a good man then it takes to qualify as a good women to virtually all people's standards.

Hence wherever the bar is set higher then the other naturally the failure rates increases, hence why this myth is mindlessly perpetuated
Most of these girls on twitter have adopted these views because they probably feel it benefits them here in the west. They probably took some women's studies courses and were taught they as black/african/muslim/women need to champion this because they are the most disadvantaged and at risk. I doubt any of this even stemmed from their upbringing or Somali culture and I doubt any of them bring it home.

I bet they share those tweets between scrubbing the kitchen and preparing asho lol.

I wish it was that innocent, but it's more insidious than that. Victimhood-based leftist ideology colours their perception of the social world and so they see racism, misogyny, oppression, threats and 'micro-aggressions' everywhere. They become weaponized against their own communities, culture and men.

I know Somali men aren't perfect. Neither are Somali women. If we're gonna sort out our problems we have to do it as a united team and not as adversaries. And also we have to frame our problems within the context of our culture and unique circumstances and not view them with an alien Western feminist lens.
I'm shocked at the language you are using to describe women.

You don't speak for all Somali men so when you say "let's be honest, if a Somali guy saw these chicks dressed like that our hoedar would go off...'' you're being disingenuous. Not all Somali guys call women hoes or view women the way you do. I refuse to allow people who speak the way you do about women represent the entire Somali male population. How dare you call someone a that you know nothing about because their arms and legs are showing. Don't pretend to be the voice of all Somalis...not all of us view women as property or sexual objects.


Have you ever asked yourself why are Somali males over-represented in the jail system and why do most of these men incarcerated because of rape? Somali men were jailed for the rape of minors, physical and mental disabled children, a grand mum who was his mother in law, children they were driving in a school bus and in Sweden, a Somali raped a dead bloke he killed. How could we accuse our women of bad behaviour? Only a Somali man will.

Have you ever asked yourself why are Somali males over-represented in the jail system and why do most of these men incarcerated because of rape. Somali men were jailed for the rape of minors, physical and mental disabled children, a grand mum who was his mother in law, children they were driving in a school bus and in Sweden, a Somali raped a dead bloke he killed. How could we accuse our women of bad behaviour? Only a Somali man will.

Shut the f**** up u spineless sniveling pillow biting . Malaha one of these Somali rapists you know so much about ayaa kugu aasay.


Very interesting thread.

The natejah: the girls in the picture are traumatized and had bad childhoods, and need our help :icon lol:

I suppose it's slightly better than calling them hoes and calling out for anti-daughter sentiments.

Wallahi Somalispot is the Twilight zone.
Feminism just means equality of the sexes. Nobody asks why black Americans love the civil rights movement or why black South Africans welcomes the end of apartheid. However for some reason, us women are suppose to enjoy the oppression and injustices that has been metted out to us over the millenniums. Feminism is to women what civil rights was to blacks or what fighting the colonial British/Italians was to our brave Somali ancestors.
Well said, sis.
Very interesting thread.

The natejah: the girls in the picture are traumatized and had bad childhoods, and need our help :icon lol:

I suppose it's slightly better than calling them hoes and calling out for anti-daughter sentiments.

Wallahi Somalispot is the Twilight zone.

Well said, sis.

We can always count on good ole @VixR to misrepresent opinions.

I said nothing of the sort about the girls in the picture. What I said was some Somali girls and guys do things that are heavily frowned upon in our culture not because they are rebel renegades or hedonists, but because of childhood trauma. Unless the person opens up to you there's no way of knowing who is being a ciyaal-suuq because they just want to be one and whose an ciyaal-suuq because they use sex, drugs, alcohol etc to self-medicate and numb the pain. That's why I was saying it's not good to be quick to judgement.


f*ck you im from Mudug
What is wrong with you guys, i see nothing wrong with that picture :diddyass: My kind of Xaliimos:wowsweat: More pics :feedme:

Have you ever asked yourself why are Somali males over-represented in the jail system and why do most of these men incarcerated because of rape? Somali men were jailed for the rape of minors, physical and mental disabled children, a grand mum who was his mother in law, children they were driving in a school bus and in Sweden, a Somali raped a dead bloke he killed. How could we accuse our women of bad behaviour? Only a Somali man will.

This jail argument is futile, males from every race make up the majority of the jail population relative to their females

The white males top the list for paedophiles in jails more then any other race, they are also the highest in blue collar crimes like fraud and also burglary

This type of futile arguments doesn't prove anything unless your crusade is on the entire male gender, you need to come better then this, it's pathetic kindergarten reasoning
This jail argument is futile, males from every race make up the majority of the jail population relative to their females

The white males top the list for paedophiles in jails more then any other race, they are also the highest in blue collar crimes like fraud and also burglary

This type of futile arguments doesn't prove anything unless your crusade is on the entire male gender, you need to come better then this, it's pathetic kindergarten reasoning

This guy has an agenda, he's always anti-Somali men.


We can always count on good ole @VixR to misrepresent opinions.

I said nothing of the sort about the girls in the picture. What I said was some Somali girls and guys do things that are heavily frowned upon in our culture not because they are rebel renegades or hedonists, but because of childhood trauma. Unless the person opens up to you there;s no way of knowing who is being a ciyaal-suuq because they just want to be one and whose an ciyaal-suuq because they use sex, drugs, alcohol etc to self-medicate and numb the pain. That's why I was saying it's not good to be quick to judgement.
I did not mean to misrepresent anything, its what I read.

You're reiterating that they're either hedonistic or traumatized, am I right? Is that really your explanation for their way of dress, of all things?:icon lol:
I did not mean to misrepresent anything, its what I read.

You're reiterating that they're either hedonistic or traumatized, am I right? Is that really your explanation for their way of dress?

No, I also said somewhere in one of my posts that the way a girl dresses is often not the best indicator of behaviour. Behaviour is the best indicator of behaviour. But I'm not gonna lie, If I see a Somali wearing what the girl sitting to the left, with the white strip of material barely covering her breasts, I'll make assumptions about her lifestyle and I'd bet good money that I'd be right. There are limits to how much benefit of the doubt I can extend to someone. I'm not unfairly judgmental but I'm not a fool either.
Shut the f**** up u spineless sniveling pillow biting . Malaha one of these Somali rapists you know so much about ayaa kugu aasay.


Facts please, let's deal with the facts and leave emotive outbursts to ragga maskaxda ka jilcey. Google rape and Somali and if you and others here would like to breed male rapists, go ahead and science will help you with gender specific breeding. No ifs and buts, Somali girls outperform, are more diligent, smarter, more law abiding citizens, more honourable, more family oriented than Abdi doqons. That is a fact. Go and weep.
I wish it was that innocent, but it's more insidious than that. Victimhood-based leftist ideology colours their perception of the social world and so they see racism, misogyny, oppression, threats and 'micro-aggressions' everywhere. They become weaponized against their own communities, culture and men.

I know Somali men aren't perfect. Neither are Somali women. If we're gonna sort out our problems we have to do it as a united team and not as adversaries. And also we have to frame our problems within the context of our culture and unique circumstances and not view them with an alien Western feminist lens.

I agree with you but I think most people just use that ideology and its base to their advantage, not sure they genuinely believe in those things or would support it in any other context but that's just my experience.
It's in their interest to support a left wing trans-gender, trans-racial, lesbian, feminazi jew over some alt-right white guy.
I guess we'll see how insidious it is in the upcoming years but I haven't seen Somali women being weaponized against Somali men here in Canada and I believe those Somali men are trash tweets are not serious they just want Somali guys in their mentions.
I hope they're not serious.
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