West african nigga marries Somali girl

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Jet life till my next life
Somali girls in the UK are very cheap! You don't even have to convert in most cases, they'll offer it to you! Nikkas gotta do the virginity check before they take their property at home and if it's used, take that shit back to where it came from


future pirate king
:ftw9nwa: I thought you was going to say as much, I've got the perfect solution bradar, they say home is where the heart is. Go back home once every 6 or so months & marry a few xalimo's & keep your family there while you do what you have to do where you are, problem solved, me personally I can't see myself marrying ajnabi cause in sha Allah I'm planning to settle back home.

Race dosent matter to me, ive had amazing connections with women that werent somali. Ill be damned if my ethnicity decides my happiness.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Race dosent matter to me, ive had amazing connections with women that werent somali. Ill be damned if my ethnicity decides my happiness.
See, there is where we part ways cause for me it's crucial that it's a xalimo, otherwise it would just be awkward being back home & people staring at you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Besides how is she going to interact with my family? I can't see it b, Alhamdulillah that my father stopped me.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
thats the virile hate you somali women are known for
It's not hate. I'm just looking out for the Somali sisters. I know the likes of you, your parents will eventually get an innocent girl from back home and force you to marry her, then you end up abusing her and neglecting the kids. While you contact std from your crack addicted, trailer trash girlfriend.


Suicidal men adore me.
Somali men once again bashing Somali women. Maybe that's why Somali women are marrying out. Because you don't appreciate and value us. How are you gonna call us every name in the book and then demand that we marry only exclusively Somalis when Somali men are quick to shame and drag us while praising non Somali women?

Yall want us to marry Somali men then get degrees and stop eating khat and discussing qabil every second. Start raising your children, stop being so mentally abusing.


Suicidal men adore me.
I will always be against interracial marriage but I can't deny that there is a specific reason for why Somali women are marrying out. And that reason is the shame that Somali men drag into our communities.
The battle of the sexes continues. Both opposing generals taking no prisoners and deluded enough to think they are right about the majority. Bunch of es on both aisles.
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