Who is your Plan B

I am a HUGE fan of khayre , we need a strong leader to lead Somalia. A soft leader is worse than a slightly corrupt strong leader.

2) Shariif think hes clearly the 2nd best
What is your definition of strong leader? In my book, a strong leader will make AS his first enemy instead of maamul states. Then he will remove amisom by starting with Ethiopia and Kenya. You are not a strong leader if you are going to use state resources to attack shacab and former presidents like farmajo did.
Somalis like you think that’s being strong. Jaahils can’t be helped.


HSM is good too. Shariif or HSM, Agoonyar or Cali gaaf, either way I got both blood running through my veins
The Best King GIF by TV Land
So technically you held two consecutive terms plus extension, God I can live with 4 more years of Farmaajo not another 8 years of Donkey politics.


Plan B new face, no retreads.
I would honestly say that but Somali politics is so saturated I hate to see a new face, even among the current candidates there are new faces but why make it even more saturated, we have dozen of former Presidents both federal and regional, we have hundreds of former cabinet holders and thousands of former MPs etc etc no more new politicians, I hate to be a gate keeper but damn this shit is circus, don't you remember Farmaajo speech he said he is dealing and trying to appease former Xildhaans former wasiirs former this former that, I have had enough, thats why I say Sh Sharif or Kheyre as plan B.

The other argument for rejecting new faces is we need to seriously consider the impact of massive reshuffling which is exactly why a new face would do, and even Deni who isn't a new face he would do that, we need some sort of continuation to me that means even Xassan Sh ranks a tad bit higher than Deni.

1. Farmaajo
2. Kheyre or Sh Sharif
3. Xassan Sh
4. Deni
the rest are irrelevant
I would honestly say that but Somali politics is so saturated I hate to see a new face, even among the current candidates there are new faces but why make it even more saturated, we have dozen of former Presidents both federal and regional, we have hundreds of former cabinet holders and thousands of former MPs etc etc no more new politicians, I hate to be a gate keeper but damn this shit is circus, don't you remember Farmaajo speech he said he is dealing and trying to appease former Xildhaans former wasiirs former this former that, I have had enough, thats why I say Sh Sharif or Kheyre as plan B.

The other argument for rejecting new faces is we need to seriously consider the impact of massive reshuffling which is exactly why a new face would do, and even Deni who isn't a new face he would do that, we need some sort of continuation to me that means even Xassan Sh ranks a tad bit higher than Deni.

1. Farmaajo
2. Kheyre or Sh Sharif
3. Xassan Sh
4. Deni
the rest are irrelevant


Mashallah the landheer fartaag is a wise man , he too agrees with most that there wont or shouldnt be a new face . You should get behind your adheer fartaag , upd has senator al xaaji suudi on their side the most hub in banadir , mr 7 minutes oil theif kheyre cant come close.
Diversify your basket


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
So technically you held two consecutive terms plus extension, God I can live with 4 more years of Farmaajo not another 8 years of Donkey politics.
Abgaal is so landhere that we field candidates by their subclans. I’m guessing that’s hard to fathom as a stateless Hunter gatherer who clings onto the millennium old name of “marehan sade”:damedamn:
Stop the cap. You are not Ayaanle, what’s ur sub sub sub sub clan then and what region you fail from. I will track you down, guriceel ama dusamareb.

Take their names out of your dirty mouth, you lying munafiq.
I dont remember to what comes after ayaanle, I know reer and where my family lives. Most of family lives in Xamar. I have family in Guriceel, my cousin is right there now. My family from my mothers side are from Geeri Jir, my Dads family from Guriceel but they both share a great grandfather. What you mean with track me down? You wanna fight, I will decapitate you with my bare hands. Me a munafiq? Why am I a munafiq, you just labelling people without knowing its Islamic rulings. I only support Salafis and no candidates are Salafis.

Abdirahman Abdishakur tried to sell the sea,
It is known that AA, Sheikh Shariif and the other prime minister stole 12 million usd from a UN report.

Hassan Sheih Maxamuud sent little girls to be abused in Saudi Arabia

Kheyre was a Chairman of the now reformed Somaoil.

Farmaajo, only progress under his leadership is his hairline and probably his pocket

Wake up and understand we do not have time for qabyaalad, wether you marexaan or habar gidir they all starving and its mostly children who are suffering.

Read my post
I dont remember to what comes after ayaanle, I know reer and where my family lives. Most of family lives in Xamar. I have family in Guriceel, my cousin is right there now. My family from my mothers side are from Geeri Jir, my Dads family from Guriceel but they both share a great grandfather. What you mean with track me down? You wanna fight, I will decapitate you with my bare hands. Me a munafiq? Why am I a munafiq, you just labelling people without knowing its Islamic rulings. I only support Salafis and no candidates are Salafis.

Abdirahman Abdishakur tried to sell the sea,
It is known that AA, Sheikh Shariif and the other prime minister stole 12 million usd from a UN report.

Hassan Sheih Maxamuud sent little girls to be abused in Saudi Arabia

Kheyre was a Chairman of the now reformed Somaoil.

Farmaajo, only progress under his leadership is his hairline and probably his pocket

Wake up and understand we do not have time for qabyaalad, wether you marexaan or habar gidir they all starving and its mostly children who are suffering.

Read my post

looks at this doqon using CBB and Kenyan propganda lol
Stop the cap
Sheikh shareef and AAW didnt sell no water , why did we win the maritime case if they sold it ? Dont you think Kenya biggest defense wouldve been "Somalia government sold the maritime to us" ?

Hsm sent no girls to Saudi to be abused , the deal to send men and women to work as cleaners in airports ,hospitals in Saudi
Was shut down by the parliament.

Come up with better propganda mr CBB
looks at this doqon using CBB and Kenyan propganda lol
Stop the cap
Sheikh shareef and AAW didnt sell no water , why did we win the maritime case if they sold it ? Dont you think Kenya biggest defense wouldve been "Somalia government sold the maritime to us" ?

Hsm sent no girls to Saudi to be abused , the deal to send men and women to work as cleaners in airports ,hospitals in Saudi
Was shut down by the parliament.

Come up with better propganda mr CBB
I dont support any non salafi candidate, stop calling me cbb or nn. Idc what they did, all I see is no progress, no sharia, disunity. I look at data and data looks grim.

Read my post
Why do you think Abdirahman Abdishakur is a good leader? He was the one who tried to sell our sea, he is also a white washed muslim. You think just because he is from your clan, he is actually going to do something for your clan. Langaab I am a Habar Gidir cayr ayaanle and I will tell you he gonna sell and pimp out Somalia 2seconds after he goes into office. He and HSM should be put to death, not to give them the chance to mess up our already dying country.

Mr Gedo sop pretending to me one of us.
I dont support any non salafi candidate, stop calling me cbb or nn. Idc what they did, all I see is no progress, no sharia, disunity. I look at data and data looks grim.

Read my post

The colonial created country was only united from 1960 -1988 , this somali unity and somali ethnicity you speak off was given to us by the colonials . In essence if you support "unity" you support colonials 😀
The colonial created country was only united from 1960 -1988 , this somali unity and somali ethnicity you speak off was given to us by the colonials . In essence if you support "unity" you support colonials 😀
There was unity, before the 16th century, we had Adal in the north and Ajuraan in the south. Both Islamic emirates with Sharia, who could defend their borders and their people from Abyssinians, They fought and invaded based on Islamnimo, not somalinimo or qabyaalad. They had law and order, something unheard of today. A Moryaan like you with room temperature IQ would never understand. I dont mind two powerful Islamic Emirates or 50 powerful city states, as long as can dominate the region and work together as Muslims


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
The colonial created country was only united from 1960 -1988 , this somali unity and somali ethnicity you speak off was given to us by the colonials . In essence if you support "unity" you support colonials 😀
Somali was always an ethnicity, long before the creation of Somalia Italiana.

Embrace your Somali ethnic group and wave your flag with pride just like us mudulood are know for

Somalia hanoolaato!


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
There was unity, before the 16th century, we had Adal in the north and Ajuraan in the south. Both Islamic emirates with Sharia, who could defend their borders and their people from Abyssinians, They fought and invaded based on Islamnimo, not somalinimo or qabyaalad. They had law and order, something unheard of today. A Moryaan like you with room temperature IQ would never understand. I dont mind two powerful Islamic Emirates or 50 powerful city states, as long as can dominate the region and work together as Muslims
Preach abaayo soomali waa hal!


The colonial created country was only united from 1960 -1988 , this somali unity and somali ethnicity you speak off was given to us by the colonials . In essence if you support "unity" you support colonials 😀
What you are talking about happened to the British isles, and they ended up becoming an empire that ruled half of the globe.

We went wrong because we have not adapted to the world, we are far behind, first of all we have not even diversified our economy, I want to make my district of Caabudwaaq a tech hub and move away from the scarcity economy of livestock selling, even with livestock I want to industrialize it and instead of exporting livestock, export processed livestock products like meat, milk, cheese, leather. We exporting living animals like our ancestors did 200 years ago, and we talking about being a nation state foking hell.


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