What careers are the most common for young Somalis in the west


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Criminal justice? How interesting! If I wasn’t so worried about money concerns or that fact they may not hire a jilbabi, I’d love to become a detective or FBI agent. It was one of my dream jobs
undercover somali psyop? Agent @Yaraye
George C Scott America GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

At your service, ma'am.
I'm studying commercial and corporate law
Very good. In both of those disciplines, there is a high demand, at least in the US, for solicitors especialising in 'Intellectual property' with specific pertinence to forensics, international trade, data encryption, classification etc. Would definitely put your CV ahead of your contemporaries.

With you feisty streak, you will make a mean solicitor, in a good sort of a way (kaftan).
Criminal justice? How interesting! If I wasn’t so worried about money concerns or that fact they may not hire a jilbabi, I’d love to become a detective or FBI agent. It was one of my dream jobs
You should pursue it with you hijab intact, and actually there was a time they were seeking out, and recruiting female Muslim agents.
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