what steps can somalis take to ensure that qabiil and politics don't mix

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mixing qabil and politics is the worst idea. qabil is your family ties there is no reason it should affect the inner politics of the country that is just asking for corruption to happen .somalis are so tied to qabil. How can this be completely annihilated? banning qabiil won't work and will just cause new problems to arise
No, the colonial Somalia project is the joke here.

how is it a joke? everyone else is having nationstates, do you think somalis are incapable of that and should revert back to being borderless nomads?
the reason why it hasn't worked so far is because of a corrupt system and as long as people continue trying to use this same system, with new faces thinking anything will change or course it'll fail

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
how is it a joke? everyone else is having nationstates, do you think somalis are incapable of that and should revert back to being borderless nomads?
the reason why it hasn't worked so far is because of a corrupt system and as long as people continue trying to use this same system, with new faces thinking anything will change or course it'll fail
Yes Somalis are incapable of it, that's exactly what i am saying. We were all independent of one another with clan borders before the colonists arrived.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
mixing qabil and politics is the worst idea. qabil is your family ties there is no reason it should affect the inner politics of the country that is just asking for corruption to happen .somalis are so tied to qabil. How can this be completely annihilated? banning qabiil won't work and will just cause new problems to arise

Clan fiefdoms are here to stay, you can't expect Somalia to go back to how it used it be pre-1991. No clan fiefdom is going to abandon their power so some dictator can rule from 1000km's away. These clan fiefdoms isn't a bad idea, the problem is these people claiming territories being to other clans. There are particular 'federal states' that claim land belonging to other tribes and are happily fighting for them. If these states were forced to abandon these claims there would be an end to the fighting between states.

The corruption is a different issue it's self and hasn't got to do with corruption. It's because our leaders don't have a sense of duty and intend to steal all the money they can get their hands on.

I wonder how the democratic elections will turn out (election after next). Wouldn't be surprised if I saw a different Presidential hopeful from every Somali subclan lol.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Yes Somalis are incapable of it, that's exactly what i am saying. We were all independent of one another with clan borders before the colonists arrived.

There were times when we were Somalis. During the Sayyid Muhammad Hassan era and during the post colonial era. We even fought in the Ogaden in 1977 as Somalis, not Isaaq, Hawiye and Darood. We could work together if all these qabiils had clashing agendas.
Clan fiefdoms are here to stay, you can't expect Somalia to go back to how it used it be pre-1991. No clan fiefdom is going to abandon their power so some dictator can rule from 1000km's away. These clan fiefdoms isn't a bad idea, the problem is these people claiming territories being to other clans. There are particular 'federal states' that claim land belonging to other tribes and are happily fighting for them. If these states were forced to abandon these claims there would be an end to the fighting between states.

The corruption is a different issue it's self and hasn't got to do with corruption. It's because our leaders don't have a sense of duty and intend to steal all the money they can get their hands on.

I wonder how the democratic elections will turn out (election after next). Wouldn't be surprised if I saw a different Presidential hopeful from every Somali subclan lol.

that's what I'm talking about. qabiil and power should not be mixed in the first place. see how much problems it causes in the long run. if dictators and other figures weren't showing favoritism to their people, do you think somali people would really object to being ruled by someone of a different qabiil? the problem is when you have a situation like in maqdisha where everyone is abgaal, and so are the officials, and so they're protected by clan ties, and that's precisely the corruption I am speaking of.
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Through money and indoctrination.

If you want a functioning Somalia you need visionary leaders and a source of income. If Somalia was to hit the oil jackpot, tap into our mineral reserves and take advantage of our renewable energy sources in an efficient way then distribute that money into infrastructure and education we'd be half way through. Make a national curriculum with emphasis on nationalistic indoctrination and pay the states enough so they won't rebell over that or other things. They're all greedy fucks anyway so money would rule over any moral high ground to them.

Link all the states up and make them dependent on eachother aka distributing tasks. Ban khat and put in mandatory military service for males.
Do you want the truth/finding solutions or should we continue with "midnimada umada somaliyeed wa muqadas" and hope for the best

of course clan conflicts will always occur, but I'm asking what can we do to make sure that it won't occur at a national level. I'll give you the U.S. as an example. there are so many little groups that pop up, such as the kkk, but none of these people will ever have any federal influence, do you understand now what I mean?

the solution you gave doesn't seem like it would solve anything, soon sub-sub clans would become the new rival clans :snoop:
There were times when we were Somalis. During the Sayyid Muhammad Hassan era and during the post colonial era. We even fought in the Ogaden in 1977 as Somalis, not Isaaq, Hawiye and Darood. We could work together if all these qabiils had clashing agendas.
Sayyidka was not supported by all Somalis. He was a hero to some and a villain to others. So, even in the face of an external threat Somalis are willing to let their internal conflicts blind them and are therefore an easy pray for an external enemy.

A Somali's worst enemy is another Somali.
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