What holds the future of somalis? Religion wise?

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We know somalis believed in the Skygod Eebe but Islam replaced this faith.
My question is what religion do you think will gain a foothold in Somalia in the future? My point with this thread is to illustrate aswell that once you lose your religion and culture, you are bound to do it again.

From Wiki about somalis forgotten past:

Eebo is the Somali word for God and was synonymously used for the ancient Cushitic Sky God Waq. According to Somali Legend Eebo lived in the Heavens and whenever the nomads successfully prayed for rain it was known as Barwaaqo (God's rain)
Ayaanle (Angels) The Ayaanle in Ancient Somalia were known as the good spirits and acted as mediators between God and humans. They were said to be bringers of luck and blessings
Huur (Reaper) Huur was the messenger of Death and had the form of a large bird. The deity was akin to Horus of ancient Egypt and played a similar role in Somali society.
Nidar (Punisher) Nidar was the righter of wrong. He was considered the champion of those that were exploited by their fellow humans. The deity has survived in modern Somalia as a popular saying; Nidar Ba Ku Heli ("Nidar will find and punish you"


Bored to death
Atheism will dominate the new Somali generation not some retarded pagan religion. The only people that entertain Waaq nonsense are closet atheists.


Atheism will dominate the new Somali generation not some retarded pagan religion. The only people that entertain Waaq nonsense are closet atheists.
Or it could mean that one wants to know what his ancestors believed in before. Everything it's not black and white. And where things are headed I would say atheism is a religion because it comes with presets of beliefs in particular western beliefs.
I hope so but that's my point with this thread.....our ancestor believed they would never change their religion.

You should NEVER EVER doubt Allah and his Deen, doing that means you've left his Millah. You shouldn't be even thinking these thoughts, its haraam!


You should NEVER EVER doubt Allah and his Deen, doing that means you've left his Millah. You shouldn't be even thinking these thoughts, its haraam!
1. I don't doubt the deen
2.Stop trying to control my thoughts
3. I know the deen.
4. This thread was not of my beliefs but the belief of what the majority of somalis will have lets say about 100 years from now.
1. I don't doubt the deen
2.Stop trying to control my thoughts
3. I know the deen.
4. This thread was not of my beliefs but the belief of what the majority of somalis will have lets say about 100 years from now.

You you do, you want your descendants to be pagans or something else and you DON'T seem to mind it. That's a danger, a REAL danger!


You you do, you want your descendants to be pagans or something else and you DON'T seem to mind it. That's a danger, a REAL danger!
Stop assuming shyt. That's is really unslamic behavior dont you know? Read my posts again you are clearly not understanding where I'm coming from.


Bored to death
Or it could mean that one wants to know what his ancestors believed in before. Everything it's not black and white. And where things are headed I would say atheism is a religion because it comes with presets of beliefs in particular western beliefs.
Atheism isn't a religion but it is becoming a Western institution.
Yes I would like my descendants to be muslim. Just like me and that's what I want but what will happen is beyond me.(point of this thread)

What you are currently doing even with not the intention of doing it, is that your inciting and giving ideas for Somalis to leave Islam. Don't assume what they are going to be, just be confident and say they are Muslim!


What you are currently doing even with not the intention of doing it, is that your inciting and giving ideas for Somalis to leave Islam. Don't assume what they are going to be, just be confident and say they are Muslim!
If you leave Islam because of this thread than you were not strong your beliefs and I didn't assume, I asked a question of what others believed would happen. One person said athetism and I dont agree with that beliefsystem but he gave his answer atleast. I'm confident in my religion beliefs and I cant be confident in others.
Middle Eastern terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia and Iran still heavily rely on fossil fuel exports.
Once fossil fuels stop being important to the global economy all hell will break loose in the Middle East.

Somalis may become less Islamist after this period.
We know somalis believed in the Skygod Eebe but Islam replaced this faith.
My question is what religion do you think will gain a foothold in Somalia in the future? My point with this thread is to illustrate aswell that once you lose your religion and culture, you are bound to do it again.

From Wiki about somalis forgotten past:

Eebo is the Somali word for God and was synonymously used for the ancient Cushitic Sky God Waq. According to Somali Legend Eebo lived in the Heavens and whenever the nomads successfully prayed for rain it was known as Barwaaqo (God's rain)
Ayaanle (Angels) The Ayaanle in Ancient Somalia were known as the good spirits and acted as mediators between God and humans. They were said to be bringers of luck and blessings
Huur (Reaper) Huur was the messenger of Death and had the form of a large bird. The deity was akin to Horus of ancient Egypt and played a similar role in Somali society.
Nidar (Punisher) Nidar was the righter of wrong. He was considered the champion of those that were exploited by their fellow humans. The deity has survived in modern Somalia as a popular saying; Nidar Ba Ku Heli ("Nidar will find and punish you"

What with is obsession with Waaq and Eebo, Somalis neo-pagans copying trends in the west again. SMH
if we had writen history we would understand how islam replace the older beliefs in somalia but since we don't we are left to grope around in the darks. People belief that Waaq was the main religion in somalia but just a segment of somalis follow waaq, there are hints of our culture history that Christianity and Judaism exist in somalia as well as other forms of Paganism. we focus on Waaq because it survive with the oromo into the 20th century and because we all come under his make belief cushitics label. Somalis looking for something other than islam tend to latch on this Waaq. they believe that islam oppress them so they see neo-paganism are a means to fight what they consider islamic imperialism. how pathetics!
What most somalis don't take into consideration is that islam is the only think that unites us, without islam there would no somali, its what distinguished us from the Christian xabasha and pagan oromo to our south west. don't use islam as a scapegoat for inferiority complex.



I posted a thread about this topic before.

Check it out:

Somali and religion


Wallahi that was good post with many good arguments but I'm missing the part of outside interference as we can see of Alshabab and similiar groups they came to power from the chaos but their origin is outside Somalia and there are countless of sources that try to inflitrate Somali people and spread their sect/beliefs. Beyond wahabist groups we have Shia that wants to entrap somalis. This type of threat gets no cover.
Wallahi that was good post with many good arguments but I'm missing the part of outside interference as we can see of Alshabab and similiar groups they came to power from the chaos but their origin is outside Somalia and there are countless of sources that try to inflitrate Somali people and spread their sect/beliefs. Beyond wahabist groups we have Shia that wants to entrap somalis. This type of threat gets no cover.

You are very right!
I think that is why it is important for Somalis to promote their own cultural islam so that they dont fall victims to the interpretations of others.

We need strengthen our religious identity so we become immune to foreign influence that will do a disservice to our progress and development.

As i see it right now we have no religious capital to draw from. Well, this is a common side effect of the civil war. Meaning we have zero true authentic Somali Islamic institutions , scholars and books. That produce our own content , with our own interpretations that speak to our reality.

Compared to other muslims ethnicities , for example Asian Muslims they have two homegrown religious movements/schools of thought, namely Barelvi and Deobandi. I don't agree with either but they do serve an important function which is shielding their youth from the snares of Sh'iism/Salafiyah Almost every Pakistani/ Indian mosque is either barelwi or deobandi. They lecture in their local languages, produce books, have schools and institutions of higher Islamic learning in every country they reside in.

Yet on ourside the free scholarships doled out by the alcoholic Al Sauds has turned our scholars from benign Shafici Sufi scholars to extremist Salafis.

We either fund & promote our own cultural Islam or get corrupted by foreign interperations & ideologies, its as simple as that. But for that to happen we need to fix & control our homebase (Somalia) first.
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