CRYPTO Who actually cashed out from cryptocurrency(no bullshit)?

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Bad cop
A lot of people lie and claim they made a lot, when most of them merely buy at the hypes and sell when interest fades out.
He put in like 4,000 k at first and diversified and literally spent all his time trading for months to get the best deal.

I guess he was smart/lucky while I was lazy/too broke to invest.
A lot of people lie and claim they made a lot, when most of them merely buy at the hypes and sell when interest fades out.

The hype started properly in early 2017 and if you invested correctly and sold at the right time, you would have made millions so what's wrong with that approach.
It's a dumb and risky. If you are really a good trader and can read charts you can make more on margin with forex.

Crypto is for gamblers.

Now it's a lot more risky but one thing you got to realise is you didn't have to put in work to make money. It would have taken me time to learn Forex but cryptos didn't require work like that.

It literally only required googling for information wallahi. You just had to check the numbers in early 2017. Look at the coins with the highest increase in price, put your money in and wait for the media to do the rest. You can earn thousands a day trading cryptos as well trust me.


Now it's a lot more risky but one thing you got to realise is you didn't have to put in work to make money. It would have taken me time to learn Forex but cryptos didn't require work like that.

It literally only required googling for information wallahi. You just had to check the numbers in early 2017. Look at the coins with the highest increase in price, put your money in and wait for the media to do the rest. You can earn thousands a day trading cryptos as well trust me.

The easy money part is over now. The novelty is gone and it is priced at levels with expectations of high adoption, which isn't happening at all.
The easy money part is over now. The novelty is gone and it is priced at levels with expectations of high adoption, which isn't happening at all.
True. Right now, it's the guy who own or created the coi s who are making money. Most of us either have to get lucky,trade or pump and dump.


Staff Member

Scam crypto website report
Dear Somalispot,

It is very sad to read about fraudelent in Your thread:

Coinliker is a well known scammer website on Reddit and other cryptocurrency forums.
Coinliker has mixed ripoff content and random generated clickbait "forecast" pages wihout any contact, TOS, it is an anonym domain.

If you check its Tether forecast, you can see:

As you know, Tether (USDT) is always 1 USD, but this random number generator just makes a high 37 USD "prediction" for naive visitors without any knowlegde and morality.

This pure "made for Adsense" project is full of similar random fraudelent informations.
I think you should remove it from Somalispot, because more and more naive users believe in this one-man scam project.



This is from an email I read today.


Scam crypto website report
Dear Somalispot,

It is very sad to read about fraudelent in Your thread:

Coinliker is a well known scammer website on Reddit and other cryptocurrency forums.
Coinliker has mixed ripoff content and random generated clickbait "forecast" pages wihout any contact, TOS, it is an anonym domain.

If you check its Tether forecast, you can see:

As you know, Tether (USDT) is always 1 USD, but this random number generator just makes a high 37 USD "prediction" for naive visitors without any knowlegde and morality.

This pure "made for Adsense" project is full of similar random fraudelent informations.
I think you should remove it from Somalispot, because more and more naive users believe in this one-man scam project.



This is from an email I read today.

I checked that claim of saying USDT prediction being 37 USD on that site. Seems to me it is actually the email trying to discredit the site lol.

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