What Puntites Don't Understand About Mogadishu


I am sorry to say but I think a-lot of Puntites here do not have any relations with Hawiye and therefore do not understand their clan dynamic at an intimate level. Listen with hawiye there simply isn't any area that can be deemed healthy and halal at any social level, when u hear the clan is full of moryans, thugs, and looters, and lawless this isn't being insulting or attacking them, but this is the reality in how the clan make up is. With all other non hawiye clans they suffer a political corruption problem only while all other social areas are healthy. This isn't the case for Mogadishu.

1. Their locals do Isbaaro
2. Their locals looted Somali land and property
3. Their locals destroyed everything Somalis built
4. Their locals create haram rackets on IDP by using looted land plots to host them and collect rent, some even get more sophisticated by creating jingad schools-hospitals on that land plot to collect more money.
5. Not 1 politician among them is remotely not a thug at heart or thief if he is full hawiye and only good leader they ever had also had MJ relation ties(ayeeyo, mother, wife)
6. Shabab and all this is their creation which Isaaq were nominated much later to hide hawiye 'face' behind it and it started in HAMAR not Hargeisa or Kismayo or Baydhabo.
7. Their mosques was all built on loot donations
8. All the investments they brag about constantly has 'loot origin' like Ali Mahdi Tower which was from bribes Abdillahi Yusuf gave which even Ali Mahdi admitted and he reinvested into hormuud, all the other warlords were paid off also but remain silent only and built haram from hormuud shares.
9. Their elders have no authority and remain silent plus it's well known silence don't solve anything but will make their situation worse.

What your dealing with in Mogadishu is every social layer is basically thugs or looters, this is vastly different to other Somali clan who have problem only with their politicians and what's sad even when u compare other clan politicians to Hawiye, their is a HUGE FKN DIFFERENCE. Yes non hawiye leaders are not perfect and have faults, but that doesn't mean their anywheree near the DISASTER of full hawiye politicians(the ones with no mj influence).

Ciroole to Saaqir in Mogadishu live like this is normal and every clan is the same mentality, their in FKN DENIAL and u can't help or cooperate with such people in denial.
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