Why do girls care about height so much?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I rather be tall than short can you imagine being the same heigth as your Female relatives and when they wear High heels they overtower you
As long as he's taller than me I don't mind at all. I'm relatively short so a guy 5'10 or taller would be perfect.
You know it averages out? If you're 5'0 and hes 5'10. you kids will be 5'5. thats still short. Short girls need to go for tall men (6'2 and plus

What kind of suugo science degree have you got to be saying shit like that nayaa?
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That's a load of bull. I know a guy with a 5'5 mom and 5'7 dad who is over 6 feet.

Thats the exception. for the most part, tall parents have tall kids. short parents have short kids. What part of science do you guys don't get. I know science is taboo within our community but damn read a biology/ human genetics book or two.


Because females believe, height = strength.
The taller the c*nt, the stronger he is, they believe. Hence the liking for lanky bastards.
Asians are short an average compared to africans but who is smarter and richer? Height is nothing but your vertical direction from the ground :manny:

The fixation on meaningless traits is why people' relationships fail after a few years :mybusiness:
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