What are your parents favourite somali WORDS they use when they mad at you

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we all know how funny somali parents are when they mad and the kind of words they use.

My dads favourite Words when he is mad at me are:

"Dhuliyahow and nijaasyahow"

It was very funny the first time he Said dhuli.

What about you guys?

Axmed Xaji

Your non-biological father
Dameer, gaal, caran, xoolo, doqon, neef, ari, shaydaan

Orod xoolaha lasoo daaq cowska

Gaalaan guriga Ku heysanaa

Sidi neef markaad u ciyijirtaa lagaaray

Shaydaankan salaadu lagukarilayahay arka
There was a first time he said it and you remember it? My dads been saying for as long as I can remember.
Haa first time was when i was about 11 and i got caught trying to light sigaar... when my sister snitched on me then i came home aabo goes like " war ma dhui ba rabtaa ina noqoto"


Been there, done that
The doqon and dhuli is nothing compared to hawaar, I get stuff like "ilaahoow ku qaad" and "marlee igadhimo" whenever I knock on the door too loudly,
And that shit hits me like a train in Japan.
The doqon and dhuli is nothing compared to hawaar, I get stuff like "ilaahoow ku qaad" and "marlee igadhimo" whenever I knock on the door too loudly,
And that shit hits me like a train in Japan.

Wow that must be incredibly difficult. What is your family like?
Fiiiri, Food-killer aah socda (Whenever other people are eating with us) :mjcry:

Dhillnimodada kaa soo noqo, Naya (I 5 min late outside talking with a friend):jcoleno:

Taan bal arak, maalintii oo dhan wee difaac moroyan iyo kufsaday. Ami na dhilidonta (Family members very sceptical of my work) :hova:
Cheers guys it's saturday night


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
My mums a typical reer burco. She calls me:
garac garac dhalay baad tahay
garackii ku dhalay was

And on special occasions:
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