What is your ideal somali man spouse.what traits do you look for in a potential husband. Discussion

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
lets see...
  • tall (I'm too fussed about being under 6' but he has to be taller than me. i'm 5'6 so few inches taller would be fine)
  • does not look like a typical Farah :mugshotman:
  • feminist ( he has to be aware of all the shit that women go through in our culture and must not contribute to it)
  • good job/educated
  • good grasp of Somali
  • cook and clean (he must be able to take care of himself. this one is a definite dealbreaker. he cannot expect me to take his mothers place and baby him:farole:)
  • he must be willing to plan our family and not expect me to pop out a child every year.
  • he must be very involved in our potential kids lives (i do not want anyone who spends more time in makhayads than in their kids lives)
the most important thing of all: must not marry another woman while we are together. I will accept divorce (or his death:birdman:) before i accept another woman.

I understand that is a list 99.9% of Somali men can't fulfil so i'm keeping my options open.:francis:

Where are you going to find a Somali male that is a feminist? Ileen we are not gay.

You better drop your expectations soon, you don't want be like 30 and married, ultimately ending up to be some dudes second wife.

I wish you the best on your crusade. Alle haku garab galo. :russ:


cismaan maxamuud
if that is too much for a somali guy then that really says something.

let me elaborate on my requirements:
feminist: i don't mean western-type feminist, I mean a guy who understands the contempt that Somali culture has for women. you can disagree on this, but i really believe that the only thing holding our people together right now is the women. if we gave up a long time ago, which i think western Somali women are doing now, there would be no Somali community left. yet we are still treated like garbage.

cook/clean: i'm not looking for a house husband, otherwise i would've included the job/education requirement.
i have worked very hard on my education therefore, i will not sideline my future career so i can cater to him. thats why i said he must be able to take care of himself.

involved in kids lives: is that too much to ask. why become a father if you are going to be a deadbeat.

family planning: Somalis always fall into the trap of having kids straight away even when they get married pretty young. they dont care whether they are financially secure or not, and they dont think about giving their future kids the best live/education.
another thing they dont care about is the number of kids. if you have a shitty job/no career or on welfare, why the hell would you want to pop out kids every year.
family planning is very important in raising your kids as best as possible with as many opportunities as possible. aside from the financial aspect, having a small family means that you actually raise your kids as opposed to the typical 'iskoris' that somalis are known for.
Fair enough, i understand where you're coming from although my online persona may seem to be highly sexist and staunch opposer of women's rights, i am in fact inherently inclined to advocate and support women's rights. Funnily enough i would probably fulfil all your criteria if you disregard the cooking and cleaning requirement.But i wouldn't expect the same from other faraxs. :manny:
Where are you going to find a Somali male that is a feminist? Ileen we are not gay.

You better drop your expectations soon, you don't want be like 30 and married, ultimately ending up to be some dudes second wife.

I wish you the best on your crusade. Alle haku garab galo. :russ:
I'm currently 20 so i have plenty of time. besides i like to keep maybes on the side so there's no way i'll be unmarried by 30.:denzelnigga:

btw, Somali isn't really one of my requirement, i'm just being open to you guys as well since my parents are very hard to persuade. bismillah, you guys can't even meet the bare minimum:damn:
Fair enough, i understand where you're coming from although my online persona may seem to be highly sexist and staunch opposer of women's rights, i am in fact inherently inclined to advocate and support women's rights. Funnily enough i would probably fulfil all your criteria if you disregard the cooking and cleaning requirement.But i wouldn't expect the same from other faraxs. :manny:
you are 17 so move along sxb, i ain't no cougar:umwhat:


cismaan maxamuud
I'm currently 20 so i have plenty of time. besides i like to keep maybes on the side so there's no way i'll be unmarried by 30.:denzelnigga:

btw, Somali isn't really one of my requirement, i'm just being open to you guys as well since my parents are very hard to persuade. bismillah, you guys can't even meet the bare minimum:damn:
Reer roger has got your type covered


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
lets see...
  • tall (I'm too fussed about being under 6' but he has to be taller than me. i'm 5'6 so few inches taller would be fine)
  • does not look like a typical Farah :mugshotman:
  • feminist ( he has to be aware of all the shit that women go through in our culture and must not contribute to it)
  • good job/educated
  • good grasp of Somali
  • cook and clean (he must be able to take care of himself. this one is a definite dealbreaker. he cannot expect me to take his mothers place and baby him:farole:)
  • he must be willing to plan our family and not expect me to pop out a child every year.
  • he must be very involved in our potential kids lives (i do not want anyone who spends more time in makhayads than in their kids lives)
the most important thing of all: must not marry another woman while we are together. I will accept divorce (or his death:birdman:) before i accept another woman.

I understand that is a list 99.9% of Somali men can't fulfil so i'm keeping my options open.:francis:

What about skin colour and lineage because according to some of the women here, I'm a deal-breaker.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Where are you going to find a Somali male that is a feminist? Ileen we are not gay.

You better drop your expectations soon, you don't want be like 30 and married, ultimately ending up to be some dudes second wife.

I wish you the best on your crusade. Alle haku garab galo. :russ:
Let them be delusional. The older they get the more desparete they get. Begged can't be choosers:mjlol:
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